Harry Potter: The Path of Destiny

Chapter 123 Crookshanks and Yiwan

Michelle and Hermione followed Harry and Ron and sneaked out of the castle after dinner to see Hagrid. He was not in very good condition and was worried about whether he would be expelled, so they returned to the dormitory. They were not in a good mood at the time, and they were also worried about Hagrid's condition. When they walked into the dormitory and saw Nydia sitting in a daze on the bed, they immediately came forward to ask about Draco's situation.

"Is Malfoy seriously injured?" Hermione asked Nydia worriedly, but she was not worried about Draco's injury, but worried that if Draco was seriously injured, it would cause harm to Hagrid. positive effect.

"He is a little weak from bleeding all the way. Although Madam Pomfrey has healed his injuries, it will take some time to fully recover because the tendons and blood vessels in his hand were severed." Recalling what Madam Pomfrey said, Nettie Ya began to worry about Draco again, wondering if he had returned to the Slytherin common room or stayed in the hospital.

"Sounds a bit serious," Hermione said with some disappointment.

"It's not what it sounds like, but it's really serious." Nydia felt unhappy after hearing that Hermione didn't really care about Draco in her words.

"Then will the Malfoy family go after Hagrid? You know Malfoy's father still has a lot of influence on the school board. Will they fire Hagrid for this?" After learning that Draco's injury was serious Hermione felt even more worried about Hagrid.

"Why are you making trouble for Hagrid? It was Buckbeak, the hippogriff, who hurt Draco. Don't you always think of the Malfoy family so unreasonably?" Nydia became even more unhappy. .

"Hagrid said Buckbeak is the docile one among the hippogriffs," Michelle said disappointedly. She liked the hippogriffs very much.

"Do you think its performance today can be described as docile?" Recalling the scene where Buckbeak attacked her today, Nydia was still frightened. "If it hadn't been for Draco, maybe I would have really died from it today." The claws are down"

"At least he was very docile when dealing with Harry. I went to see him in the evening and he was also very friendly to me." Michelle recalled the scene of her getting along with Buckbeak in the evening. She really felt Buckbeak is a very docile Hippogriff.

"So do you think it's my problem?" Nidia looked at Michelle in disbelief, "I did everything Hagrid said and waited until it gave me a gift in return before I went up to touch it. If it didn't like my touch, why did it return the favor?"

"Perhaps Buckbeak was stimulated or something at that time. Hagrid didn't mean to be rude to the hippogriff." Hermione wanted to defend Buckbeak.

"I didn't do anything unreasonable to it. As I said, I waited until it returned the favor before walking forward." The more Nidia spoke, the more angry she became. She was almost killed by a winged hippogriff today. Not only did Michelle and Hermione not care whether she was frightened, they now felt that she had done something unreasonable and angered Buckbeak.

"I'm not saying you're unreasonable. I'm just saying that maybe something else stimulated its smell or color or something." Hermione felt Nydia's emotions and quickly changed the subject, "Hey, you saw Crookshanks. Isn’t it going to look for Ron’s Scabbers again?”

"Why is Yiwan not interested in Scabbers even though they are cats?" Michelle quickly continued Hermione's topic, "Why did Hermione name the cat Crookshanks?"

"The name was given by the pet shop. I thought it was a good name, so I didn't change it." Hermione searched carefully around the bedroom to make sure that she didn't see Crookshanks, and she began to worry.

"What about Yiwan? That doesn't quite look like a cat's name." Michelle asked Nidia again, hoping that talking about other topics would make her feel better.

"Yiwan." Nitya thought about it carefully, but she couldn't remember where the name Yiwan came from. It was as if Yiwan should have been called Yiwan. "I forgot, maybe the pet shop gave me the name." Maybe it’s from my father.”

"If you forget, it's only been two years. You can forget it." Michelle looked at Nitya in disbelief.

"If you forget, you just forgot. Anyway, Yiwan seems to like her name quite a lot." As she said this, Nitya hugged Yiwan, who was curled up beside her, into her arms, and Yiwan seemed to respond to her just now. He barked softly as if speaking.

"Okay, just be happy." Michelle shrugged helplessly.

"It would be great if Crookshanks could be like Ivan and stop looking for trouble with Scabbers." Hermione stood at the door of the dormitory and looked around. She was a little undecided whether to go out and look for Crookshanks. .

"I think it's normal for Crookshanks to be like that. It's natural for cats to catch mice. It's strange for a cat like Iwan to be completely uninterested in mice," Michelle said.

"That's right, my cat doesn't catch mice, and I don't like the hippogriff. We are both masters and servants who are weird. What a match," Nydia said in a weird voice.

"That's not what I meant" Michelle wanted to explain awkwardly.

"I'm tired, I'm going to sleep." Nidia turned her head to the side and lay on the bed.

Michelle looked at Hermione helplessly, sighed, and lay on her bed ready to rest.

The next day, Nydia met Ginny when she came out of the common room. Ever since she came out of the secret room, Ginny's attitude towards her had completely changed. This made Nydia very happy and she was no longer troubled by Riddle. Ginny, influenced by the diary, also changed from that somewhat withdrawn girl to a cheerful and lively girl. She heard about what happened yesterday from Ron, so she came to ask Nidia if she was okay. Nidia was relieved that someone finally remembered that she was attacked by a Hippogriff.

There were two potions classes in a row this morning, and they were held together with Slytherin students. Nydia felt flustered. After what happened yesterday, she was now a little afraid of seeing Draco.

When she arrived in the basement classroom, she did not find Draco among the Slytherin students. Nydia was both relieved and worried about this. Did he not come because his hand injury was not recovering well enough? So I can’t come to class yet. But in the middle of the class, Draco suddenly walked into the classroom. His arm was still wrapped in bandages. Nydia could feel that he had been staring at her since he entered the classroom. His eyes and heart began to become panicked, and he could only focus on the soup he had made.

"Professor" Draco suddenly said to Snape, "I need someone to help me with these ingredients because of my arms"

"Nitya, please help Malfoy with the ingredients," Snape said without raising his head, as if he thought this arrangement was a natural thing. "Anyway, you are already very good at brewing this potion."

Draco happily placed his cauldron next to Nydia's cauldron. What they were going to brew today was a shrinking potion. Nydia had already learned this potion last year, so brewing it now was a good idea for her. It's really not that difficult.

"Nydia, we need to talk about yesterday" Draco said close to Nydia's ear.

"Draco, we are still in class." Nydia dodged Draco's approach, and then used her eyes to indicate to Draco that Snape was not far away from them.

"Okay, then after class." Draco looked at Snape, and then began to prepare his own potion.

Nydia tried her best to focus on handling the ingredients for Draco, ignoring the glances Draco cast at her from time to time.

"At the end of Longbottom's lesson, we are going to give your toad a few drops of this potion and see what happens. This may inspire you to brew the potion well."

On the table next to Nydia, Snape was severely criticizing the potion that Neville had brewed because he had turned the potion that should have been dark green into orange.

After Snape walked away, Neville was so frightened that he cast a pleading look at Nydia and Hermione on both sides of him, whimpering and said, "Help me."

Nydia leaned over and looked at the soup prepared by Neville, "You have put too little mouse spleen and leech juice. You need to put in at least half the amount."

"Figs have to be peeled, you can't just throw them in." Hermione on the other side also came over.

"Also, the caterpillars are sliced, not cut into sections. If you cut them too thick, it will also affect the effect."

Under the guidance of Nydia and Hermione, Neville became in a hurry.

"Don't worry, there is still time, you can adjust the potion, don't worry." Hermione comforted the panicked Neville.

"Thank you," Neville stammered with a cry in his voice.

"You really like to meddle in these things," Draco was a little unhappy when he saw that Nydia's attention was on Neville, "Do you think Snape won't know that it was you who helped him?"

"But we can't let it go. Who knows what will happen if the strange potion he brewed is really eaten by his toad," Nidia said.

"My figs need to be peeled." Draco handed his figs to Nydia.

"Okay, I will do it for you in the same way. Don't rush me. What you need to put in now is the daisy root." Nidia took the fig handed over by Draco and started to peel off the skin for him.

"I didn't know who you were going to point out later," Draco muttered.

"Isn't this all done for you?"

Nydia felt a little helpless, she hoped Draco wouldn't keep staring at her like this. But Draco was soon attracted by the conversation between Seamus and Harry behind him. They were talking about Sirius. The Daily Prophet reported that someone had seen Sirius near Hogwarts.

"Hey, Potter, do you want to go find Sirius?" Draco turned to Harry and said, "Go and arrest him yourself."

"What are you talking about and why should I go find him?" Harry asked in confusion.

"He's talking nonsense, don't pay attention to him, Harry." Nydia quickly interrupted Draco, not letting him continue.

"Why don't you let me tell him?" Draco whispered to Nydia, "Are you worried that he will actually go to Sirius if he finds out?"

"Harry doesn't know these things, so don't upset him." How sad it would be if Harry knew that his godfather was the one who betrayed his parents.

"You care about him so much" Draco said displeased.

"Harry saved me." Nydia felt that Draco was being unreasonable.

"I have protected you too." Draco said as he raised his bandaged arm.

"Don't move that hand, it will affect your recovery." Nitya said nervously, "I'm helping you handle your ingredients right now, because you can't handle it yourself."

"This is different, this is what Snape asked you to do."

"Even if he doesn't ask, even if your hand is not injured, I can help you deal with these, or other things, as long as you need it and I can do it." Nidia said seriously.

After hearing these words from Nydia, Draco finally stopped making trouble and began to make his own soup seriously.

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