Harry Potter: The Path of Destiny

Chapter 284 An unexpected gift

When Olivia, dressed in a white gauze, appeared at the wedding, Nidia felt her nose was a little sore. Draco kept holding her hand tightly, hoping that she could stabilize her emotions, but when Ward When she and Olivia read their vows, Nidia still shed tears.

"If you keep crying like this, others will think that you are dissatisfied with this wedding." Draco whispered while helping Nydia wipe away her tears.

Nidia sniffed and tried to hold back her tears, "You know I'm just too happy."

"I know, but you don't have to cry like a little cat." Seeing Nydia acting like this, Draco felt dumbfounded.

"But I just can't control it..." Nitya pouted. She didn't expect that she would actually start crying like this.

The band started to play, Ward and Olivia took the lead on the dance floor, and the people around them gave them blessing applause. In order to change Nydia's mood, Draco also pulled Nydia onto the dance floor, and the two of them spun and danced to the beat of the music.

Then everyone else joined in, and the cheerful music soon put a smile on Nidia's face again. After about three dances, Michelle, who was dancing with Blaise on the side, suddenly said A cry of exclamation.

"Oh my god! Why is he here too!" After Michelle finished speaking, she shrank behind Brace.

Nydia followed Michelle's gaze and found a very familiar person standing next to Ward and Olivia, Snape.

"Why are you so afraid of Professor Snape?" Blaise asked Michelle behind him in confusion.

"Who would like to meet their teacher outside of school? Still the scariest one!" Michelle muttered unhappily, "He reminds me that I haven't finished my potions summer thesis."

Nidia was not as worried as Michelle, but Snape's arrival did surprise her. You know, Snape is not a person who likes to attend banquets. He didn't even attend last year's Christmas ball. Participated.

I don't know if they felt their probing eyes, but the three of them turned their heads to look at Nidia at the same time. Olivia even waved to herself, indicating her to come over.

"It seems that he came here to see you for something." Draco looked at Nydia, "I'm going to get some drinks first, and I'll find you later."

Nydia nodded and walked in the direction of Olivia and the others. She wondered if Dumbledore had asked Snape to come over and tell her something.

"Long time no see, Professor Snape." She bowed to Snape first.

Snape didn't speak, but nodded, thinking that he had heard Nydia's greetings.

"Professor Snape has brought something, but it may not be particularly suitable to give it to you here." Ward said to Nydia, his expression looked a little worried.

Nydia looked at Snape in surprise, but there was no expression on his face at all. "I understand, professor, please come with me!" After saying that, Nydia led Snape. Pu walked towards the house.

Snape took out a gift box, and Nidia stepped forward curiously and opened the gift box. Inside was a black dress.

"This is...?" Nydia looked at Snape in confusion, why did he give himself a dress?

"The Dark Lord asked me to come here on his behalf to send my blessings for the wedding, and to give you this gift." Snape explained.

"Voldemort!" Why is Snape now assigned by Voldemort? Could it be that... "Professor, it was Dumbledore who asked you..."

"Nydia!" Snape interrupted Nidia sharply, stopping her from continuing. "You must keep the Dark Lord's gift properly. Do you understand what I mean?"

Nitya was a little confused, why should she give herself a gift? Shouldn’t weddings be all about giving gifts to the couple? And it's still a black dress... I don't like this style either! But Snape's stern look still forced Nydia to accept the gift.

"I will keep it well and put it on when it's time to put it on..." Nidia said reluctantly.

"Okay, everything has been delivered, and it's time for me to leave." Nidia could see that Snape was reluctant to come over to deliver this thing.

"By the way, Professor! Do you know about Harry? He won't really be expelled!" As a teacher at the school, Snape should know something about students.

Snape looked at Nydia with a somewhat displeased expression, "That is not your business. You have mistaken the person you should care about!"

"I'm just a little worried... He must have encountered some trouble before he used magic outside of school!" Nydia failed to understand Snape's words, but continued to ask reluctantly.

Snape's brows furrowed, and he looked even more unhappy than before. "His affairs will naturally be solved by someone. You have time to mind his business, so why not take good care of the Dark Lord when he meets Draco?" What on earth did you say to him?"

"What! Voldemort met Draco!" Nydia was shocked! "When did this happen!"

Snape did not answer Nydia's question, snorted and walked away.

Nydia returned to the wedding scene worriedly, but she found only Michelle, and Draco and Blaise were not there.

"Did Snape just leave?" Michelle asked when she saw Nydia coming back alone.

"Yes! Shouldn't I keep him here for a dance?" Nydia's eyes were looking around for Draco. "Where's Draco? Did you see him?"

"Um..." Michelle approached Nitya with some embarrassment and whispered, "The two of them went to deal with the problem of the sniffer...it escaped again!"

"Escaped again! How many times has this happened!" Nidia felt a headache. The sniffer's running away every three days had already caused a lot of trouble for them. "I hope it doesn't cause trouble at the wedding venue." ”

The ladies attending the wedding were all dressed up, and they all wore all kinds of beautiful jewelry, which Xiu Xiu liked. However, the scene that Nydia was worried about did not happen, because Draco and Blaise came back not long after, although both of them looked a little embarrassed.

"It has been locked back in! This time I checked carefully and it won't escape again!" Blaise said with lingering fear.

"You shouldn't keep it, it will cause big trouble sooner or later." Draco sighed. If they hadn't stopped it in time, the Niffler would have caused trouble at the scene.

Nydia helped Draco dust himself off and whispered in his ear, "I have something to ask you. Let's talk alone!"

Draco looked at Nydia with some confusion. He guessed whether Snape had said something to Nydia just now. Then he nodded, and Nydia led him back to his room.

Draco looked at Nydia's room. It didn't have too many exquisite decorations, but it also made people feel simple and warm. He looked around, and finally his eyes were attracted by the gift box placed on Nydia's bed. .

"What is this? A dress?"

"This was brought over by Snape just now and was given by Voldemort." Nydia explained.

"Why did he give you this?" Draco looked at the skirt doubtfully.

Nydia shrugged, "Who knows!"

"Does he care about you...?" Draco turned his head to look at Nydia and said hesitantly, "He seems to care about you a little."

Nydia smiled. She wanted to tell Draco that all these appearances were just a trick used by Voldemort to gain his favor, but she couldn't.

"Tell me what he told you!" Nidia walked to the bed and sat down.

"You already know!" Draco was a little surprised. "Originally, I planned to tell you later. I didn't want to affect your mood. In fact, he didn't say anything to me, but he just asked some questions about you. Regarding the school situation, I only answered some questions about your homework."

"Is that all?" Nydia was surprised. Was this just the reason why Voldemort called Draco?

"Originally, he wanted to know more than that. He wanted to use Legilimency on me, but he didn't expect that I had learned Occlumency, so he let me go." Draco sat down next to Nydia. Next to him, he pulled her hand over, smiled at her and continued, "So, I wasn't hurt at all, don't worry!"

Nydia breathed a sigh of relief. She rested her head on Draco's chest and felt his heartbeat. This time, she did have a near miss, but Draco had finally attracted Voldemort's attention. , she had to do something to ensure Draco's safety.

"Nidia, what are you worried about?" Draco put his arm around Nidia's shoulders, and he could feel Nidia's uneasiness.

Nydia raised her head and stared into Draco's gray-blue eyes.

"I do not want to lose you!"

"Me too...I don't want to lose you either..."

Draco leaned forward and kissed Nydia's lips, and all the emotions that the two of them were feeling were released into the kiss.

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