Harry Potter’s Book of Sin

Chapter 172: Treasure hunt! warrior

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No one responded to Ludo Bagman's words, because everyone already knew what kind of scene they were about to face.

Hibiscus was still sitting in the corner with a heavy heart; Harry and Hermione kept recalling what they heard in Moody's office, while the latter were still pale.

As for Maca, he just looked at Harry and Hermione, silent silently.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of thousands of feet were heard walking through the tent. The owners of the feet were talking excitedly and laughing, but the atmosphere in the tent was more dignified.

Then, when the footsteps calmed down, Bagman untied the purple silk bag.

"Two ladies are priority, men please wait a moment." He said playfully, and handed the bag to Fleur Dracour first.

She reached into a cloth bag with a trembling hand and pulled out a very delicate box model that looked like Luna's favorite trinkets.

Even more amazing is that this aqua blue box model has been magical. At this moment, it was lying quietly in the palm of Furong's palm, exuding a slight transpiration of water vapor.

On the lid of this box, a small ancient rune is constantly undergoing minor changes.

"Is this ... such as the Nirvana alphabet?" Furong whispered.

In Hogwarts, the study of ancient runes is a third-year elective, and the same is true of Boothbatton. She recognized the meaning of the letter at a glance.

"'Lagu' stands for water ... is this telling me to find a place where there is water?" Furong pondered, while standing aside, and asked Hermione to come forward and extract her box model.

On the one side, Maca heard Furong whispering something, and he shook his head, but nodded slightly.

"'Lagu' also represents a woman's instinct," he secretly said. "This pretty baby's mixed-luck luck is pretty good, because she can't think of anything wrong, but just spend more time."

At this point, Hermione had also drawn her model. It was a small box of fictitious reality, and in the looming moment, a translucent letter such as Nivin was printed in the center of the box cover.

"'Eoh', yew tree?"

As soon as she saw the familiar runic letters, Hermione was all the better for at least that little face was not as white as before. She turned her head subconsciously, and habitually explained to Harry: "But you have to pay attention, it symbolizes death or rebirth. I think it must be helpful to find it."

Harry nodded in fog, wondering if he understood it.

"It's men's time, come on Harry!" Bagman handed out the bag to Harry next to Hermione and motioned for him to draw first.

"Uh ... can you?"

Harry glanced at Maca, only to see him nod, before reaching into his hand. But when he took out the box model belonging to him from the bag, he suddenly stunned.

Other people have only one letter on the lid, but he has two! You know, Harry was not very familiar with the ancient runes, who knew that he had drawn a combination of runes.

Seeing this, Maca couldn't help but slap his lips and didn't know whether he was lucky or bad luck. The meaning of this magic text combination was too clear.

"Eolh" represents the horns of an elk, and it also represents the hand extended upwards, generally symbolizing the arrival of the Kingdom of God, which has a commanding height; and "nvd" represents poverty or hardship, which is unfortunate on the surface but dark Refers to the challenge.

If the person who got this box was familiar with Runny, the position of this box was already ready.

"Mr. McLean, the last model ... take it out yourself!" Bagman looked so excited, he sang it almost in an aria-like tone.

But Marka obviously didn't buy too much, and he waved his hand: "Mr. Bagman, please help me ..."

"Oh alright!" He shrugged. "I actually want to try it for myself!"

He quickly put his hand into the bag and took out an almost all-white box model. On top of this model, there was a sound of cold air.

When Maca saw the model, she couldn't help frowning.

"... It's not a good sign." He took it from Bagman, rubbing his brows in thought.

On this snow-white box model, a Runic letter "is" representing "ice". In the shallow sense of the character, it symbolizes beautiful and delicate deception, which seems to be helpful, but it is actually an obstacle.

In the deeper meaning of the letter, it also represents the possibility of the plan being delayed. This may be the last thing Maca wants to see now.

"Okay, you all got it!" Bagman said, "You've all drawn the boxes you're going to search. Where will they be? The answer, of course, is to look for the models in your hands ..."

"Well, I'm leaving you for a while now, because I'm going to explain to the audience. Everyone goes to the entrance of their tent and waits! When you hear the whistle, everyone walks into that area, you know?"

After he said it, he suddenly added: "So ... Harry ... can I say a few words to you? It's here."

It seemed that no one else had to worry about it. Bagman must have planned to give Harry some good news. Maca, who was the first to get out of the tent, glanced back, then walked hurriedly towards the entrance to the tent on the other side of the field.

It can be heard along the way that there is noisy noise on the top of the high fence, and the audience is clearly there. When Maca walked into the entrance to the tent that belonged to him, Bagman had already spoken more than half of his prepared speech.

No way, his entrance was the farthest from the rest place, and he had to walk a full circle around the wall!

It didn't take long for the sharp sound of the magic whistle to cut through the audience's noisy cheers, and announced the official start of the first project of the top three competition.

When he opened the curtain through the aisle and came to the real playing field, a multiplayer arena that was as large as several Muggle football stadiums immediately came into Maca's eyes.

It was a complex and artificial terrain.

In the surrounding walls, there are high and low stone mountains, meandering river banks, and even a dense evergreen forest.

And in the very center of the site, a steep mountain higher than the fence stood there. It can be seen that the peak even has ice and snow condensation, which seems to be real, mysterious and wonderful in the clouds that are obviously made by magic.

That was obviously where Harry was going, and it was the same place that confused Maca.

At each location of the venue, eight fire dragons or dormant drowsiness, or soaring at high altitudes, from time to time, a series of flame dragon flames are sprayed towards the audience on the wall. Although the flame was always blocked by a faint magic film, the audience would still look back in shock.

Maca was not in a hurry to find the box he had drawn. He randomly chose a stone and used a floatation spell to control it and carried him to high altitude. Seeing him looking around, he seemed to be looking for something.

Suddenly, the audience made a noise, and Maca saw Harry. He really summoned his flying broom with the flying curse, and flexed away the dragon's breath of a Hungarian tree bee, and flew straight towards the mountain peak in the center of the field.

As for Hermione, she should have entered the woods. Although the forest was under Maca, he did not see Hermione.

It was touched by Maka. She was wandering carefully along the shore of a small river, while avoiding the fire dragon, carefully searching for the box that belonged to her.

"I found it." Marka's gaze moved forward again, this time he finally nodded.

What he was looking for was the Chinese fireball he had been paying attention to that night. It was also known as the "Lion and Lion". The fiery red dragon scales were faintly flashed with some golden spots. It is a female dragon and lion.

When Maca saw it, it was lying lazily on a meadow, and seemed to be napping!

"Now that‘ boss ’has been found, let ’s look for the‘ treasure chest ’…” Makam muttered softly, and began to look around.

However, his "little bug" suspended in mid-air seemed to have caught the attention of a big guy.

Like the black dragon chasing Harry, it is a strong and fierce Hungarian tree peak. The dark scales and yellow eyes, as well as the sharp bronze horns, are a kind of dangerous and aggressive breed.

Maca was too lazy to entangle with this thick-skinned, high-resistance large lizard. Even if he killed it, the dragon farm would not give him half a scale, so why bother to spend that effort?

With a wave of Maca, a gray mist burst open, hiding his figure. When the mist dispersed with the wind, he had disappeared into the sight of the black dragon.

"The hint is 'Ice', but that also means deception ... plus there is only the central peak where there is ice ..."

He thought about it, and immediately hurried to the northwest corner. The box he was looking for should be hidden in the strange rocky rocky ground.

It was a corner and the lowest position in the entire site. There was faint heat and steam, and the fire in the rock cracks appeared. All signs indicate that it is a terrain that is the opposite of the peak snow.

When he came to this rocky ground, a thick sulphur gas rushed towards his face, and the surrounding temperature obviously had a great contrast with other places.

"It will be nice to get a hot spring on the island in Roina in the future ..." Maca groaned, and thought to himself.

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