Harry Potter: The Path of Destiny

Chapter 116 You are cousins

Nydia and others spent a lot of time in Madam Malkin's Robe Shop to get all the school uniforms for the four of them. When they walked out of the robe shop, Diagon Alley had returned to its usual crowded scene. .

"Next let's go to Flourish and Blott Bookstore. There are quite a lot of books this year," Michelle suggested. "By the way, Nydia, which electives did you choose in the end? I remember you have been struggling with Muggle Studies. Learning and ancient runes.”

"I chose Care of Magical Creatures and Ancient Runes. I originally wanted to choose three, but considering that I might not be able to take care of so many subjects, I gave up Muggle Studies." In fact, Nydia was thinking I think it's a pity, but now the ancient runes are more useful to me.

"Well, at least we have one elective course that we can take together." Michelle was a little regretful. She hoped that her and Nidia's elective courses could be the same, but Nidia clearly refused divination, and she I have no interest in ancient runes at all.

"What did you two choose?" Nydia asked Draco and Blaise.

"I chose the same one as you." When Draco said this, he unconsciously turned his face to the side. He remembered the scene when Nydia talked about elective courses with him last time. At that time, he behaved very Bad.

"I chose arithmetic and divination." Blaise said proudly.

"You chose two divination classes. How much do you want to predict the future?" Michelle said in surprise.

"I'm not interested in the future." Blaise said mysteriously.

"Because these two elective courses have the most girls." Draco said the reason why Blaise chose these two courses.

"Oh, you really have a clear purpose." Michelle looked at Brace with disgust.

"Thanks for the compliment." Blaise smiled proudly, not caring that Michelle's words were actually mocking him.

As soon as the four of them arrived at the entrance of Flourishes and Blotts Bookstore, a scream came from the store. The four of them were startled and looked at each other, not knowing what was going on inside.

When Draco pushed open the door of Flourish and Blotts Bookstore, he happened to see the manager of the bookstore covering his hands and running into the room behind the counter. There was a girl standing in front of the counter, holding a book tied with a rope. She got up from her book, and when she was attracted by the sound of the door opening and turned her head, they discovered that the girl was actually Pansy.

The expression on Pansy's face was happy when she saw Draco, but when she saw Nydia coming in right after Draco, her expression immediately darkened, especially when she noticed that Draco When Rako and Nydia held hands together, she went crazy.

"Aren't you about to drop out of school? Why are you still here?" Pansy said viciously to Nitya. She was disappointed when she knew that Nitya had been rescued from the secret room. Fortunately, she heard Nitya again immediately. There was news that Ya was about to drop out of school, but at this moment Nydia actually appeared again, and she was still with Draco.

"I'm really sorry to disappoint you. Please take good care of me in the next few years." Nidia didn't care about Pansy's bad attitude at all, and waved to her with a smile.

Nitya's attitude made Pansy even more angry. She wanted to rush up and scratch her smiling face that made her disgusted. However, Draco's warning eyes made her dare not do so, and she just snorted. Then he rushed out of the door.

"Wow, this is the first time I've seen you hit back at Pansy like this." Michelle on the side exclaimed. In the past, Nidia chose to avoid Pansy's vicious words.

"Really?" Nydia thought for a while, and it seemed that she had indeed been forbearing towards Pansy. "Then she may need to get used to the new way of getting along with each other in the future."

"Hey, come and see what these are." Blaise stood in front of an iron cage and called to the other three people. There were probably more than a hundred books biting each other inside the iron cage, with broken pieces of paper flying everywhere.

"It seems like this is the book Pansy was holding in her hand just now." Michelle stepped forward curiously to look at it. "The Monster Book of Monsters is actually the textbook for our Care of Magical Creatures class."

"Is this really a book? Are you sure it's not some magical animal that looks like a book?" Nidia looked at the book in the cage in disbelief.

"It seems that I made the right decision not to take this course. What kind of barbaric people would use such a book?" Blaise patted his chest and said happily.

"Hey, did you forget that the three of us have chosen Care of Magical Creatures?" Michelle said unhappily. "I think this book is very interesting. But how should I read it? This book actually has teeth."

Draco stood silently and looked at the books fighting in the cage. He frowned, as if he was worried about something.

"Do you regret taking this course?" Nydia asked Draco.

"No, I was just wondering what kind of professor would choose such a textbook. As far as I know, the professor who taught the Care of Magical Creatures class has retired, which means that the one who teaches us will be a new professor. And Judging from the experience of the two Defense Against the Dark Arts professors that Dumbledore hired before, I'm afraid it's not very reliable.

"So, I don't know what kind of person this year's Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher will be," Michelle said with some curiosity.

"Hey, Lockhart isn't teaching anymore?" Nydia asked. Has Lockhart's true identity been finally revealed?

"Nydia doesn't know yet? It is said that Lockhart was hit by the Forgetting Curse. Now he has forgotten who he is. Draco should be very clear about this." Michelle said and looked at To Draco.

"He was struck by a spell when he was using Weasley's broken wand to cast a spell." Draco turned his head to the side after simply speaking, as if he didn't want to continue talking about this topic.

"So that's it." Nitya nodded thoughtfully. After being comatose in the secret room, she seemed to have missed a lot of things. She should ask Michelle when she has time later.

At this time, the manager who ran away in a hurry finally returned to the store. One of his hands was tied with a bandage. When he saw the four people standing in front of the iron cage, his expression instantly froze. .

"Hogwarts" he asked nervously.

After the four people nodded to him, he asked again cautiously, "How many books?"

The four of them looked at each other, and then Yunitya said, "Three copies, thank you." After saying that, she did not forget to give him an encouraging smile.

At that moment, Nidia felt that the manager of Flourish and Blotts Bookstore was about to cry, but in the end he put on a pair of thick gloves, picked up a big crutch full of knots and walked towards the iron cage. The four of them He immediately stepped aside and made room for him.

After going through a struggle-like operation, the manager of Flourish and Blotts Bookstore finally handed the three books tied with ropes into the hands of Nidia and others. The other hand of the bookstore manager was blocked by Michelle's. The book was bitten, but fortunately it was not as serious as before, but his mood was already terrible. He no longer cared about what other books Nitya and the others needed, and left them alone in the bookstore. After rummaging around, the manager's expression didn't get any better until they checked out and left.

"The ancient rune textbooks for the first year only require a simple introduction to ancient runes and a magic script dictionary. Why did you buy so many other ancient rune books, including advanced magic script translations?" "Draco asked, looking at Nydia who had picked up a lot of ancient rune books in confusion.

"I just think this course is very interesting and I want to know more about it." Nidia said as she put the book into her telescopic pocket.

They then went to buy some other supplies, and when they passed the Quidditch boutique, Draco was attracted by the new broomsticks displayed in the window.

"I didn't expect that a sample of the Firebolt would be displayed so soon," Blaise sighed as he stood next to Draco.

"Is this new broom very special?" Nidia never knew much about Quidditch, but she noticed that the price column on the Firebolt sign said "negotiation."

"This is the fastest broom in the world, and many international teams have already reserved it." Draco explained to Nydia. His eyes were always staring at the Firebolt, and it was obvious that he liked this broom very much.

"With the capital of the Malfoy family, it is very easy to buy you one." Blaise elbowed Draco, who was still staring at the Firebolt.

"Forget it, I don't want to be said that I rely on broomsticks to win." Draco tried his best to retract his gaze, and then led Nydia and continued to walk forward.

Nydia could see that Draco actually wanted the Firebolt. He had become a little absent-minded after leaving the Quidditch Boutique, so Nydia decided to say something to distract Draco. At this time, she happened to see Sirius' wanted notice on the bulletin board.

"Draco, have you seen Sirius?" Nidia remembered that her father said that Sirius was Draco's uncle, so she asked this question casually, but after asking, she felt so stupid. The reports said Sirius has been imprisoned for twelve years. How old was Draco twelve years ago?

"He broke away from the family when he was a student." Draco replied.

"Why when he was a student?" Draco's answer surprised Nydia. He was separated from his family when he was a student, so how did he live?

Draco glanced at Nydia meaningfully, "Do you remember that I told you that everyone in our family graduated from Slytherin?"

Nydia nodded, but she didn't understand why Draco suddenly mentioned this.

"The Black family is the same, but Sirius entered Gryffindor." Draco said.

"What Gryffindor?" Nydia said in surprise.

"Yes, Gryffindor, does this sound a bit like someone?" Draco looked at Nydia with a playful smile.

Draco's words suddenly reminded Nydia that in the first semester, Hagrid had mentioned to her a person who, like herself, was not assigned to the same college as the rest of the family. Could it be that he was referring to Sirius?

"That's your uncle. If I were to look like him and you, I would be more similar," Nitya said, pointing to the photo on the wanted poster. "Look, your facial features are even somewhat similar."

"Nonsense, he is just my mother's cousin, and our relationship is not that close." Draco looked at the slightly crazy Sirius in the photo with disgust, "If we want to say that we are close, there is someone who follows him. He is much closer than I am with him.”

"Who?" Nitya asked curiously.

"Our great savior Harry Potter, he is Sirius's godson," Draco said.

"I've never heard Harry say he had a godfather."

"Maybe he doesn't know it himself, and probably no one will go out of his way to tell him. After all, his godfather is the one who betrayed his parents to the Dark Lord."

Nydia was shocked again. She remembered Snape's evaluation of Sirius, a dirty and shameful betrayer, that is to say, he betrayed Harry's parents. At that time, Snape seemed very angry. Are you angry about Harry's parents? I heard from Harry that Snape didn't get along with his father when he was at school.

"What are you thinking about?" Draco saw that Nydia remained silent, thinking that she was worried about Potter, and felt unhappy.

"I was thinking that you and Harry could be considered cousins ​​after all."

"What?" Draco said with a look of disgust, "Who wants to be his cousin?" He regretted telling Nydia these things.

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