Harry Potter: The Path of Destiny

Chapter 164 Time Turner

"You shouldn't anger him like that. It's obvious that he has a personal vendetta against Sirius and Lupin," Draco said to Nydia. "It's impossible for you to ask him to help Sirius prove his innocence."

"He actually said that we were under a confusion spell. This is simply a false accusation. He can't do this." Ron, who was lying on the other side of the bed, said angrily.

Nydia lowered her head and thought for a while, then suddenly her eyes lit up and she said excitedly, "You are right, Snape will not help Sirius, and he cannot do that, but there is someone who is willing to help innocent people. He also has the ability to help Sirius."

"Are you talking about Dumbledore?" Draco asked.

"Yes, before it's too late, I have to go to Dumbledore and tell him all this." Nydia turned to look at Draco, "Draco, this may be Sirius's last chance."

"If you want to do this, then go ahead." Personally speaking, Draco hoped that Nydia would stop caring about these things. After all, her identity was relatively sensitive, but he also knew that he could not stop Nydia. Tia's. "You always like to cause trouble anyway."

Nydia ran all the way towards Dumbledore's office. When she came to the spiral staircase entrance of the principal's office, Dumbledore happened to come down the stairs. He was a little surprised by Nydia's arrival.

"Professor Sirius is innocent," Nydia said to Dumbledore eagerly. "Everything that happened back then was done by Peter Pettigrew. He is not dead. He is there tonight, in the Shrieking Shack. We Everyone saw him”

"I'm just about to go over to Sirius, maybe we can talk as we walk."

Dumbledore led the way, with Nydia following closely behind.

"Professor, I must admit to you that the person who helped Sirius this year has nothing to do with me and Professor Lupin. He didn't know anything before today." Snape hated Sirius and hated Lupin equally. Ping, if he wanted to see Sirius accept the punishment of the dementors, then he would definitely label Lupine as assisting the fugitive.

"I have to say, you did a very bold thing." Dumbledore's tone was flat, and it was impossible to hear his opinion on the matter.

"I'm sorry, Professor." Nydia guessed that Dumbledore might be very disappointed with himself now.

"It takes courage to dare to stand on the opposite side of most people, but only if you have reliable enough judgment." Dumbledore looked back at Nydia.

"I trust Sirius, and he has proven to me that he can be trusted."

"We can draw a conclusion about this when we meet him in person later."

Nydia followed Dumbledore all the way to Professor Flitwick's office on the eighth floor of the West Tower. Dumbledore opened the door, and Nydia saw Sirius, who was curled up on a chair, his face pale and lost. He was angry, and his tattered clothes and new wounds made his overall condition look even worse.

"Sirius" Nydia rushed to him quickly.

"Nitya, you" Sirius was surprised by Nydia's appearance, and then he turned around and saw Dumbledore coming in behind Nydia, "Professor Dumbledore"

"Long time no see." Dumbledore looked at Sirius, "Nydia, I think while we are talking, you can simply treat Sirius's wound."

Nydia took out some fresh blood and smeared it on Sirius's wound. At the same time, Sirius talked to Dumbledore in detail about what happened from that year to today. Dumbledore fell into silence after listening. His expression looked a little solemn.

"Professor, what Sirius said is true. Not only me, but Harry and the others also saw Peter Pettigrew." Dumbledore remained silent, and Nydia was worried that he did not believe Sirius. What I just said.

"I believe what you said, but" Dumbledore looked a little embarrassed, "compared to the testimonies of you children, what Severus said and the witnesses on the whole street testified that Sirius killed These are much more credible than Pettigrew, and I have personally testified to the Ministry of Magic that Sirius was the Potters' secret keeper."

"Professor Lupine can also testify."

"It's too late. When Lupine recovers, it will be too late. Moreover, the weight of a werewolf's testimony is very small." Dumbledore shook his head helplessly.

"How could this happen?" Nydia looked at Sirius helplessly.

"You have tried your best, Nydia." Sirius' calm tone revealed a hint of despair, "I'm just sorry, I'm afraid I don't have time to complete what I promised you."

"Time" Dumbledore suddenly thought of something, "Yes, what we need now is time"

"Have you come up with any solution, Professor?" Nitya asked nervously.

"We might have a chance to find Miss Granger now."

Nydia and Dumbledore quickly headed towards the hospital. Along the way, Nydia was thinking about what Dumbledore said. Why would there be a chance to find Hermione now? Hermione was something that even Dumbledore couldn't solve. But can it be solved? This reminded Nidia of Hermione's strange behavior over the past year. She took all the courses at the same time and went from one place to another in an instant. Could it be that Nidia had a bold guess that she had been in I have seen a time turner in a book, but it is something strictly controlled by the Ministry of Magic. Can Hermione really have it?

When they returned to the hospital, Harry and Hermione were already awake, and Snape and Minister of Magic Fudge were also there. Harry and the others were trying their best to defend Sirius' innocence to Fudge, but Fudge obviously believed Snape more. Pu said that they were under a confusion curse.

"Oh my God," Madam Pomfrey said hysterically, "This is not a hospital. These children need a good rest."

"Sorry, I need to have a good chat with these children. I just went to see Sirius." Dumbledore said calmly.

"He must have also told you the nonsense he put into Potter's mind." Snape glanced at Nydia, and then said sarcastically, "What a mouse, what a Peter Pettigrew."

"Yes, he did say that." Dumbledore looked at Snape through his half-moon glasses.

"You don't believe these nonsense," Snape said with suppressed anger, "I didn't even see the shadow of Pettigrew in the Shrieking Shack."

"I would like to speak to these children alone," said Dumbledore. "Please leave for a moment."

"Headmaster" Madam Pomfrey said anxiously, "They need treatment and rest."

"This matter cannot wait, I must persist." Dumbledore said without refutation.

Madam Pomfrey turned away unsatisfied. Fudge looked at the pocket watch in his hand and said it was time to greet the dementors. He walked to the door and opened it, then waited until Snape strode out of the door. Then the door was closed from the outside.

As soon as the others left, Harry and Hermione immediately started to tell Dumbledore what happened tonight. Ron, who was still lying on the bed, also interrupted and added a few words from time to time. Each of the three of them said something, which made people feel at ease. Can't hear what they are saying.

"Wait a minute, calm down." Nydia stood in front of Dumbledore, trying to calm down Harry and Hermione, "The professor already knows everything, and he believes what we say, now let us listen to him Way to do it"

Everyone's eyes were focused on Dumbledore, expecting him to come up with a clever plan.

"Time, what we need is time, Miss Granger." Dumbledore looked at Hermione seriously.

"But" Hermione responded, "Oh"

"Now, please note," Dumbledore's voice was low but extremely clear, "Sirius is locked in Professor Flitwick's office on the eighth floor, which is the thirteenth window on the right side of the west tower. If everything goes well, you We can save more than one innocent life tonight. But you must remember not to be seen. Miss Granger, you know the rules and you should know the dangers. You must not be seen."

Others were a little confused, but Hermione understood everything clearly, and Nydia was basically certain of her suspicions. Dumbledore turned and walked to the door, then turned back and said, "I am going to lock you up now. The time is five minutes to midnight. Miss Granger, just turn three times. I wish you good luck."

"Good luck" After Dumbledore closed the door, Harry looked at Hermione in confusion, hoping that she could answer him.

Hermione didn't answer Harry's words. She pulled out a long, thin gold chain from her collar.

"Harry, Nydia, come here." Hermione urged urgently, "Quickly"

Although Harry didn't understand the situation, he still walked over. Hermione raised the chain and hung it around Harry's neck, then turned to look at Nydia "Quickly"

Nydia looked back at Draco who was lying on the hospital bed. From his eyes, Nydia could clearly see that he didn't want her to go with them.

"Hermione, you go ahead. There are too many people and it's not convenient to hide."

"All right"

Time was running out, so Hermione didn't dwell too much on these issues. Before Harry could figure out the situation, Hermione had already turned the hourglass three times, and soon the two of them disappeared into the room.

"Where are they going?" Ron looked at what was happening in front of him in surprise.

"This is a time turner." Draco looked at Ron with disdain, "I have no knowledge."

"What the hell?" Ron was so shocked that he didn't even care about Draco's attitude towards him.

Before Nydia had time to explain to Ron, the hospital door opened again, and Harry and Hermione walked in.

"You were here just now, and then you came in through the door again." Ron's expression became even more shocked. "What on earth is going on?"

"Did you succeed in rescuing him?" Nydia asked Harry and Hermione eagerly.

"Yes, we made it" Harry was still breathing heavily.

"Not only that, we also freed Buckbeak and Sirius rode him away and now he is free too." Hermione said excitedly.

"Following a fugitive and hiding in Tibet, where does freedom come from?" Draco couldn't help complaining.

"Well, at least it's better than life imprisonment." Nydia immediately glared at Draco and signaled him to stop talking. Draco snorted and turned his head to the side.

"I think you two should go back to your hospital bed. They may soon find out that Sirius is gone."

After listening to Nydia's words, Harry and Hermione returned to their beds and lay down. Ron, who was confused, wanted to continue asking, but Madam Pomfrey soon walked out of her office.

"Has the Headmaster left already? Thank God it's finally quiet. You guys can finally have a good rest." Madam Pomfrey's eyes turned to Nydia, who was not injured, "You"

"Can I stay here, ma'am?" Nydia looked at Madam Pomfrey pleadingly.

Madam Pomfrey looked at Nydia, then turned to look at Draco, "Okay, you can stay. You two have been frequent visitors to the hospital this year."

Nydia walked to Draco's bed and sat down. These times, Draco's injuries were all because of herself. Nydia's heart was full of guilt. Draco seemed to see Nydia's thoughts and stretched out his hand. He lightly tapped Nitya on the forehead, and then whispered, "Don't think too much."

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