Harry Potter Platinum Glory

Chapter 114: Respective Thoughts

In the eyes of the students, tonight is a big moment because it's finally time to decide who is their "King"!

As one of the parties, Augustus just regarded it as a pastime, and didn't take it seriously at all.

But apparently, except for Augustus, the whole of Hogwarts was looking forward to this day. It was obviously just a duel between two young wizards, but now not only the students of the whole school have gathered in the hall, many teachers have also come to watch the fun, and even Dumbledore himself has come.

Seeing the headmaster so support his activities, the members of each dueling club were very excited, and Cedric, as tonight's challenger, was even more excited and nervous.

On the other hand, Augustus' expression was light and a little distressed, because he knew that after tonight's duel, the girls in the school's enthusiasm for him would definitely rise to a higher level.

Sometimes even going to the last side office will be stopped by girls to chat up, which is also quite a headache.

The high platform of the dueling arena was deliberately enlarged, and the two ends of the hall were decorated with the flags of Slytherin and Hufflepuff 17 respectively, and the silver snake and the black badger looked at each other. The students stood around the high platform for several laps, talking loudly, and the Weasley brothers and Li Jordan began to open the bank secretly again, encouraging others to bet. Because Percy was admitted to the hospital by Augustus, they didn't even have any pocket money, and now they can only rely on this to make some extra money.

When the time was almost up, Dumbledore stood up from the headmaster's seat and sent a spark with his wand, which immediately attracted everyone's attention. Old Deng's palace is very deep, and his face can't see the unhappiness that Augustus slapped in the face not long ago, his tone is very relaxed and humorous:

"As we gather here tonight to witness a glorious duel, thank you for inviting me to visit. I'm sure you all think this is the smartest decision I've made in recent times."

Everyone laughed.

"Then let's stop wasting time." Dumbledore continued, smiling, "let's welcome the representative of Hufflepuff, young Cedric Diggory, let me see, you call him do?'

"Libra—!" The Hufflepuff students in the audience shouted wildly. Although they usually admired Augustus, in this case, they still supported Diggory. After all, he was a genius of his own academy. And Diggory has a good relationship.

The door of the hall opened, and Cedric strode in wearing a shiny wizard duel robe. He smiled brightly, showing his white teeth, and waved his hands vigorously, greeting the people around him. I have to say that he is indeed an excellent student in every sense, and he is worthy of being a representative of Hufflepuff.

Cedric stepped onto the high platform in a few steps, bowed to the teachers, and waited for his opponent to enter.

Dumbledore himself applauded, and then continued to introduce, "Now, I give you an equally young and brilliant genius, Augustus Black of Slytherin, whose nickname is ?35

"Prince—!" The little snakes shouted frantically, and the sound could almost lift the roof of the hall. Many people from the other three academies also followed and shouted, and Snape's mouth twitched slightly, revealing a smile.

However, when introducing Augustus, Dumbledore's tone was obviously not as relaxed and cheerful as before.

And our classmate Ron stood in the audience with a look of resentment, thinking in his heart that you evil Slytherins will soon be exposed!

Ron's hostility to Augustus had a long history.

From being ignored by Augustus countless times after entering the school, to the girl he liked Hermione being hugged by the other party, to his brother being sent to the medical wing by Augustus, so that his life was even more difficult, and so on, In a word, in Ronway Slay's view, Augustus is a complete villain, how could he not hate him.

And Hermione in the Gryffindor team looked at the stage with admiration and concern, because she knew that the better Augustus performed, the closer he would be to the image of the heir to Slytherin, and she would inevitably be suspected at that time. .

The trio decided to act after tonight's duel.

The door of the hall opened again, and Augustus finally appeared in front of everyone with much anticipation. Compared to Cedric's gorgeous robe, Augustus simply wore a pure black velvet cloak. Ignoring the surrounding noise, Augustus walked slowly to the high platform, plain and elegant, exuding a powerful and noble atmosphere in the silence.

In the sense of everyone, Augustus is like the emperor of the dark night in ancient legends is returning to his throne. The cheers around him involuntarily lowered and became quiet. No one can say the reason, maybe he just doesn't want to let his voice disturb this noble monarch...

Although Diggory's performance was not bad, when compared with Augustus, he was more than a little weaker.

Seeing Augustus appear, Diggory was a little nervous, but his eyes were firm!

The Hufflepuff genius' hard work in the past two years is actually directly related to Augustus.

Diggory, as a genius with outstanding talent and appearance, should have been supported by many students, especially girls, if there was no Augustus. But because of the existence of Augustus, people will always ignore him, which makes the Hufflepuff genius who has his own pride in his heart feel deeply unwilling and envious. In order to one day be as popular as Augustus, Diggory started his own The journey of transformation, after two years of hard work, finally, after two years, he successfully surpassed many people, and showed excellent talent in duels and other aspects, and was hailed as a strong dark horse by the students. .

And this challenge is the battle of the rise that Diggory has been looking forward to for a long time. 650

Percy was beaten badly by Augustus, but Diggory was confident that he could outperform Percy, so in his opinion, there was still a glimmer of hope in this challenge, and even if it was just a glimmer of hope, he stood up without hesitation. .

As for Diggory's challenge, Augustus was not as bored as Percy's challenge. After all, Diggory is still pretty good, and his heart is not as full of desire and ambition as Percy's, and he also works hard and is a good talent. . He just wanted to have fun with this so-called "duel" tonight, and didn't mean to embarrass the other party.

Provided, of course, that this Hufflepuff genius isn't as clueless as Percy. Simply put, don't spoil Augustus's mood and provoke him. Anyone who angers Augustus usually doesn't end well.

Dumbledore carefully watched Augustus walking up the high platform without sighing in his heart. Before he experienced a few collisions, he felt that Augustus was a rare genius. Although he was a bit like Voldemort back then, he was still a genius. There is a lot of room for guidance.

But after several incidents, he was powerless to discover that this Slytherin genius, who was as young, arrogant, and talented as Voldemort back then... is not as simple as he imagined.

This heir to the Black family is even more amazing and brilliant than the Voldemort of the year, and even more unscrupulous!

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