Harry Potter: The Path of Destiny

Chapter 149 I would rather not

The cool moonlight shines on the hospital floor through the glass of the window. Everything in the hospital seems to be covered with a thin white mist under the moonlight, making it appear soft and calm.

Nitya, who was lying on the hospital bed, slowly opened her eyes and found that she was on the hospital bed. She shook her head and tried to recall what had happened before.

"you're awake"

It was Draco's voice, which sounded right next to her, but Nydia looked around and didn't see anyone there.

Draco pulled off the invisibility cloak covering himself, and he sat next to Nydia's hospital bed. "I asked Potter to borrow the invisibility cloak because Madam Pomfrey does not allow people except patients to stay together." Stay here."

Nydia recalled what happened before and said eagerly, "Draco, what happened before"

"I already know, Potter told me everything." Draco interrupted Nydia's explanation.

"I told you everything." Nitya was slightly surprised.

"Yes, I said everything, maybe even some things you wouldn't tell me originally." Draco's tone became a little strange.

"What are you talking about that I won't tell you?" Draco's inexplicable attitude made Nydia feel uneasy.

Draco did not follow this topic further. He took out a piece of parchment from his pocket, which was the ancient rune code written by Nydia.

"I have solved this. The numbers corresponding to magical animals are, 9, 12, 9, 11, 5, 21. Put this set of numbers into the alphabet, and the corresponding letters are i,, i, k , e, u," Draco smiled bitterly and continued, "iikeu, I should be happy when I see this sentence. I have been waiting for your reply, but now I can't be happy when I see this sentence, Ni. Tia I can’t feel your feelings”

Nydia began to feel uneasy when Draco took out the parchment. She had imagined many ways Draco would look like when he unlocked the codes, but it would definitely not be like this. His expression was cold and his tone was flat. This kind of Draco made Nydia feel a little scared.

"If this is really your feeling for me, then why do you reject me again and again? What are you worried about and afraid of?" Draco looked at Nydia, his eyes full of pain and sadness. Puzzled.

"Draco, me." Two completely different thoughts in Nydia's heart were constantly colliding fiercely. On the one hand, she desperately wanted to tell Draco everything, but on the other hand, she told herself that she could not drag Draco into danger selfishly.

"Can't you say so?" Draco seemed to have expected Nydia's reaction. "Is it related to your life experience?"

Nydia looked at Draco nervously, "What do you know?"

"I'm sorry, that day in the basement warehouse, I saw the family register of the Field family. I wanted to remind you to put it away, but I was too curious, so I looked through it. What I didn't expect was that I didn't have it. I can find your name on it." Draco observed Nydia's reaction. She was nervous but not surprised by this. It seemed that she had known it for a long time. "Michelle also knows, of course, she is your best friend, how could she not know?"

Nydia became even more speechless, and Draco didn't care either. He continued, "I've always wondered why you were so keen on tracking down the Chamber of Secrets. Now I know it's because of the Dark Lord. You Tell Potter that your mother died because of the Dark Lord, but why do I remember that Field Manor claimed that she died of illness? If the Dark Lord is the hidden truth, why did you choose to tell Potter and never mentioned it to me? Because you have similar experiences, do you think you can find resonance by telling him?" Draco paused for a moment and then said, "If you really like me, then why am I not the one who can listen to your thoughts? Do you think I will care? Is your surname Field or do you think I would care that you have a heart that wants revenge on the Dark Lord or there is something else that I don’t know about?”

"You know, I've really had enough of this feeling." Draco looked at Nydia disappointedly, "Potter and Michelle, they are the ones who can participate in your world, they are the ones who can make you The one who confides his feelings, and I will always be just an outsider.”

"That's not the case, Draco, I have never treated you as an outsider." Nydia grabbed Draco's hand, she was afraid that he would leave like this.

"Then tell me, tell me everything," Draco growled in a trembling voice, eager for Nydia to tell everything.

What "I" wanted to say came to my lips, but Nidia couldn't open her mouth to say everything.

"Haha" Draco laughed twice in a self-deprecating tone. He pulled away the hand held by Nydia and stood up, "If this is what you call liking, then I would rather not have it."

Draco walked towards the hospital door. When he reached the door, he stopped and said without looking back, "I would like to trouble you to return the invisibility cloak to Potter for me." After that, he opened the hospital door and walked from The hospital left.

Watching Draco's leaving figure, Nydia curled up on the bedside sadly, buried her head between her arms, and cried loudly. How much she wished she could rush out and catch Draco desperately, but she couldn't do it. Now she was completely unable to change the fate that was waiting for her. She couldn't resist even a wisp of Voldemort's soul. force. She wasn't afraid of Voldemort, but she was afraid of letting Draco get hurt because of her.

When Nydia returned the Invisibility Cloak to Harry the next day, Harry was surprised to see Nydia's red and swollen eyes from crying and the deep dark circles under her eyes. He vaguely felt that Nydia and Draco The conflict between them may have some factors of his own. He felt very guilty in his heart, but he didn't dare to ask. He was worried that talking about it again would make Nidia more sad, so he had to keep silently paying attention to Nidia's situation.

Quidditch training on Friday night was held in the rain again. Although Wood had recently increased the intensity of training, when the rain became heavier and heavier, out of consideration for the health of the players, he stopped training. All the players were asked to go back to rest, but Nydia was still flying in the air like crazy and refused to stop. Harry tried to persuade him for a long time to no avail. In the end, Fred and George forced Dragging her off the broomstick.

As a result of staying in the wind and rain for a long time, she developed a high fever that night, so that she spent the two days of the weekend lying in a daze on the bed in the dormitory. But this is also a good thing for Nitya, because then she doesn't have to face other people's questions.

On Monday, she tried her best to appear calm and walked out of the common room. Draco did not show up for the ancient runes class. Although Nydia felt relieved, she could not help but feel a little disappointed. But Potions class is different, it is a required course.

When Nydia walked into the Potions classroom, Draco was already in his original position, but the seat next to him that originally belonged to Nydia was Blaise.

Blaise saw Nydia walking in and bumped Draco with his elbow, telling him that Nydia was here, but he didn't respond. Nydia walked over to the seat next to Neville and sat down. Because Snape would scold Neville in almost every class, no one dared to sit next to him to prevent themselves from being implicated by him.

After Snape entered the classroom, his eyes lingered on Draco and Nydia for a moment before starting today's class. Neville was still targeted by Snape, and Nydia's existence did not help him much, because Nydia herself was completely out of shape. She was still able to successfully brew today's potion, thanks to In the past two years, Snape has forced him to develop solid basic skills.

After Potions class, Snape left Nydia alone.

"It seems that you have been very busy recently. Not only did you go to Quidditch team training, but you also meddleed in accompanying Potter to practice the Patronus Charm." Snape walked to the potion that Nydia was brewing in class. Next, "Look what you got out of it."

"At least it's correct." Nydia tried to excuse herself.

"You call this kind of thing correct?" Snape looked at Nydia sternly, "Just remember, potions that cannot exert the greatest effect are called ineffective garbage."

Nitya pursed her lips, not daring to talk back anymore.

"I heard that you smashed a chair in the History of Magic classroom. I thought that after the Occlumency surgery during the summer vacation, you should be able to control your emotions." Snape said in a slow tone, "The Shattering Curse on you Why don't father just teach you all the unforgivable curses, so that next time you lose control, we will worry about the safety of other students in the school?"

"Why don't you just tell me the reason? Obviously you know it." Nydia looked at Snape in confusion. She didn't even know why she was in this situation, so how could she prevent it from happening again?

Snape was silent for a moment, and then said softly, "Maybe you should spend your time understanding the situation of your ancestors instead of wasting your time accompanying Potter to listen to the teachings of another person who easily loses control."

Snape took out a bottle of potion and stuffed it into Nydia's hand, "Send this to our crazy Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. By the way, tell him that you won't be participating in his Xiaozao class anymore. Until you can control your emotions well, it’s best not to take the initiative to seek stimulation.”

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