Harry Potter: The Path of Destiny

Chapter 295 Moonstone Lover’s Stone

What Harry said in Umbridge's class spread throughout the school at an alarming speed. When they dined in the restaurant in the evening, everyone's comments about Harry were no longer whispers but became blatant. Some people He even spoke loudly on purpose, as if he was worried that Harry wouldn't hear what they were talking about.

Such taunting words made Harry lose his temper again. Hermione didn't want him to stay in the restaurant and listen to these ugly words. She put down the knife and fork in her hand and pulled Harry and Ron out of the restaurant quickly.

After dinner, Nydia and Draco came to the library. After they found several books about moonstones in the rows of bookshelves, they began to write the paper assigned by Snape.

"I think Potter should probably find an accessory set with moonstones to wear." Draco said while looking at the book in his hand.

"...You mean Harry...!" Nydia raised her head and looked at Draco with a deep look in her eyes.

"Yes! That's him I'm talking about. Look here!" Draco handed the book in his hand to Nydia, pointed to one of the passages and read, "'The energy of moonstone is soft, delicate and penetrating. It has a strong effect of stabilizing emotions. It can soothe the wearer's impulsive and violent mood swings... If he wears a piece of moonstone on his body, he may not get angry so frequently. "

"...This is what you thought of after reading this entire paragraph?" Nidia said.

"Yes! He should need this very much now, right?" Draco nodded matter-of-factly.

"Then...how about Master Malfoy giving him some kind of moonstone jewelry?" Nydia had a faint smile on her face, but she was suppressing some emotions in her heart.

Draco actually started to think seriously after hearing Nydia's words. He didn't even notice that Nydia had called him Master Malfoy just now.

"By the way, I remembered that I seem to have a brooch inlaid with moonstones, but it's not big, so I don't know if it will be effective," Draco said.

"Are you really planning to give the brooch to Harry?" Nydia looked at Draco in disbelief!

"What's wrong? It's useless for me to leave it there anyway!" Draco looked at Nydia in surprise. Originally, he thought he was going to give the brooch with the moonstone to Potter. Nydia should be able to happy.

Nydia pursed her lips, took the book that Draco had just read, pointed at the last paragraph of the paragraph that Draco was reading, and read, "'Moonstone can add a soft breath, soothe the strong, and It exudes romantic sentiment and is the best token of love, so moonstone is also called the lover's stone... So now... have you decided to give him a moonstone brooch?"

Draco took the book over, carefully read the passage that Nydia had just read, and then said with a somewhat embarrassed expression, "This... this is all such a mess, this book is just written in random order!"

"Moonstone does have the effect of soothing emotions, so it is the most important material in the demulcent. The dosage will directly determine the effect of the potion. Snape asked us to write an article discussing the properties of moonstone. The purpose of the paper is to allow us to understand moonstone well," Nidia said weakly, as if she had been greatly shocked.

Seeing Nidia like this, Draco pinched Nidia's cheek with his hand, "I told you not to think about anything in your head!"

"It hurts!" Nitya rubbed her cheek in pain, and then said angrily, "What did I think about me!"

Nydia felt aggrieved in her heart. When she read the introduction to the moonstone, the first person she thought of was Draco. She even began to think about whether she should find a moonstone for Christmas this year. The stone object was given to Draco, but luckily for him, the first thing he thought of after reading it was Harry! And I’m going to give Harry a moonstone brooch!

"Don't think that I don't know what you are thinking. Don't you just think that I just said I wanted to give Potter the moonstone because I..." Draco stopped talking because he really couldn't say the next words.

"Because of you? Just tell me!" Nidia deliberately provoked Draco. She knew that Draco couldn't say those words.

"It's not what you think anyway!" Draco said angrily, "Obviously you talk about Potter all day long, but now I want to ease the relationship with him because I don't want you to Always stuck in the middle!"

"Oh! That's right! I don't know who has been paying attention to Harry's situation during dinner! Do you think I didn't see it?" Nydia raised her eyebrows. During dinner, she found that Draco had been looking at her. While watching, she thought Draco was looking at her at first, but after careful observation, she realized that Draco was not paying attention to her, but to Harry beside her.

"Isn't that because he lost his temper loudly again? If you observe carefully, you will find that I am not the only one staring at him. Most of the people in the restaurant are looking at him!" Although Nidia Being jealous shows that she cares about herself, but her jealousy now is really outrageous.

"But no one keeps watching like you..."

Draco put his hands on Nydia's shoulders and pulled her closer to him, and before she could react, a domineering kiss interrupted Nydia's words in mid-sentence.

Nidia wanted to break away, but Draco didn't give Nidia this chance at all. He grabbed the back of Nidia's head with his hands and continued to kiss her savagely until Mrs. Pince's warning came from not far away. After hearing a cough, he let go of Nitya.

Mrs. Pince's gaze made Nidia blush with embarrassment, "It's all your fault! If you do this again, we will be kicked out by Mrs. Pince!"

"If you dare to talk about some weird topics about me and Potter, I will continue!" Draco did not feel embarrassed at all about his behavior just now.

"You dare!" Nidia said.

"You can try it!" Draco raised his eyebrows and looked at Nydia, looking completely fearless.

"I...I haven't finished my homework yet, so I'm too lazy to waste time with you!" After saying that, Nydia avoided Draco's gaze and turned all her attention to her paper.

Until she came out of the library, Nydia was reluctant to talk to Draco. She rejected Draco's proposal to send her back to the academy. Seeing her resolute attitude, Draco stopped insisting and turned around to walk in the direction of his academy. go. But watching Draco leave Nydia felt awkward in her heart. She kept looking over her head to watch Draco's figure disappear around the corner of the stairs, and then followed him quietly. She kept her distance and followed Draco until he reached Draco. Coe walked down the stairs to the basement.

Nydia sighed. In fact, she herself felt that she was quite baffled. She would not really think that Draco would have any thoughts about Harry. She just separated Draco for Harry. He felt lost due to the lack of attention. When he usually helped Harry solve various problems, was Draco feeling the same way as he was now?

Just when Nydia was about to turn around and walk back, Snape walked out from the basement stairs. He covered his arms with his hands and walked quickly towards the gate of the castle.

It's so late. Is he going out of school? The arm...could it be that mark?

"Professor Snape!" Nydia quickly chased after him.

Snape turned around and looked at Nydia in surprise, then quickly released the hand that was pressing his arm, and put his hands behind his back.

"What's the matter?" Snape said in his usual cold tone.

"Where are you going?" Nidia hesitated at first, but finally lowered her voice and asked, "Is he looking for you?"

"I don't understand what you are talking about, but at this point I think you should go back to your college, because it will be lights out time soon. If you don't want your college to lose points, I suggest you leave as soon as possible! Snape said in a warning tone.

"Aren't you in danger...?" Hermione said that Snape was a member of the Order of the Phoenix, and Nydia could be sure that Dumbledore had asked Snape to go back to Voldemort as an undercover agent, but Wouldn't this be discovered by Voldemort? If Voldemort knew that he was delivering news to Dumbledore, he would definitely not let him go.

Snape was stunned. He looked at Nydia without saying a word for a long time, "Just do what you should do at the moment, and don't ask about other things that are not your business!"

After saying that, Snape turned and left. He indeed left the school castle.

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