Harry Potter: The Path of Destiny

Chapter 328 Grid Campos

No! Not here! Nitya was almost crying! She had searched all the alleys around, but still couldn't find any trace of Sirius! Where did he go? Why did you leave so suddenly! At this moment, the question of how to get back to Hogwarts was no longer important. Nydia was more worried about whether Sirius had encountered any accident.

The one-hour duration of the polyjuice potion's effect has passed, and Nydia sees that her hair color has returned to its original appearance. This means that Sirius's transformation has ended. What should I do? What if he is caught by the Ministry of Magic! What if he is imprisoned in Azkaban again! Emotions of self-blame and regret enveloped Nydia's heart, and she kept praying in her heart that Sirius would appear soon.

When she came again to the potion material store she had entered before, a figure whose whole body was covered by a black cloak caught Nidia's attention! That body type! Is it Sirius! He was standing in front of the potion material store he went to earlier. Was he planning to go in and find him? Nidia hurried forward!

"Where on earth have you been!" Nidia grabbed the man, her voice trembling with a hint of crying.

The man turned around, and his expression was a little unhappy at being suddenly pulled, but after seeing Nidia's appearance clearly, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes! "It's you!"

Nitya was also shocked when she saw the man's appearance clearly, because she realized that she had identified the wrong person.

"Sorry sir, I recognized the wrong person!" Nidia said apologetically, feeling disappointed in her heart.

"Don't you remember me?" The man looked at Nidia with a smile.

"Are you...?" Nidia looked at the person in front of her doubtfully. This person did look familiar, but she really couldn't remember where she had seen him.

"We saw it two years ago in the Quidditch boutique in Diagon Alley!" the man reminded patiently, "Wolfsbane potion!"

It turned out to be him! At that time, the middle-aged man who helped the owner of the Quidditch boutique brew Wolfsbane potion.

"Hello, I didn't expect to see you here again..." Nitya replied politely.

"I didn't expect to meet you in Knockturn Alley! Are you here to buy some potion ingredients??" The man was originally a little surprised how such a little girl could appear in Knockturn Alley, but when he thought of her amazing My potion talent became excited again, thinking that I might be able to get some powerful formula from this little girl.

"No, no, I was just curious about this place, so I came over with my friends to have a look," Nitya denied.

"Really! Are you separated from your friends? Maybe I can help you!" The man said to Nidia in a friendly manner.

"No, thank you for your kindness. I'll look for it myself! Maybe it doesn't matter if he goes back first." She couldn't let others know that it was Sirius she was looking for.

After saying that, Nidia turned around and wanted to leave, but the man didn't seem to want Nidia to leave just like that.

"Wait a moment!"

"Do you have anything else?" Nidia turned around and asked.

"Your name! Can you tell me your name?" the middle-aged man said, "Gleed Campos, this is my name!"

"Name...Astoria! Just call me Astoria!" Nidia didn't understand why she used Astoria's name. This was the first thing that came to her mind. name, so it came out of my mouth.

"Astoria! Starry Night Goddess... what a good name!" Campos nodded with satisfaction, "Astoria, I admire your talent in potions. If you have something about it, Potions matters need to be discussed, and I'd be happy to be that person."

"Thank you for your kindness, but I really need to leave now." Nydia was only thinking about Sirius's whereabouts now, and had no intention of chatting with anyone.

Campos wanted to keep Nitya for a few more words, but Nitya couldn't wait to run away.

She continued to search around Knockturn Alley, feeling a little desperate inside. She began to think about whether she should contact someone to help her, but who should she contact? Dumbledore? But now that it is difficult for him to return to school, how should he contact him? Is there anyone I can contact right now?

correct! Chretien! He's in Gringotts! Ron's brother Bill was there too! He can contact members of the Order of the Phoenix. This seemed to be the only help she could seek at the moment. Thinking of this, Nidia immediately turned around and ran towards Diagon Alley.

Just when Nidia came to the entrance connecting Knockturn Alley and Diagon Alley, a pair of hands suddenly stretched out and pulled her into a small alley on the side.

"Where are you going? Why aren't you waiting for me where you are?"

Sirius's familiar voice came from behind Nidia. Nidia turned around in surprise. After confirming that the person in front of her was Sirius, the expression on her face immediately changed to anger!

"I didn't wait for you where you were!? I should be the one to ask this, right? Where did you go? I couldn't find you when I came out of the store! The effect of the medicine has also worn off. Do you know how dangerous this is! What should I tell Dumbledore and Harry if you are captured by the Ministry of Magic again! If you miss your days in Azkaban, go back by yourself! Accusing Sirius, the worries of the previous moment turned into anger at this moment.

"Okay! Okay! I'll explain to you later that our appearance has recovered and it's no longer safe to stay here. We need to get out of here quickly."

As soon as he finished speaking, Sirius put his hand on Nydia's shoulder, and that uncomfortable squeezing feeling came over again. Nydia thought that Sirius was taking her back to Hogsmeade Village, but when she waited again When I opened my eyes and saw the things around me clearly, I found that I was in a strange place.

"Where is this? Why didn't we go back to Hogsmeade?"

Nidia looked around this place. It was a small square that looked a bit gloomy and desolate. The square was surrounded by rows of houses. They walked to the front of one of the houses.

"Read the words on this again!" Sirius handed a piece of parchment to Nydia.

"The headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix is ​​located at 12 Grimmauld Place, London!" Nydia took the parchment and read directly from it. After she finished reading, she was shocked, "Are you crazy? This... this is the Order of the Phoenix. Ah! How could you bring me to the Order of the Phoenix!"

"What's wrong? You're not the secret keeper of the Order of the Phoenix. Even if you know the location, you can't leak it." Sirius said nonchalantly as he took back the parchment in Nydia's hand.

Nidia turned to look at the house in front of her, and saw that the house in front of her began to slowly expand. A new floor was extended between the original No. 11 and No. 13, and the non-existent No. 12 appeared out of thin air. , this is the location of the Order of the Phoenix organized by Dumbledore.

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