Harry Potter: The Path of Destiny

Chapter 182 Draco’s Fear

The next day, the four of them stayed in Diagon Alley for almost a whole day. Nydia and Michelle spent nearly half a day at the Tuofan clothing store. They rejected Draco and Blaise's offer. Accompanying her, she said nothing about the dress style she finally selected.

After purchasing all the items on the list, they tasted ice cream at the Florin Cold Drinks Shop, and then went to the Quidditch Boutique to buy broomstick care tools. Edwin Conrad, the owner of the Quidditch Boutique De had a complicated expression when he saw Nidia, as if he was worried that Nidia would bargain with him again.

During the remaining days of the summer vacation, the four of them stayed at Malfoy Manor. Narcissa, who went to France with Mr. Field, has also returned. Unlike Lucius, she needs to go out as often as possible, except for occasionally attending some other family events. Apart from parties invited by the hostess, she stayed in the manor most of the time. She especially liked to take Nydia to drink tea and chat in the garden during afternoon tea time. Draco began to complain when this happened more often. , he felt that his mother took up too much of Nitya's time.

"I just heard news about your new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher," Lucius said after dinner after returning from the Ministry of Magic what he heard in the Ministry today. News, "Dumbledore appears to have decided to hire Mad-Eye Moody to be your Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher."

"Is this really wise?" Narcissa sighed with emotion. "I heard that she is not as good as before and has become a little suspicious."

"In my opinion, the Defense Against the Dark Arts class is a joke. If you don't know how to attack, just knowing how to defend in actual combat will just delay some time." Lucius shook his head in disappointment.

"Who is Mad Eye Moody?" Nydia asked curiously.

"A former Auror of the Ministry of Magic. If he is still like before, I think he will be a suitable person to teach you. People who have fought in real battles can best understand what is the real key." Narcissa told Ni Tia explained, "Unfortunately now, he is too neurotic. I'm not sure if he can still tell what is a suitable teaching method. Years of fighting have made him suspicious of everything."

"Speaking of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, I suddenly remembered." Lucius suddenly looked at Draco and Nydia with a stern look, "How did you two get the results of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class last year? pass”

Draco and Nydia looked at each other awkwardly. Both of them failed in the Boggart session because they could not overcome their inner fears.

"I hope you two can pay attention, otherwise I will go to the school board to question whether Dumbledore really knows how to choose the right teacher." Lucius said seriously.

"You don't need to say that to Lucius, I think they both know their own sense of proportion." Narcissa scolded her husband, "Leave your time to the young people and accompany me for a walk in the garden."

"You're just too used to them." Although Lucius said disapproving words, he still obeyed his wife's instructions and walked with her towards the garden.

"Draco, your father is really terrible," Michelle couldn't help but whisper after seeing Lucius and Narcissa walking away.

Draco shrugged, "I'm used to it."

"Every time your father is around, I don't dare to speak at all." Although they have been together for a long time, Michelle has hardly spoken to Lucius.

"Although the words are harsh, the starting point is still based on concern." Nitya said.

"I remember that both of you failed the Defense Against the Dark Arts exam with Boggart. I'm curious about what you saw. Boggart is obviously very easy to deal with." Blaise looked at Della curiously. Ke, "The look on your face when you came out was not ordinary. If Lu Ping hadn't gone in, you wouldn't have been able to come out."

"Does Master Malfoy actually have something so afraid of?" Michelle's curiosity was also aroused by Blaise.

Draco's face changed slightly, "You two have failed without even seeing the Boggart. What right do you have to laugh at me?"

"This is not ridicule, this is concern for you as a friend." Blaise put his hand on Draco's shoulder and looked at Draco with a sincere expression on his face, "Speak out your fears. , as your friend, I will definitely accompany you to face your fears and overcome them.”

"Yes, Nidia, say it and let's face our fears together." Michelle followed Blaise's example and looked at Nidia.

"Hey, you two really get along well when you sing and sing together." Nidia looked at Michelle and Brace with an ambiguous look, "It won't be long before we can go on a four-person date together."

"What are you talking about, Nydia?" Draco took over Nydia's words, "aren't we always dating four people?"

"He and I are not on a date," Michelle said anxiously, with a blush on her face, "Don't talk nonsense."

After saying that, Michelle turned and ran towards her room. Nidia was a little surprised by her reaction. It stands to reason that Michelle was not such a person who couldn't take a joke.

"Hey, you're still too young." Blaise looked at Michelle's leaving figure and shook his head, "You two changed the topic so easily."

"You don't want to chase him?" Draco raised an eyebrow at Blaise.

"Do you think I would give up an entire forest for a tree like you?" Blaise smiled and said, "I'm looking forward to meeting the Beauxbatons girls now."

"Enjoy your forest to the fullest. You'll regret it later," Draco said.

"Don't you just see me as such an eyesore? There's no need to curse me like this." Blaise stood up, "Okay, I'll just go back to the room, and you two can enjoy your world together."

Seeing Michelle and Brace leave, Nydia breathed a sigh of relief. She really didn't want to tell them that her Boggart had turned into Voldemort. But she was actually very curious about what Draco's Boggart had become. The way Lupine looked at her at that time made her feel like it was something related to her.

"I'm also curious, Draco, your face looked really ugly at that time."

Draco was a little embarrassed. After dilly-dallying for a long time, he finally said slowly, "It's you."

"What me?" Nydia looked at Draco in surprise. After being silent for a while, she continued, "Do I make you feel scary, Draco?"

"The Boggart turned into you and got angry at me, but I couldn't bring myself to use any offensive magic on you, so I just stayed there." Draco looked helpless.

"But you should know that it's not me." Nidia frowned.

"Of course I know, but I still can't do it."

"Idiot" Nydia didn't know how to evaluate it, because she couldn't dispel the Boggart who turned into Voldemort. "It's not too early. I want to go back to my room. Would you like to come with me?"

"No, I want to sit for a while, you go and rest first."

"Well, don't be too late." Nidia turned and left alone.

Draco sat back on the sofa and sighed. Although he didn't want to deceive Nydia, he really couldn't say it. He was worried that if he said it, it would really happen.

His Boggart had indeed turned into Nydia, but it was not the angry Nydia he said, but a corpse that had lost all vitality. He tried to use the spell taught by Lupin to dispel it, but he really couldn't think of any way to make such a scene funny. In the end, he could only kneel in front of the boggart in a daze until Lupine went in and brought him out.

It was this kind of scene that made Draco deeply realize the importance of Nydia to him, and made him determined after coming out. No matter what kind of danger he would face with Nydia in the future, he would not Will choose to let go, because he doesn't want that scene to really appear.

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