Harry Potter: The Path of Destiny

Chapter 199 The real brother

The next day is Saturday. Normally everyone would sleep late on this day before getting up, but today is different. It seems that no one wants to miss out because of sleeping. I know some people who put their names into the Goblet of Fire, Nettie. Of course Asia is no exception.

After packing everything, Nydia got out of the common room from the Fat Lady's portrait frame. As soon as she came out, she saw Chretien standing in front of the entrance of the lounge.

"Why are you here?" Nydia looked at Chretien in surprise.

"Of course I'm here to wait for you. A few kind-hearted girls from Gryffindor showed me the way." Chretien happily came forward, pulled Nydia and started walking forward, "Nidia likes You look a little thin, you should eat more."

"Chretien doesn't have to be with his schoolmates?" Nidia was a little surprised that Chretien came to her so early in the morning.

"It's okay, Madam Maxime is very open-minded," Chretien said, "How about milk? Does Nydia like milk?"

"I like it," Nitya nodded, "I basically drink a glass of milk every day."

"She is just like her aunt," Chretien said happily.

"Are you talking about my mother? How did you know her preferences?" Chretien must have been young when his mother passed away, right? Nydia's own preferences for her mother were relatively vague. Why did he know it?

"My father told me that he would often talk to me about my aunt. There are many photos of my aunt at home, from childhood to adulthood." Chretien looked back at Nidia, "You You look a lot like your aunt, so I recognized you right away."

"Does uncle often mention mother?"

"Yes, he mentioned it often. He would also mention that your father told me to take good care of you when I came to Hogwarts."

"But my uncle has never come to see me in so many years. I thought." Nidia has always known that she has an uncle, but there has never been any news about him in so many years. Nidia has always felt that her uncle should I don't like myself.

Chretien stopped and turned to look at Nidia, "Nidia, you have to know that the death of my aunt really made my father very sad. She was the sister he loved most since childhood."

"And looking at me will only remind him of the person who killed his mother, right?" Nidia could guess some of the reasons.

Chretien sighed, "I hope you can understand that this is really difficult for him, but he still cares about you. Can you give him some more time?"

Nitya smiled, "As long as you know he doesn't hate me, it's enough."

"I will make it up to you well," Chretien touched Nitya's head, "I will take good care of you from now on."

"Thank you." Nidia felt warm and moved in her heart. She still cares about her relatives in this world, "But I am no longer a child, and I can take care of myself."

As soon as Nydia finished speaking, Draco walked over to her.

"Nitya is still with me, and I will take good care of her." Draco walked up to Nitya, took her hand, and said to Chretien with a smile, "I don't have to worry about you too much." ”

Chretien glanced at the hands they were holding and looked at Draco with a smile, "It sounds reliable, but it remains to be seen."

"Please feel free to do so, but I will definitely convince you." Draco said not to be outdone.

Although both of them spoke with smiles on their faces, Nydia could feel the obvious smell of gunpowder, "Let's go to the restaurant quickly. Draco hasn't had breakfast yet, right?"

"Isn't this why I came here to have breakfast with you?" Draco's smile towards Nydia seemed much more sincere.

"If I wait for you to come so late every day before going to have breakfast, I'm afraid Nydia will be starving," Chretien said to Draco mockingly.

"No, I usually get up late on weekends, and Draco knows that." Worried about a conflict between the two, Nydia quickly spoke up.

Chretien raised his eyebrows thoughtfully when he saw Nydia defending Draco so much, but said nothing more, and the three of them walked towards the restaurant together.

The Goblet of Fire, which determines the final contestants, is currently placed on the high stool in the restaurant where the Sorting Hat used to be placed, surrounded by a thin gold line with a radius of about ten feet. There were a lot of people in the restaurant today. Many people did not choose to leave after having breakfast, but stayed to see who had put their names into the Goblet of Fire.

"Lefevere, thank God I finally found you." Ms. Maxime, the principal of Beaubaston, breathed a sigh of relief after seeing Chretien. "Hurry up, dear, we have to prepare to throw our names into the flames." Cup is here, are you ready?”

Chretien took out a folded piece of paper from his pocket and said, "It has been prepared for a long time, Madam Maxime."

"Are you going to participate in the Triwizard Tournament?" Nidia was a little worried because she had heard that this competition was very dangerous.

Chretien approached Nidia and unfolded the paper in his hand to show Nidia. Nidia was surprised to find that the name written on it was not Chretien's name, but Fleur Delacour.

"This is"

"Shh." Chretien motioned to Nydia to keep quiet. "I told you I'm not here for the Triwizard Tournament. I have no interest in this at all."

"But can you do this? Is this Fleur the girl from last time?" Nydia looked towards the group of Bubaston students, and sure enough she saw the extremely beautiful girl again. She was also looking at her at this time. The situation on their side.

"It's nothing, and Fleur really wants to participate. I can help her by doing this." Chretien said nonchalantly, "I'll come as soon as I go. You go have breakfast first and don't let yourself be hungry."

Chrétien turned and walked in the direction of the group of Bubaston students.

"Let's go" Draco pulled Nydia and walked towards the Slytherin table.

"Wait, Draco, this is the Slytherin table, I shouldn't be sitting here."

"Don't worry, there are people from other schools here now. Who cares which college you are from? And now everyone's attention is on the Goblet of Fire." Draco had already forcibly brought Nydia there. He sat her down next to him at the Slytherin table.

"Hey, good morning, Nitya." Brace greeted Nitya happily when he saw her coming.

"Good morning." Nidia was still a little embarrassed. She looked around. It was true that most people's attention was on the Goblet of Fire, but it wasn't that no one noticed her presence, but no one noticed her. say what.

"Where is the guy who is going to replace me?" Brace asked Nitya.

"What?" Nitya didn't understand what Brace was talking about.

"They are discussing things with people from their school outside," Draco said as he handed the milk and bread to Nydia, "They will make their debut later, just wait."

"You are talking about Chretien." Only then did Nidia realize who Brace was referring to.

"Of course, that person came out of nowhere to steal my dear sister," Blaise said with a serious expression, as if he was ready to duel with someone at any time.

"Although I don't like that guy too much, Blaise, I have to say that he is the real brother," Draco said to Blaise.

"It won't take long for the real brother to be here," Blaise said.

"It won't be long." Nidia looked at Blaise in surprise, "Did Olivia write to you and tell you something? Are they going to hold a wedding?"

"Uh, no." Blaise scratched his head in embarrassment, "I'm going to urge them. For the sake of my status, they must hurry up."

Nidia couldn't help but rolled her eyes, shook her head, and ignored Blaise.

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