Harry Potter: The Path of Destiny

Chapter 146 Michelle’s worries

After the Christmas vacation, the students returned to school one after another. Draco also returned to school on the last day of the vacation. Nydia went to see him because she was worried about the recovery of the wound on his palm. Fortunately, the wound was not deep. , so after a holiday, the recovery was almost invisible. After the two briefly talked for a few words, Nidia returned to the common room. I don’t know if she was too worried, but Nidia always It felt like Draco was looking at him a little strangely.

The common room became crowded and noisy again because of the end of the holiday. Harry and Ron were sitting on the sofa by the fireplace. Nydia came up to say hello and wanted to talk to them about Hermione. She had recently Because Harry and Ron didn't pay much attention to her, she became a little depressed, but as soon as Nidia sat down, Wood came over.

"It's just right that you two are here." Wood said to Nitya and Harry. "During the holidays, I carefully thought about the game. The outcome of the next game is very important to us. , Harry, I'm worried that if the dementors come again in the next game, what can we say? We can't afford to fail, so I'm thinking that maybe it would be better if we let Nydia replace you in the next game. Be more secure.”

"What's wrong with this? I can't replace Harry," Nitya immediately refused.

"At least you won't be affected by the dementors, so at least you still have a chance to give it a try." Wood said. In fact, his idea was also very risky. Nydia has never actually played in a game, although she performed well in training. It was good, but it was completely different from the official competition.

"I'm working on it," Harry said. "Professor Lupine said he was going to train me to resist dementors, which should start this week. He said he would have time after Christmas."

"Ah" Wood's expression suddenly brightened, "If that's the case, that would be great. I actually don't want to lose you as the seeker."

Nitya also breathed a sigh of relief. She would rather be a batter than a seeker. This position is too critical.

"By the way, have you two ordered a broomstick?" Wood asked again.

"I bought a Nimbus 2001 during the holidays. I have been using the Nimbus 2001 for training before, so I think I will be the most proficient in controlling it with this model." After finishing speaking, Nydia looked at Harry with some worry.

"I haven't yet." Harry said a little frustrated.

"You'd better hurry up. You have to know that you can't ride that meteor to fight Ravenclaw." Wood became worried again.

"He got a Firebolt for Christmas." Ron, who had been listening, couldn't help but say.

When the Firebolt was mentioned, Harry and Nydia felt a little uncomfortable, and they didn't know when they would be able to get it back.

"Firebolt." Wood's eyes widened. "It can't be serious. A real Firebolt."

Yes, yes, a real Firebolt. I emptied my small treasury in exchange for the Firebolt, but it’s gone. Nitya said madly in her heart.

"Don't get excited yet," Harry said helplessly, "It's gone, it was confiscated." Harry told Wood exactly how the Firebolt was taken away.

"Are you kidding? Sirius is a wanted criminal. How could he walk into a Quidditch boutique to buy a broom with such arrogance?" Wood said excitedly, "I'm going to talk to Professor McGonagall. I want to make it clear to her. A Firebolt, a real Firebolt on our team, how important it is for us to win the game."

Wood's words filled Nidia with hope. It would be great if he could really persuade Professor McGonagall to return the Firebolt. Nidia knew that there was no evil curse on the Firebolt at all. It is necessary to disassemble and inspect.

On the second day of the Care of Magical Creatures class, Hagrid brought everyone salamanders, which live in fires. For this reason, Hagrid asked everyone to build a bonfire, which made the originally cold and humid weather more comfortable. A lot. After the course, Michelle did not follow the others back to the castle. She said she wanted to visit Buckbeak, so she stayed until lunch time, when she appeared in the restaurant with a depressed expression.

"What's wrong with you?" Nitya couldn't help but feel worried. In most cases, Michelle was smiling all day long. If she could show such an expression, something bad must have happened.

Michelle looked at Nydia, hesitated and then said, "You may not be happy when I say this. It's about Buckbeak. I know it hurt Draco and almost hurt you, so You don’t like it but I really think it’s pretty good.”

"But what?" Nydia knew that in fact, Michelle often sneaked to Hagrid's to see Buckbeak, but she never mentioned it to herself because she was afraid that she would be unhappy.

"But he may be punished. The Ministry of Magic has sent a letter to Hagrid." Michelle looked at Nidia in embarrassment. "Nidia, is it possible for you to talk to Draco and ask his father to stop Let’s hold Buckbeak accountable, okay?”

"Michelle, I'm sorry," Nitya said unbearably, "you know, it tried to attack me, it hurt Draco, and when I recall the scene at that time, all that comes to mind is Draco's sleeves were full of blood. If Hagrid hadn't stopped him in time, he might have attacked again. I simply can't imagine what the result would be. I can't forgive. I think Draco's father Not holding Hagrid accountable is already the biggest concession.”

Michelle lowered her head in frustration. In fact, she had already guessed this answer. If it was Nydia herself who was hurt, she might choose to forgive, but the person Buckbeak hurt in the end was Draco. This makes it difficult for Nydia to forgive.

Seeing Michelle's sad look, Nitya couldn't bear it. She sighed helplessly and said, "Listen, there is one thing I originally planned to tell you when I have definite evidence."

"What?" Michelle raised her head and looked at Nidia. Her slightly empty eyes revealed that she was not entirely focused on what Nidia said.

"Hermione accidentally mentioned that day that animals may be stimulated by some smells and produce crazy symptoms. This caught my attention, so I went to check some information on this aspect." Nidia said to Michelle , "First of all, let me state that I did not do this for the sake of the Hippogriff. I just wanted to find out if someone was really causing trouble here."

"Is this true? Does such a thing really exist?" Nitya's words made Michelle's eyes light up.

"This is real"

Before Nitya could answer Michelle's words, another voice from the side intervened and said, "Sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop, I just happened to hear it, and I happen to know something." Neville said a little embarrassed.

Nydia looked at Neville in surprise. She always easily ignored the fact that Neville was actually very good at herbal medicine. Neville himself rarely took the initiative to mention his interest in herbal medicine to others.

"What do you know?" Michelle didn't care at all about Neville's interruption, but showed great excitement.

"There is a high-purity extract of a plant that has such effects, and it is colorless and odorless. It's called saffron." Neville explained to Michelle.

Nydia sighed in her heart, if she had known that Neville knew so much, why would she bother to go to the library to find some books?

"It must be this one. Buckbeak is usually so docile and obedient. He won't attack people for no reason." Michelle said excitedly and excitedly.

"Don't be too happy. There is indeed such a thing, but there is no evidence to prove that Buckbeak was affected by it at that time. And as far as I know, saffron extract is banned. It’s not easily available on the market unless someone can extract it themselves, but it’s not an easy thing.”

"It's really complicated, Professor Sprout mentioned it once," Neville said.

"You mean Professor Sprout knows how to extract it?" Nydia looked at Neville in surprise. She didn't see the extraction method in the book at that time. "Then did she tell you about the extraction method?" "

"She basically said it once, but you know, my potions scores were so bad, and the process was so complicated, I can't remember it at all." Neville said slightly embarrassed, "But if you want to know, maybe You can ask Greengrass, she might remember."


"Yes, it's Astoria Greengrass from Slytherin House. She was there at the time. I heard that her potions scores were also good. Maybe she can remember it," Neville said.

"Hey, I don't need to know how to extract this thing. I just want to know how to confirm that Buckbeak is affected by this extract." Michelle asked anxiously. "If it can be proven that he was under the influence of drugs, Buckbeak will be innocent."

"Fluorite, fluorescent stone can detect traces of saffron extract." Nidia said.

"So you are looking for the fluorescent stone," Michelle said immediately with fighting spirit, "Leave this to me. I must prove that Buckbeak is innocent."

Seeing Michelle's renewed hope, Nidia couldn't help but feel a little worried. After all, this was just her conjecture. It was uncertain whether it was true. What if it turned out that there was no such thing as saffron extraction? Michelle may feel even more uncomfortable, and she doesn't know whether what she is telling her now is right or wrong.

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