Harry Potter: The Path of Destiny

Chapter 108 Entering the Secret Room (2)

Nidia breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that Ginny had safely exited the door of the secret room. She stopped and turned to look at the chasing basilisk.

The tall boy originally thought that the basilisk would attack Nidia directly, but things did not develop as he expected. The basilisk stopped in front of Nidia, without attacking or blocking Nidia's path. He stopped there, as if he was waiting to receive an order.

"go back."

Nidia whispered in snake language, and immediately the basilisk returned obediently and got back into the mouth of the stone statue.

"This is impossible, the basilisk will only listen to the words of the Slytherin heir, and I am the only one left who has inherited the blood of Salazar Slytherin." The tall boy looked at Nydia in surprise, "You are who"

"Should I call you Tom Riddle, or should I call you Voldemort?" Nydia approached Tom Riddle step by step. She never thought she would see him like this, a boy who looked only fifteen or sixteen years old. He has a tall figure and a thin face, and some shadows of Nidia's own appearance can still be vaguely found in his handsome features.

"Who are you?" Riddle stared at Nitya closely. He carefully looked up and down at the girl in front of him. She gave him a familiar feeling.

"I am an insignificant Gryffindor student." Nydia hesitated for a moment and said.

"I can feel you lying," Riddle said, circling Nydia. "There is some kind of connection between us. You are also a Parseltongue. You can even control basilisks. Your appearance is very familiar to you." Eyes like these blue eyes." Riddle walked closer to Nydia, stared into her eyes seriously, and thought, "Doris"

He said his mother's name, and Nydia looked at Tom Riddle in surprise, and her surprised expression made Riddle confirm his guess. He showed an ecstatic face, even exaggerated to the point of looking a little crazy. .

"Doris, Doris, Doris," Riddle excitedly read Nitya's mother's name, "You really left an incredible gift for me."

Nydia looked at Riddle in confusion, she didn't understand what he was happy about.

"Although it's basically certain, I still have to confirm." Riddle suddenly approached Nitya.

"What do you want to do?" Nydia raised her wand warily.

"The spell won't work on me, you already tried it just now." Riddle said disdainfully.

He raised a hand, and Nidia tried to dodge, but it was too late. One of his fingers pressed against Nidia's temple. Nidia immediately felt that her brain became swollen and painful, and the scene in front of her disappeared, replaced by the scene in her memory, the scene of Field Manor, the scene of her mother hugging her tenderly, the scene of her mother's death in the hospital bed The scene of dying, and the scene of her father crying in front of her mother's grave. This was Legilimency. She wanted to resist, but the more she resisted, the more her head hurt. Memories flashed before her eyes, the empty study room, Draco, who was besieged by crows, station nine and three-quarters, and Michelle who came out of the toilet in surprise holding a toad, the memory scenes have reached Hogwarts step by step, and Nydia knows that Riddle is also there. Looking at these pictures, she couldn't let him continue to watch them.


Nidia endured the severe pain and tried her best to drive Riddle out of her mind, but she herself had lost all her strength and collapsed to the ground. The scene in front of her returned to the secret room, but But it became more and more blurry, and her consciousness was dissipating little by little. She vaguely heard Riddle making a weird laugh. She wanted to ask him what he was laughing at, but she no longer had the strength to see the scene in front of her. When darkness fell, Nitya fainted.

Slytherin House

At this time, Draco was sitting in front of a glass window that revealed the black lake, watching the fish that occasionally swam by the window. Recently, he would sit here like this whenever he didn't have classes, looking very worried. look.

"Draco is in trouble." Blaise pushed open the dormitory door with a bang and walked anxiously in front of Draco.

"What else could happen?" Draco asked indifferently.

"It's the secret room, another double attack occurred." Blaise said with heavy breaths.

"What a big deal this is. Let the monster in the secret room drive away all the students from Muggle families." Draco said unhappily.

"No, the one who was attacked this time was not a student from a Muggle family, it was Nydia." Blaise said Nydia's name with difficulty, and he even hoped that he heard it wrong.

"What did you say?" Draco stood up suddenly and looked at Blaise in disbelief, "Just say it again."

"It's Nydia Draco, Nydia and the Weasley girl, and they were not attacked this time, but were taken directly into the secret room." Blaise repeatedly confirmed a lot of this news Again, it's confirmed.

"What does it mean to be brought into the secret room? Isn't it just petrification? Why?" Draco realized that no matter how much he said to Blaise here, it was in vain. He ran out of the dormitory quickly. He wanted to understand the situation by himself.

Draco wanted to go out through the stone door of the Slytherin common room, but Pansy stood in front of him.

"Get out of Pansy's way." Draco impatiently tried to push Pansy away, but Pansy blocked his way relentlessly.

"Are you going to find Nitya? Are you crazy? It's too dangerous outside now. There's no point in giving up. She's dead," Pansy said.

"What do you mean by dead? What are you talking about?" Draco glared at Pansy fiercely.

"Don't you know yet? The heir left words on the wall. Her body will remain in the secret room forever, so she is dead." Pansy said loudly.

"Get out"

Draco pushed Pansy away with force, and then continued to walk towards the stone door. But just as he opened the stone door and wanted to go out, Snape appeared at the door. He stared at Draco and said in a bad tone, "Where are you going?"

"Is it true, professor? Nitia was taken into the secret room. Doesn't the monster in the secret room only attack students from Muggle families?" Snape was usually very good to Nitia, and Draco hoped that he could do something to rescue Nitia.

"I'm afraid I can't answer you this question, but the school has a new rule that students from all colleges are not allowed to leave the common room. So I advise you not to do anything impulsive." Snape didn't look worried at all, and still said in a cold tone.

"The monster in the Chamber of Secrets is to clean up the unclean blood in the school. The Weasley family is a well-known pure-blood traitor, and Nytia Field, hum Field Manor has been closed for so long, and suddenly a lady appeared. Who knows if she is really of the Field family? Maybe she is an adopted mudblood, otherwise why was she not sorted into Slytherin? Everyone knows that the Field family graduated from Slytherin." Pansy shouted frantically, and her words attracted the attention of the people around her. Many people nodded after hearing it, thinking it made sense.

"Shut your mouth, Pansy," Draco roared.

"Ms. Parkinson, I think you should think before you speak. You can't say anything casually. I don't want to hear such unfounded words again." Snape looked at Pansy with cold eyes, and Pansy was scared and dared not speak again. "And you, Mr. Malfoy, stay in the common room and don't let me see you do anything against the rules."

After Snape finished speaking, he left the common room. Draco stood there in annoyance. Blaise walked over and patted Draco on the shoulder.

"Draco, Snape is right. You should abide by the rules and stay here. It won't work if you go out impulsively now. You don't know where the Chamber of Secrets is." Blaise wanted to calm Draco down.

"Follow the rules, Chamber of Secrets. By the way, they have never been people who abide by the rules." Draco suddenly thought of something.

"What are you talking about?" Blaise asked in confusion.

"Potter and the others are also investigating the Chamber of Secrets. They may know the location of the Chamber of Secrets. Weasley's sister has also been arrested. He can't just let it go. They have never been people who abide by the rules." For the first time, Draco felt happy because Potter and Weasley did not abide by the rules.

"What do you want to do to find them?" Blaise seemed to know Draco's intention, "I'll go with you."

"No, too many people will easily be discovered." Draco looked around and saw that there were not many people in the common room. He asked Blaise to help him distract the crowd. When everyone's attention was focused on Blaise, Draco quickly ran out of the stone door of the common room.

"De" Pansy, who had never taken her eyes off Draco, noticed Draco's actions. She wanted to call Draco, but Daphne stopped her.

"You keep going against him like this without thinking, which will only make him hate you more and more." Daphne grabbed Pansy who was about to run out with Draco.

"How else can I continue to do what you say? Don't think I don't know. You are not trying to help me at all. You have always been using me to achieve your own goals." Pansy angrily shook off Daphne's hand.

"I have my own purpose, but this does not prevent us from joining forces."

"No need, Nitia is dead this time. As long as she is gone, Draco will come back to me soon." Pansy said proudly.

"I am afraid that even without Nitia, Draco will not choose you." Daphne said contemptuously. In her opinion, even before Nitia appeared, Draco never liked Pansy, but Pansy followed Draco closely.

"Let's wait and see." Pansy ignored Daphne and turned away.

Draco ran all the way to the Gryffindor common rest. Thinking back to his attitude towards Nitia during this period, he was very upset. If he could have been watching her all the time, she would not have such a thing. Why did he quarrel with her so stupidly? He didn't know if Potter and Weasley were still in the lounge. For the first time, he hoped that he could find them as soon as possible. Fortunately, when he reached the second floor, he saw Potter and Weasley sneaking around the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. They were about to take Lockhart somewhere with their wands.

"Potter," Draco called Harry.

"Malfoy, what are you doing here?" Ron frowned and looked at Draco with disgust.

"Ah, Mr. Malfoy, I think you might be able to persuade your two friends to put down their wands. It's wrong to point at the professor like this." Seeing Draco's appearance, Lockhart said happily.

"Shut up, they are not my friends." Draco said impatiently, he didn't even bother to look at Lockhart.

"What do you want to do, Malfoy." Harry looked at Draco vigilantly.

"I want to go to the Chamber of Secrets with you." Draco said without letting anyone refuse.

"Are you crazy? How could we know the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets? You should go back to your Slytherin and stay there." Ron said rudely.

"Yes, yes, the Chamber of Secrets is indeed not a place for children like you." Lockhart interrupted again, "You should all go back to the lounge as soon as possible."

"Shut up," three people shouted at the same time. Lockhart was stunned for a moment, not daring to say anything more.

"I know you must know something. I don't care if you want it or not. Take me to the secret room. I'm going to save Nydia," Draco said firmly.

Harry and Ron looked at each other. Harry thought for a moment and then said, "Okay, you come with us."

"Are you crazy? Take him with you. Maybe he is the evil Slytherin heir." Ron looked at Harry in disbelief.

"He won't hurt Nydia," Harry said. If he was not sure whether Malfoy was the heir before, now that Nydia was taken away, it was enough to confirm that the heir would definitely not be Malfoy.

Ron thought for a moment, and then said unhappily, "Okay, come with me, but if I find out what tricks you dare to play, I will never forgive you."

"I can swear that I will never do anything harmful to you before rescuing Nydia." Draco promised.

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