Harry Potter: The Path of Destiny

Chapter 153 Banban is missing

The return of the Firebolt greatly increased the confidence of all the Gryffindor players in the game. In their view, Ravenclaw, who was riding a seven-star sweep, was definitely out of luck this time, but Harry, as the person involved, could not truly believe it. I became happy because the problem of dementors has not been solved well.

"Are you really not going to Lupin's place to practice the Patronus Charm anymore?" Harry asked Nydia with some regret.

"Yes, I think it would be better for me not to face the Boggart at the moment. If I really hit that Boggart last time, then Lupine would have to go around to find a Boggart for you to practice using. Damn it. This will delay your practice." Nitya replied.

"To be honest, there hasn't been much progress in practice. I'm worried about whether I can really master the Patronus Charm before the competition." Harry went to training alone last week, but the spell was no better than the first. Progress.

"Lupine said that this is a very profound spell in itself. You can't be too impatient. At least you won't faint when you see the dementors now. This is a good sign." Nidia encouraged.

"But there was only one Dementor, and it wasn't a real Dementor. If there were more, it would be hard to tell." Harry said frustratedly.

"Actually, you don't have to worry so much. After what happened last time, Dumbledore has strictly prohibited Dementors from entering the school again. The Dementors didn't come over in Slytherin's last game." Thinking of the last game What happened next made Nidia feel depressed and uncomfortable.

Seeing Nydia's lonely eyes, Harry couldn't help but ask, "Have you and Malfoy not reconciled yet?"

Nidia shook her head, "I'm afraid it won't be that easy this time."

"But you still have each other in your hearts, right? Misunderstandings will always be resolved, right?" Harry asked tentatively.

Nydia sighed and said nothing. It would be great if it was just a misunderstanding, but she has really made Draco sad again and again. Will he still keep her in his heart? And Astoria, she Her affection for Draco is very obvious, and she is also very beautiful, and she is so kind to Draco. Draco chose her last time in the arena. Will Draco like her? As for her, Nydia felt extremely uncomfortable at the thought of Draco possibly being with Astoria.

"Nitya, actually I want to say that if you and Malfoy are real" Harry was a little hesitant about what he wanted to say.

"What?" Nydia looked at Harry in confusion.

"Forget it, it's nothing." Harry scratched his already messy hair in annoyance, "I'm going back to the dormitory first."

Because Nidia was in a bad mood, she didn't pay attention to Harry's strangeness. She sat alone in the common room for a while and then returned to the dormitory.

"Did you get that bottle of perfume?" Michelle asked Nitya.

"What?" Nitya, who was distracted, took a while to realize what Michelle was saying, "No, I can't get it. I can't think of any reason to ask Astoria to give me the perfume." Detection.”

"I thought of a good idea," Michelle said excitedly.

"What is it?" Nidia had a vague premonition in her heart.

"Do you remember how Harry and Ron went to Draco to get information about the Chamber of Secrets last year?"

"Polyjuice potion, are you asking me to look like someone and ask Astoria for it?" Nydia didn't think this was a good idea.

"No, I asked you to go directly into the Slytherin common room to get it."

"You mean to turn into Astoria?" Then what should I do to knock the real Astoria unconscious?

"No, why are you always thinking about the polyjuice potion? Did you forget that it takes a month to brew? You just need to go in and take away the perfume secretly. You don't need to talk to anyone, and you don't need to Let no one see you," Michelle explained impatiently.

"The invisibility cloak is too risky. Even if I wear the invisibility cloak, it's hard to guarantee that I won't be discovered by bumping into someone. What should I say then? Are you curious about what the Slytherin lounge looks like and come to visit?"

"So you need to choose a suitable time. Almost all the teachers and students in the school will be there for the Quidditch game. It's the perfect time for you to go in."

"This is stealing." Nidia hesitated.

"If you don't want to know who really caused Draco's injury, then there's no need." Michelle shrugged indifferently, "Anyway, this matter won't be of much help to me saving Buckbeak."

After much hesitation, Nydia finally agreed with Michelle's idea and decided to sneak into the Slytherin lounge on the day of the Quidditch match between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw. But before that day came, an unexpected thing happened that made Nidia panic.

Scabbers disappeared, leaving a small pool of blood on Ron's sheets before disappearing. Ron angrily thought it was Hermione's Crookshanks who had eaten Scabbers because he found a few on the floor. Ron and Hermione had a big fight because of their long ginger hair.

Nydia was panicked by this. She knew that it was impossible for Scabbers to be eaten by Crookshanks. He was an Animagus and not a real mouse. This method of suspended animation was completely the same as that of Sirius. It's exactly the same as the one used by his subordinates to escape.

The next morning after the incident, Nydia rushed to the Shrieking Shack eagerly to tell Sirius what happened. She thought that Sirius would be as worried about it as she was, but after thinking for a moment, he Instead, he became happy.

"Don't worry, I think this is a good thing. If it leaves the boy, we will be better able to attack." Sirius comforted Nydia who came to him anxiously.

"How can this be a good thing? He's gone. God knows where he went. He's a mouse. He can hide in any corner." Nidia was worried about this all night and couldn't do well. Fall asleep.

"Yes, he can indeed go anywhere, but he will not choose to leave Hogwarts," Sirius said firmly.

"Why would staying at Hogwarts do him any good?" Nydia didn't understand.

"Of course, those who want to find him in Hogwarts will have no way to start. There is Dumbledore here who even the mysterious people dare not despise."

"The person who wants to find him" Nidia was even more confused. Who else would want to find Pettigrew?

"Yes, he has been faking his death and pretending to be a mouse for so many years, not only to pin the blame on me, but more importantly to avoid the subordinates of the mysterious man. Think about it, the mysterious man went to the Potter's house according to his intelligence, But he collapsed unexpectedly there, which made them think that he was a liar who betrayed them. If they knew that he was still alive, they would not let him go," Sirius said, "There is a more important point, that is. Staying by Harry's side, once the mysterious man regains power, he will be able to capture Harry as soon as possible and offer it to the mysterious man as the best proof of his loyalty, which is one of the reasons why I must capture him."

"But even if it is still in Hogwarts, the school is so big, it will be difficult for us to find its specific location." Nydia was still worried.

"As long as it is still in the castle, there is a way to find it." Sirius seemed to have thought of a way.

Although Sirius repeatedly told Nidia not to worry too much, Nidia still felt very unsure. However, she could not stay here any longer because she had classes in the morning, so she hurried back to the castle. Even so, she was still late.

When Nydia walked into the Potions classroom where the class had already begun, she felt that Snape's angry eyes could eat her up. Gryffindor was deducted ten points for this. Snape had not deducted too much from Nydia for a long time. He angrily scolded Nydia for being more and more outrageous.

"Where have you been? I haven't seen you since I woke up." Michelle, standing behind Nidia, asked Nidia in a low voice.

"I just couldn't sleep this morning and just went out for a walk." Nydia saw Hermione casting a scrutinizing look at her. She knew that Hermione would definitely not believe what she said. She had already noticed it. Something is wrong with me.

"Did you go for a walk near the Whomping Willow?" Neville beside him suddenly said.

"What?" Nydia looked at Neville nervously, why would he know that he had been near the Whomping Willow?

Neville pointed to the dirt stained on Nydia's robe, "This kind of soil is called sandy loam. This kind of soil is the most abundant around the school, near the Whomping Willow."

"Ah, yes, I have been there." Nitya felt guilty for a while.

"Then you must be very close. You have to worry. The Whomping Willow is very dangerous." Neville reminded kindly.

"Well, thank you, Neville, I will pay attention next time." Nidia was startled by Neville and broke into a cold sweat, "I didn't expect you to know the soil so well."

"Because different herbs have different requirements for different soils," Neville suddenly became interested, "For example, the Whomping Willow prefers soil that can stay moist and has good drainage."

"Okay, okay Neville, I think we'd better take potions class first. I'll ask you about herbal medicine after class." Nydia quickly stopped Neville. It seemed that as soon as herbal medicine was discussed, he There will be endless things to say, and the situation will become completely different from usual.

When Nidia raised her head and looked in the other direction, she found Draco looking at her. After noticing his gaze, Draco snorted and turned his head back. Nidia guessed that he This is probably a mockery of myself for doing something sneaky and ulterior.

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