Harry Potter: The Path of Destiny

Chapter 137 Two people who don’t talk (1)

On Saturday morning, before it was completely bright, Nydia had quietly slipped out of the Gryffindor common room.

"Are you sneaking out so early to meet your lover?" It was Sir Cadogan who spoke. But Nitya ignored him and walked away without looking back.

Since the Fat Lady was attacked by Sirius and went into hiding, Sir Cadogan's portrait has temporarily taken her place. Yes, temporarily. Nidia very much hopes that this is really only temporary, and it is best that this temporary period can be shorter. Because in Nydia's opinion, Sir Cadogan is really not a likeable portrait.

He spends half of his time every day provoking others to duel with him, and the other half of his time is spent thinking up all kinds of almost ridiculous passwords, and he changes them very frequently. Sometimes you just go out for lunch, and when you come back you will find that the passwords have changed again. Has been replaced. Of course, sometimes Nydia would be glad that he changed passwords quickly, because some of them were so ridiculous that she found it difficult to say them.

Nidia came to the kitchen with a familiar trot. She recently discovered to her surprise that not only can you get delicious food from these house elves in the kitchen, but they will also provide you with a lot of help. For example, now, Nidia Dia was receiving a thick blanket from a house elf, which Nydia had commissioned from the house elf named Winky a few days ago.

Since November, the weather has become colder and colder, and the crude living environment in the Shrieking Shack has become worse and worse. At night, Sirius can only transform into Padfoot and Sirius and tell Nydia this It's his nickname as an Animagus, who relies on the animal's hair to protect him from the cold. Nydia originally considered bringing a pot of coals to Sirius, but the light from the coals would make the Shrieking Shack look very suspicious, so she had to ask the house elves to knit a thick blanket for her.

When Nidia struggled to carry the heavy blanket through the passage under the Whomping Willow and arrived at the Shrieking Shack, Padfoot was curled up on the broken bed and fast asleep, completely unaware of anyone coming in. Nidia threw the blanket away with all her strength and covered Padfoot, who was still sleeping, with it. Feeling the weight of the blanket, Padfoot immediately struggled to get up in panic, stretched out his head from the blanket, and when he saw Nidia With that proud smile on his face, he shook his head helplessly and then transformed back into his human form.

"You scared me." Sirius breathed a long sigh of relief, "I suddenly dreamed that I was caught in a huge net."

"You are so worried about being caught but your vigilance is so low that you don't even know I'm coming in." Nitya said as she took out the food she brought with her from her bag.

"That is my transformed image. Even if a dementor comes in at this time, it will only see a dog." Sirius walked out of bed and relaxed his body.

"It's a pity that I'm not a dementor. I just wanted to see if you could still be so calm if a real dementor appeared next to you like this." Nydia looked back at Sirius, who was still wearing the original clothes on his body. The tattered robe he was wearing when I saw him. "It seems that I will bring you some decent clothes next time I come here."

"Don't bother. In fact, it will be safer if I keep Bigfoot for a long time." Sirius walked to the window that had been boarded up and looked outside through the gap. "You came really early today. I thought you would Come later.”

"I need to go to Quidditch training in the morning, so I can only come out earlier to deliver these things to you." In fact, this is better. There are almost no other people at this time in the morning, so it is not easy for others to notice that you are out.

"Has Harry returned to training so quickly? I was worried that the loss in the last game would have an impact on him?" Sirius said excitedly.

"Well, you misunderstood, I didn't go to watch Gryffindor's training." Nydia said with some embarrassment.

"It's not Gryffindor who trains people from other houses." Sirius looked at Nydia doubtfully, and then thought about it, "Could it be Slytherin?"

Nydia nodded, not raising her head to meet Sirius's gaze.

"Are you here to see Draco train?" Sirius carefully observed Nydia's expression. When he caught a hint of shyness on Nydia's face, he immediately said, "You are boyfriend and girlfriend."

"No, we are not the kind of relationship you mentioned," Nitya said in a panic.

"Yes, it's not this kind of relationship, or, it's not this kind of relationship yet," Sirius teased Nitya with a smile on his face.

"I asked you, as an elder, can you be a little more serious?" Sirius' words made Nydia blush.

"Originally, I thought you would like Harry more," Sirius said with a slightly regretful tone. "But Draco is also my nephew."

"Why do you think so about my relationship with Harry?" Nydia said in surprise.

"Because you still care about him, haven't you noticed it yourself?" Sirius spread his hands and shrugged.

"That's because we are friends. What's so weird about caring about friends?" Nydia didn't understand. Draco often felt like he had something to do with Harry.

"A lot of times they slowly turn from friends into lovers."

"But Harry and I are really just friends," Nidia said firmly.

"Okay Gryffindor girl and Slytherin boy," Sirius said casually at first, then suddenly thought of something and gave Nydia a meaningful look.

"What's wrong?" Nydia noticed Sirius' strange gaze.

"It's nothing. I just suddenly remembered that when I was studying, there was also a Gryffindor girl who had a good relationship with a Slytherin boy."

"Then what?" Nitya asked curiously.

"And it's getting late now. I think you should go back, otherwise Quidditch training should start." Sirius reminded.

Nidia looked outside and saw that it was getting brighter, so she didn't ask any more questions and left in a hurry.

When they returned to the dormitory, several other people had already gotten up. After breakfast, Nidia dragged Michelle, who was reluctant, to the training ground. At this time, the training had begun, and there were some people sitting around the stadium who came to watch the training. Nidia also found a seat and pulled Michelle to sit down.

"Why do you have to ask me to come with you?" Michelle looked around uneasily.

"Are you worried about meeting Brace?" Nidia saw through Michelle's thoughts.

"No," Michelle denied.

"How long are you going to keep silent?" Nitya looked at Michelle, "This is indeed something you should apologize to him for."

"I will find an opportunity to apologize to him." Michelle said impatiently.

"Really?" Nitya pointed to Michelle in the direction of the entrance to the training ground with her eyes, "Look, he's here."

Michelle turned around and saw Blaise walking into the training ground talking and laughing with a Slytherin girl. She frowned slightly, "You see, there are always all kinds of things around people. The girl is with me, so there is no need for me to apologize or anything."

Nidia looked at Michelle in surprise, "Did you know that what you said sounded like jealousy? If I hadn't known that you liked Fred, I would have definitely assumed that it was jealousy."

"I'm not jealous of a playboy like him." Michelle showed a look of disgust. "I just don't want to apologize to him in front of other people."

During this period of time, Michelle had not thought of apologizing to Brace, especially since they were taking divination classes together, but there were always girls around Brace, which made Michelle feel embarrassed. She could I don’t want to have to bow my head and admit my mistake when there is an audience around me.

Nydia had no choice but to say nothing and began to concentrate on watching Draco's training. She had been worried because Madam Pomfrey clearly said when removing Draco's bandages that she advised him not to practice Quidditch. , but he didn't take these words to heart at all, and his desire to win the game dominated.

When Draco got off the broomstick, he looked at Nydia with some embarrassment and then at Blaise who was sitting on the other side, seeming to be worried about which way to go.

"You can go over here. I'll be fine here alone." Michelle could see that Nitya had long wanted to run over, but she didn't get up because she was worried about being here alone.

"I'll go say hello and come back." Nitya stood up and walked towards the sidelines.

"Aren't they two talking yet?" Draco looked at Michelle and Blaise sitting in two directions and asked Nydia.

"Yeah, I don't know how long this will last." Nidia shrugged helplessly, then took out a handkerchief from her pocket and handed it to Draco, gesturing for him to wipe the sweat on his head.

Draco took the handkerchief and wiped it on his face casually, "Actually, I asked Blaise and he didn't seem to care too much about what happened on the train. It's just that Michelle seemed to be very concerned about it and had been deliberately avoiding it. Open him."

"You haven't wiped many places at all." Nydia frowned, took the handkerchief back from Draco's hand, and began to wipe away the sweat beads that had not been wiped for him.

In fact, Draco felt that this was not necessary at all, because he would be sweating profusely during training later, but it felt good to see Nydia wiping his sweat like this, so he didn't say anything and let her go. .

"What does that passage mean?" Draco spent several days trying, but still couldn't decipher the passage that Nydia gave him.

"You have to untie it yourself." Nitya's eyes flickered.

"You know I'm not good at these." Draco couldn't calm down to decipher these codes.

"Then you have to work hard." Knowing that Draco might not be able to unravel that sentence quickly, Nydia felt a little relieved, because she was not sure whether she had really made this decision. "How about training your arms like this? Is it too forced?"

"Don't worry, it's completely fine." Draco moved his injured arm.

"That's good. Fred and George told me a few days ago to work hard. Only if you defeat Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff, we Gryffindor will not be eliminated early."

"Of course we will defeat Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff, but if you, Gryffindor, don't want to be eliminated early, you first have to see if Ravenclaw can defeat Hufflepuff next week. If If Hufflepuff wins another game, you will also have no chance of winning."

"It's such a cruel competition." Nitya said with emotion.

"That's how the game is. Who made Potter so afraid of Dementors? Otherwise Digory might not have been able to catch the Golden Snitch in that game. The two of them were so close at the time."

"Don't talk about the Dementors anymore. Harry is already troubled by this." Since that game, some busybodies would often deliberately imitate the Dementors when passing by Harry to taunt him. .

"You always protect him like this, what I said is just the truth." Draco said a little unhappy.

"I just don't want my friend to be sad. Even if it were someone else, I would be the same. It's not that there is anything special because he is Harry." Draco's words reminded Nydia of what Sirius said earlier in the morning, She felt that she needed to make it clear to Draco, lest he feel that she was special to Harry again.

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