Harry Potter: The Path of Destiny

Chapter 170: Inexpressible Missing

From the time he came back from platform nine and three-quarters to now, Draco couldn't help but think back to the kiss Nydia left on his cheek when she left. But the more he thought about it, the more he wanted to see it. She, but he really couldn't find a reason to go to Field Manor. He wanted to write a letter to Nidia, but no matter how he wrote, he felt that he couldn't express his feelings. The longer time passed, the less likely the letter became. Know how to start writing.

After Nitya took the initiative to send him a letter, he became completely panicked. He had not been able to send her any letter for such a long time. Will she be angry with him for this? What should he do? Draco was at a loss to tell her the reason, annoyed and anxious. This depressed mood lasted until his father Lucius told him to accompany him to Field Manor in two days.

When he heard the news, he tried hard to suppress his joyful emotions and prevent himself from impulsively rushing to hug his father. If he did, he would probably lose the opportunity to go to Field Manor.

After not waiting for Draco's reply for several days, Nydia was in a terrible mood. She didn't know what happened. She had obviously promised to write to herself when she was at the station, but now she took the initiative to write to him. I wrote a letter, but he didn’t reply to me. She couldn't tell whether she missed Draco more or was more angry with him. Anyway, she would look forward to the arrival of the owl at the window every day. But in the end, what she was waiting for was not a letter from an owl, but news of a visit from Malfoy and his son.

Nydia followed her father to the gate of the manor to welcome the arrival of Malfoy and his son. When she saw Draco appearing in front of her, Nydia felt that her heartbeat began to speed up inexplicably. He was obviously a person she was already so familiar with. , but made myself feel so nervous.

After Draco got off the carriage, he couldn't take his eyes away from Nydia. She kept her head down and didn't look at him. Was she angry with herself?

"It's very rude of you, Draco." Lucius said calmly.

"I'm sorry, father." Draco forced himself to look away, but he couldn't help but glance in Nydia's direction.

"Lucius, what kind of wind brings you, a busy man, here?" Mr. Field extended his hand to Lucius enthusiastically.

"Do you need a reason to come even to see old friends now?" Lucius held Mr. Field's hand, "Or do you think my visit has disturbed your and Olivia's happy days?"

"Your arrival will only make our Field Manor feel honored." Mr. Field said with a smile.

"I just hope you can keep this smile after listening to what I have to say." Lucius's expression became a little serious.

"Did something happen?" After hearing Lucius's words, Nidia was keenly aware that something was wrong.

Lucius looked at Nidia, then turned to Mr. Field, asking him if he needed to tell Nidia.

"Nidia, you and Blaise take Draco to the garden for a nice walk," Mr. Field said to Nidia.

"Yes, we haven't seen each other for a while, and I have a lot to say to Draco." Blaise walked up to Draco, put a hand on his shoulder, and then Looking at Nydia, "Don't you have anything to say to Draco, Nydia?"

"I'll follow you and you can just chat." Nydia turned her eyes elsewhere, not looking at Draco.

"Tsk tsk tsk, I don't know who it is." Blaise wanted to mock Nydia for waiting for Draco's letter every day, but was immediately stopped by Nydia.

"Do you still want to take Draco to the garden?" Nydia said and immediately turned around and walked towards the garden.

Draco and Blaise followed, catching up with Nydia. After walking a certain distance, Blaise looked back. After making sure that Mr. Field and Lucius Malfoy could no longer see them, he used his arms to Elbowed Draco.

"My troublesome lightbulb went off first." Blaise raised his eyebrows ambiguously at Draco, "Don't say I didn't remind you, she is waiting for your reply every day, and you are so nice Think about how to apologize."

Blaise patted Draco on the shoulder and left quietly.

Draco walked behind Nydia, thinking a lot in his mind, but the last thing he said was, "The garden is really well taken care of now."

"Well, yes." Nitya was so angry that she didn't even want to look back at him. For such a long time, all she wanted to say was "Isn't the garden nice?"

Draco could clearly feel Nydia's displeasure, "I wanted to write you a letter."

"Oh, right? In the end, it was because the owls were collectively sick and couldn't deliver the letter. Or was it that the owl I sent to deliver the letter lost the letter halfway and you didn't receive it at all?" Nidia said unhappily. In fact, she didn't receive the letter. During that period of time, she had indeed been thinking about these reasons in her mind.


"That's because you don't want to write to me at all." Nitya became even more angry and randomly tore off a few leaves from the bush in front of her, and then tore them into pieces bit by bit.


"Then why do you tell me?" Nydia turned around and looked at Draco angrily.

"I miss you so much." Draco walked closer to Nydia, unable to take his eyes away from the face that he was thinking about. "Do you miss me"

"I don't miss you, why should I think about someone who won't even send me a letter?" Nitya said angrily.

"I have written a lot but I haven't been able to send any of them because I really can't find any suitable words to express how much I miss you."

Draco's words made Nydia's heart tremble slightly. Just because of his words, all the previous unpleasant emotions were swept away. She lowered her head with her cheeks feeling hot, not daring to look directly at Draco. The look in his eyes.

Draco stretched out a hand and gently lifted Nydia's head. Before Nydia could recover from what he just said, Draco had already leaned over and kissed her softly. lips.

The sudden kiss caught Nidia off guard, her mind went blank and she forgot to think. Draco went from a gentle kiss to a greedy sucking, and his breathing became more and more hot. He put his arms around Nydia's waist and brought her closer to him. Nydia felt her whole body become numb and weak, and gradually closed her eyes in a daze, and involuntarily began to kiss Draco back. After feeling Nydia's response, Draco deepened the kiss further, claiming every corner of Nydia's lips, passionately and passionately.

After a long kiss, Nydia struggled to escape from Draco's kiss and said with rapid breathing, "Father, I will see it in my study."

But before Nitya could finish her words, Draco kissed her again. He hugged Nitya tighter and clasped the back of her head with one hand, never giving her any chance to escape. Chance.

In the study of Field Manor, Wardfield sat on the sofa and pondered for a while before speaking, "You mean to say that Bertha Jorkins' disappearance is related to the Dark Lord, but what role does she play in the Dark Lord?"

"It's just speculation right now. People at the Ministry of Magic don't care about her disappearance." Lucius Malfoy paced back and forth in the study.

"Given her previous behavior, I don't think her disappearance is a cause for concern." Bertha Jorkins' forgetfulness and lack of direction were notorious in the Ministry of Magic, so she was frequently removed from one department. Rush to another department.

"Yes, yes, I would have thought so if I had it in the past, but" Lucius suddenly stopped talking because his eyes inadvertently caught sight of the two figures kissing each other in the garden downstairs. .

"Nothing." Ward looked at Lucius in confusion, not understanding the reason for his sudden pause.

Lucius closed the open curtains, "The sun is a bit dazzling today."

"What" Ward became even more confused.

"Ahem." Lucius cleared his throat, and then continued, "I want to say that if it was just the disappearance of Bertha Jorkins, I might not pay much attention, but for a period of time, The Mark of the Dark Lord always appeared, which forced me to pay attention to these disappearances.”

"He's starting to summon Death Eaters." Ward frowned, "He wouldn't have done this if he didn't have a solid plan."

"Yeah, I think so too." Lucius also frowned.

"But what good will it do him if he seizes Bertha Jorkins? Poor Jorkins's ability to distinguish a thing is very vague. His capture of Jorkins will not do him any good." Ward shook his head. He still couldn't quite connect the disappearance of Bertha Jorkins with the conceited Dark Lord.

"My guess is that it is probably related to the large-scale event that will be held in the near future. Come to think of it, Bertha Jorkins happens to be staying in the Department of Magical Sports and Sports right now." Lucius said worriedly.

"Are you referring to the Quidditch World Cup? To cause something to happen at such a game where a large number of spectators gathered is indeed in line with his behavior." Ward said thoughtfully. "What are your plans?"

"I will take a few children to watch this World Cup together. I think they don't want to miss this event," Lucius continued. "I also plan to invite some old friends to explore them. attitude, and then do something to see if we can lead to his traces. "

"If that's the case, is it appropriate to bring a few children there?" Ward said worriedly.

"It would be too suspicious if I go alone." Lucius paused, pondered for a while and then continued, "And now that the mark's reaction has become more and more obvious, I'm afraid the day we are worried about will start. It's coming, and I think it's time to tell the kids something, especially since the relationship between the two kids is over now."

"Aren't you worried, Lucius, that is your only son?" Ward had imagined that Lucius would be furious after knowing about Nydia and Draco, and prevent them from continuing to interact. If it is true That's right, Ward is quite happy to see it happen.

"What's the use of worrying? I know my son's character. It's useless to try to prevent anything now. It's better to let them understand what they are going to face so that they know how to protect themselves." Lucius recalled in his mind what he had just seen When I saw the scene in the garden, I couldn't help but sigh, and then shook my head.

"What you said makes sense." Ward also knew that it would be impossible for him to persuade Nydia to leave Draco. "In that case, I will go with you. I will Keeping several children safe.”

"No Ward, you can't go." Lucius looked at Ward with a deep look, "I need you to go to France."

"You want to take advantage of France"

"If the day we fear does come, we need to keep Narcissa and Olivia safe."

Ward was lost in thought. This matter seemed a bit difficult for him. There was sadness in his eyes, but after thinking about it, he nodded heavily, "Okay, I will go to France to ensure the safety of those children. I’ll leave it to you.”

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