Harry Potter: The Path of Destiny

Chapter 195 Ancient Runes

It didn't take long for the fourth-grade students to discover that they had significantly more homework this semester and the courses became more difficult. Professor McGonagall told them that it was because they were about to enter an important period of magic education, and their OW exam would be coming in another year.

The sudden increase in study load has made many students complain. The original after-school time now has to be devoted to various homework. However, Nidia is a special case. In the past three years, her class The rest of the time has been filled with Snape's after-school potion practice and the subsequent Quidditch team training, so this situation is nothing special for Nydia, but this way she and Draco had less time to meet each other. For this reason, they decided to change the place where they did their homework from their respective college lounges to the library. This not only gave them more time to meet each other, but also allowed them to look up problems they didn't understand. It is also easier to obtain information.

"What are you two drawing?" Doing homework is a headache for Michelle. She can't bear to do her homework quietly. After a while, she starts to inquire about other people around. What were everyone doing? The history of magic paper that Blaise was writing obviously couldn't attract her attention, but the ancient runes that Nydia and Draco were practicing looked much more interesting.

"This is not drawing. We are practicing drawing ancient runes. This is our homework." Nidia explained to Michelle in a low voice.

"What are the uses of runes?" Michelle asked curiously.

"Effective rune combinations can enhance some items. For example, if you use a speed-increasing rune combination on a broomstick, the broomstick will be faster," Nidia introduced to Michelle.

"Why don't those Quidditch players add such runes to their broomsticks during games if they are so awesome?" Michelle asked in surprise.

"Michelle, do you know why this course is called Ancient Runes instead of just Runes?" Draco couldn't help but smile after hearing what Michelle said.

Michelle thought for a while, "Does ancient mean that it is no longer used now?"

"It can't be said that it is not used at all. It can only be said that it is rarely used." Nidia said.

"Why do you rarely use it even though what you just said was so powerful?" Michelle asked in confusion.

"The combination of ancient runes can indeed have some enhancement effects, but this does not mean that just writing a few runes will be effective," Nidia showed Michelle the parchment in her hand. , "Look, there are so many runes drawn on our parchment, but this parchment is still just an ordinary parchment, no different from the others."

"To make the runes work, you need to use special materials as ink, and these materials are usually valuable. The best material is dragon's blood. Its high cost and difficulty in obtaining do not require me. Let me explain it to you," Draco continued, "But even if such expensive materials are used as ink, the effect that the runes can exert is uncontrollable. In other words, you have spent a huge amount of money on it. What you get in exchange is probably just a little bit of inconspicuous gain.”

"Isn't this just like gambling?" Michelle was surprised by the result.

"So with the invention and improvement of more and more magic props, almost no one will use this kind of uncontrollable and limited rune gain anymore." Draco said. "And many effective ways to combine runes have been lost."

"If that's the case, then why do schools still offer this course? It doesn't seem to be of much help to us," Michelle said. "You two actually took this course."

Draco looked at Nydia beside him, "You need to ask the person next to me this question. I've been wondering too."

"Rune is just one of the contents of ancient rune literature. At present, more ancient runes are used in the translation of ancient documents, and many elves still use runes. If you go to Ancient Spirit When you visit the Gringotts, you will find that there are still traces of runes in many places, and runes can also be used for divination. "

Nidia explained helplessly. In fact, she studied ancient rune literature solely to be able to translate the content of the Sacrifice Curse. Judging from the content she has interpreted so far, this magic is not just a simple spell, it is something more. It's like a ritual, and some runes are also used in this ritual.

"So are you working so hard to learn runes so that you can work in Gringotts in the future?" Draco had already put down the quill in his hand and looked at Nydia with his head propped up on one hand.

"Gringotts," Nidia thought seriously, "Actually, Gringotts is really good. The thinking patterns of goblins are different from those of wizards. Many times, they are not interested in things or people, and their identities and backgrounds are not the same." They don't seem that important, maybe Gringotts is indeed a place suitable for me."

"What's your identity and background?" Brace asked doubtfully.

"Have you finished your paper?" Michelle scolded Brace rudely.

"It sounds like you've finished your predictions in divination class," Blaise tapped Michelle's almost empty parchment with his hand, "Can you predict a verbal dispute in such a long time?"

"Just take care of your own paper." Michelle covered her parchment in displeasure and turned her head to continue writing her divination class homework.

Every day when it was almost lights out, Mrs. Pince would come over to remind them that it was time to leave, and almost every day Draco would send Nydia to the door of the Gryffindor common room before returning to the direction of his own house.

"It's here again." Draco looked behind Nidia. Every day when he wanted to say a few more words to Nidia, Iwan would appear at the door of the lounge, staring closely at him with a scrutinizing gaze. Hold them. "Is it my imagination? Why do I always feel that Yi Wan looks at me as if I have robbed her of something?"

Nydia looked back at Yiwan, and then said to Draco, "It's time for you to go back."

"Okay, now I think it robbed me." It was almost lights-out time, and Draco didn't dwell too much on it. He kissed Nydia's forehead gently and left.

Nydia turned around and walked to Yiwan, picked her up and walked into the common room, "You don't seem to like Draco's appearance."

Yiwan yelled, her voice high, as if she was answering Nidia, yes, I just don't like him.

"Why is Draco obviously very good to me?" Nydia asked again in confusion.

Yiwan meowed again, but this time Nidia couldn't understand what she was expressing at all, and could only vaguely feel her unhappy mood.

Is it because the mother herself has been emotionally deceived, so she no longer trusts the relationship? But it’s not right. After that, the mother obviously accepted the father’s feelings. In this way, there is no problem of distrust in the relationship. Ah, then why do you dislike Draco?

After returning to the dormitory, Nidia put Yiwan and her schoolbag on the bed. She turned to change her pajamas and prepare to rest. When she returned to the bed, she found that Yiwan had somehow removed her schoolbag from her bag. She had taken out her ancient rune homework, and was looking at the runes drawn on her parchment with great interest.

"Do you know these?" Nidia lay on the bed and asked Yiwan.

Yiwan stretched out her paw, stepped on a few rune graphics on the parchment, and then called out to Nidia.

"You mean these runes can form a combination?" Nidia took out the quill and circled the runes.

Yiwan made a series of meows again, as if she wanted to express something, but Nidia couldn't understand it at all.

"I can't understand the language of cats," Nidia shrugged helplessly, and then smiled slyly at Yiwan, "If you use human voice, then I can understand what you are saying."

Yiwan stopped yelling, but looked at Nidia thoughtfully.

"I'm going to sleep. I'm not sleeping all day like you." Nidia got into the quilt. "Maybe next time when you learn human language, we can have a good chat."

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