Harry Potter: The Path of Destiny

Chapter 125 Defense Against the Dark Arts Class

Although Nidia tried her best to hide it, her red eyes still caught Michelle's attention.

"What happened to Draco?" Michelle originally thought that Draco had done something to make Nydia cry, but when she turned to look at Draco, she found that he was also acting in the same way. Depressed and sad expression, "You guys had a fight"

Nidia raised her head to look in the direction of Draco, and he happened to look up at her as well. When she touched Draco's eyes, Nidia felt a sadness in her heart. Moved away, "No, I was just blinded by the wind on the way here."

"Really?" Michelle looked at Nydia suspiciously, and then at Draco at the Slytherin table. "It doesn't matter if you don't say it. Anyway, you two always make up after arguing for a long time."

"Nidia" Harry suddenly moved to sit next to Nidia. He patted Nidia's shoulder. Nidia turned to look at Harry, "Oh, you cried"

"My eyes were blinded by the wind," Michelle answered for Nitya first, and signaled Harry with her eyes not to ask any more questions. Harry received Michelle's message and glanced secretly in Draco's direction, finding that he also had a displeased look on his face.

"What's the matter Harry?" Nydia asked Harry.

"Well, I want to ask Malfoy what he meant by what he said in class before. Why should I go to Sirius? Does he know something?" Harry kept thinking about what Draco said to him in class. if.

"Harry, I don't think you should take his words to heart. He is just talking nonsense and wants to instigate you to do something stupid and get punished." Nidia replied with a guilty conscience.

"Really? I thought he would be a little different now." Harry said thoughtfully.

"He actually just has a young man's temper, and he doesn't really have any bad intentions." Nydia didn't know why, but Draco seemed to be specifically targeting Harry.

"Okay, let's meet in Defense Against the Dark Arts class later." Harry stood up and left, "I hope our teacher this time can teach us some real skills."

Nydia also had expectations for the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, but judging from Snape's words just now, the new Professor Lupine didn't seem to be in good health. He had been in poor health on the train. Lying there sleeping, even if they made a lot of noise next to him, he showed no sign of waking up. I wonder if this was also because of his poor health.

When he saw Lupine again, he looked much better than before, but his clothes were still very shabby. As soon as he entered the classroom, he surprisingly announced that this was a practical class, and everyone would not need textbooks, only wands. Nydia was both surprised and worried about this situation. Last year, Lockhart also tried to give them a practical lesson, but the final result was hard to describe.

Lupine took everyone out of the classroom. Although everyone was somewhat doubtful, they still showed great interest, especially after he used a small spell to subdue the naughty Peeves on the way. Everyone became I am looking forward to this class even more.

Finally they arrived at the staff lounge. Snape was sitting in the staff lounge. He chose to leave after learning that Lupine was going to give everyone a practical lesson, and then he did not forget to ridicule Neville. This made Neville's face turn red. When Snape walked to the door, he glanced at Nidia thoughtfully. I wonder if it was Nidia's illusion. Nidia always felt that Snape wanted her to discover something, and this The matter is most likely related to Professor Luping.

"Okay." Lupine led everyone to an old wardrobe. The wardrobe suddenly shook, and several students jumped back in fright. "Don't worry, there is a Boggart inside."

When he said this, everyone became more worried, especially Neville.

"Boggarts like dark and closed spaces, wardrobes, the space under the bed, the cupboard under the sink. Now, the first question we have to ask ourselves is what is a boggart?"

Unsurprisingly, Hermione immediately raised her hand, "It's a shape-shifting thing. It will turn into whatever it thinks will scare us the most."

"I can't say it more clearly myself." Lupine praised Hermione. "The Boggart in this dark cabinet doesn't have a specific shape yet, and it doesn't know what the people outside the cabinet door are afraid of. . No one knows what a boggart looks like when it is alone, but as soon as I let it out, it will immediately become what each of us fears most."

"What are you afraid of?" Michelle asked Nitya in a low voice.

"I don't know, I don't seem to be particularly afraid of anything." Nidia was actually a little curious about what the Boggart would look like in front of her.

"The spell to defeat the boggart is very simple, but requires a lot of willpower. You know, what is killing the boggart is laughter. What you need is to force it into an image that you find funny. , please read Funny to me." Lupine explained to everyone how to deal with Boggarts.

Lupine asked Neville to be the first person to deal with the Boggart. Neville was most afraid of Professor Snape. Under Lupine's guidance, Neville successfully made Professor Snape replace his grandmother's usual The clothes and funny image he wore made the whole class start laughing loudly, and the Snape-like Boggart immediately became overwhelmed.

Neville's success made everyone feel that Boggart seemed to be very easy to deal with, so when the next few people faced Boggart, everything went very smoothly. Nydia lined up behind Harry. She kept thinking about what she was afraid of. She felt that she didn't seem to be particularly afraid of anything. After she finally thought of Hagrid's huge eight-eyed spider, she decided When she used it as the thing she was afraid of, Ron had already turned the Boggart into a big spider, which frustrated her. So what else could she be afraid of?

However, the reality is that Nydia did not really have a chance to face the Boggart, because Lupine immediately intervened when Harry was about to face the Boggart and terminated the practical course. Te turned into a silver-white sphere in front of Lupine, suspended in mid-air. In the end, Neville turned the Boggart into a small black smoke in the form of Professor Snape.

Although she could not really deal with the Boggart, this did not prevent Nydia from having a good impression of Lupine. He was the only teacher in the past three years who could teach them real useful knowledge of Defense Against the Dark Arts. However, There is one point that Nydia cares about very much, and that is the silver-white sphere that the Boggart turned into in front of Lupine. Before, everyone was afraid of some terrifying creatures, even the Snake that Neville was afraid of. Professor Pu, they are all really scary. But Nidia really couldn't see anything scary about that silver-white sphere. Nidia even thought it was as beautiful as a full moon in the sky. It's really puzzling that Professor Lupine is afraid of such a beautiful thing.

On Friday afternoon, Nydia originally expected to stay in Snape's office for the whole afternoon, but unexpectedly, Snape just asked Nydia to help him get the ingredients for the potion from him. He just found all the ingredients in the warehouse. He claimed that it was still in the preparation stage and there was no need to deal with all the ingredients now.

The whole process ended in less than half an hour. Nidia didn't understand why Snape forced her to come over to help him deal with such a simple matter. What she didn't understand even more was that Snape asked her to help him get through it. Medicine, but refused to reveal what potion he was going to make, but he told her all the ingredients needed to make the potion. In order to get the information she wanted from Snape, Nydia obediently followed Snape's arrangements without asking any questions.

After coming out of Snape's house, Nydia still had almost a whole afternoon of free time with nothing to do, so she took Yiwan and her ancient rune textbook with her and came to the Black Lake, because she needed It's not convenient to translate something secretly and do it in the common room.

Ancient runes were both complex and boring. Many of the symbols looked very similar to Nidia, but just such a small difference could make the meaning of the entire sentence completely different. Nydia struggled to learn. She wanted to ask Hermione for help several times, but she found that Hermione was very busy, and the pile of homework in front of her was as high as a hill.

"Meow!" Suddenly, Yiwan, who was still sleeping peacefully, let out a warning cry.

Yiwan stared at a bush at the side and behind, and all the hair on her back stood up. This was the first time Nidia saw Yiwan like this, as if she was facing a formidable enemy.

Nidia also looked towards the bush, and saw that the bush shook twice, and a dark creature came out of it. Nidia was startled, and then after looking carefully, she realized that it was just a creature. It's a rather large dog. The hair all over its body looks dirty and messy. It seems like it hasn't been cared for for a long time. It's big, but it looks very thin. It seems that the life of wandering outside has taken a toll on it. It suffered a lot, and its eyes were fixed on the pie that Nidia brought over and put aside, completely ignoring Yiwan's warning to it.

"Do you want to eat this?" Nidia picked up the pie and shook it at the big black dog. As expected, the big black dog's eyes started to shake along with the pie. Nidia found it a little funny, "Yiwan, get out of the way. It's just hungry."

Yiwan did not move and barked again, as if to remind Nidia that this big black dog was not safe.

"It's okay, it just wants to eat something, don't be so stingy." Nitya reached out and hugged Yiwan into her arms, and Yiwan called out twice unwillingly.

"Come here." Nidia handed the pie to the big black dog and motioned for it to come and eat. The big black dog first cautiously took two steps forward, then raised his head to look at Nidia. After confirming that she had no ill intentions, he walked forward again.

It looked really hungry. It only took a few bites to finish the pie, and it looked like it was not full yet, but there was nothing else to eat on Nidia.

"Sorry, I only have this pie with me today, but I will come here again at this time tomorrow. If you still want to eat something, you can come here and find me, and I will bring you something to eat."

Nidia didn't know if the dog could understand her words. After looking at Nidia seriously, she turned around and left quickly.

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