Harry Potter Blood Hunter

Chapter 704 I didn't even know I had so many believers!

This amount... How did I not know that my followers have become so many?

Coming out of the heart of the world, Browder did not go home, but came to the United States because of Gaia's reminder to see what happened here.

But once here, Browder was shocked.

Because he sensed a large number of his followers... This number is no longer as simple as doubling.

Browder had no more than a thousand followers before, but now... there should be more than a million!

Although most of them were general believers, this number exceeded Browder's expectation.

Moreover, this number of general believers is relatively evenly distributed in the entire fifty states of the United States... No, not only the United States, but also many western countries have their own general believers.

There are even some countries that I have never been to.

This is... something about me, a god, has been posted on the Internet?

This is the only answer Browder can think of.

Otherwise, I really can't explain what happened.

Pan-believers are widely distributed, but the number of pious believers is still in the hundreds, and they all live in the northern England region of the United States, that is, several states in the northeastern region including Massachusetts.

Because most of the area is descended from British or Irish immigrants, it was here that Browder started his pilot project when he first started looking for believers.

In addition to these hundreds of devout believers, Browder also has five fanatical believers.

Among the five fanatics, two are still wizards. One is the unlucky Seri Booth who was shot in the head by a Muggle before, and the other is a witch friend named Katerina that Hermione made in the United States.

The other three fanatical believers are all Muggles, who have been given a new life by Browder after being killed once.

Maybe they are too sensitive! After being resurrected, it became impossible to return to ordinary life, so he believed in the god Browder more devoutly and became a fanatical believer.

But because of this, they all gave up their original lives and became the pastors of Browder.

Every pastor takes care of small churches in different states, which are used as places of worship for devout believers.

However, as fanatical believers, they have already mastered the resurrection technique and have become superhuman existences among ordinary believers.

The existence of the resurrection technique also allowed them to develop many true believers for Browder.

It's just that they also keep in mind the revelation from the gods to them - their resurrection can only be used on believers who died abnormally, and a person can only be resurrected once at most!

Gaining a new life is to make people more respectful of life and cherish life more.

If the resurrection technique is rampant, and people can be resurrected casually after death, then why do we need to be in awe of death?

That's why some devout believers can use third-order magic, but they still can't learn resurrection.

Browder just didn't give them permission!

Only fanatical believers who completely obey Braud's words can use the resurrection technique, and those who are disobedient will not be able to learn it. What a great restriction!

Browder looked around, determined to go to his original pastor.

Browder needed to know what was happening all this time.


Martin Strange was originally a neurosurgeon at a Massachusetts public hospital, but he retired at the age of fifty.

You must know that for doctors, fifty years old is the golden age, the age with the most experience and abundant physical strength.

However, due to occupational diseases, Martin's cervical spine suffered from lesions, and his hands were no longer so stable. Sometimes they would tremble constantly, and he could no longer perform high-intensity operations.

Martin is very unwilling, but this chronic occupational disease cannot be cured fundamentally. If he tries to be brave again, it may become more serious and affect Zhengzheng's life.

So he had to retire...

But a car accident after retirement changed Martin's life.

At that time, when Martin was driving his car on the interstate, he was suddenly rear-ended by a large truck with brake failure.

Martin and his car were knocked around twice and landed on a boulder by the side of the road.

Martin should have been dead at that time, after all, he watched a piece of glass shards go directly from his eye socket into his head.

Even after Martin left his body, he still kept his sanity, watching the whole process of his own death clearly.

However, he just couldn't control himself. After his soul was sucked away by a rotating vortex door, he fell into the underworld, on the road to rebirth, and followed many souls to the real death.

But it was also at this time that Martin saw God!

It is God who really exists!

[God of the dead and the newborn]!

After struggling between life and death, Martin became a believer in God and escaped from death.

God gave him a new life and special magical abilities.

As a doctor, Martin didn't have any strong beliefs.

But now he has.

After being resurrected, Martin not only cured his cervical spondylosis with the power of magic, but also made his hands not shake, and the symptoms of many geriatric diseases were alleviated.

He can go back to being a respected doctor.

But Martin did not go back.

Because he felt that he could no longer accept the life of ordinary people.

So Martin initially united other believers to build a church for their god, and gave up his original life to serve God wholeheartedly.

In constant prayer, he felt that he had established a deeper connection with God, and became a pastor who shepherd believers for God.

He could even hear God's words directly.

It's just that, although God's words are sacred, Martin has listened to a lot, and concluded that his god seems to be a little...lazy.

Some are afraid of trouble.

In Martin's understanding, since records began, no matter which god or denomination they were, they were actively spreading their own beliefs.

Martin hadn't heard of a god who didn't like more believers.

But the god he believes in has no big plan to expand believers, and relies on the believers themselves to "accidentally" develop new believers.

Even though the believers have mastered miraculous magic, they are forbidden by their gods to abuse it.

They even have to hide from the wizards in the United States.

Even if the plan is aimed at Catholic priests, many believers call it a war of gods, aiming at the Pope of the Vatican, but they don't see their gods issue a divine order to take the opportunity to preach...

So their god is a god of death or a Buddha!

However, a sudden increase in believers still occurred.

And someone found Martin.


You must know that these initial believers can be contacted because they are connected to each other on the Internet, and they have also submitted an application to create a denomination in the American Faith Association, and there is also their denomination website on the Internet.

The current administrator of this site is a young believer.

Although the site manager is young, he is very devout to God. He is even one of the few devout believers who can use third-level divine magic.

But also because I am young, I will be very impulsive. When he was ridiculed by others on the Internet as a believer of an unknown evil god, and the sect is a cult, he didn't hold back.

Make an appointment with these people to meet offline.

Or fight.

Then when he was alone, in front of the ten people coming from the opposite side, he used the third-level monster summoning technique to summon a hawk (hippogriff), and the other side went crazy with fright.

Even if someone took out a gun and shot at the eagle, it did not cause any damage to its thick and sturdy body.

On the contrary, the Junying can directly bring a person into the air tens of meters high, then throw it down... and then catch it, the person basically fainted.

Some terrified people saw that the monster could not be hurt, so they pointed their guns at the website administrator.

And he used the second-level deflecting arrow shield... All the pistol bullets that hit him bounced towards his sides.

Pistols are useless, so use fists.

And after he took off his glasses, he used the power of a cow, the elegance of a cat, the sharp eyes of an eagle... He dodged all the attacks of others, and as long as he hit the opponent's stomach, the opponent would cover his mouth Stomach fell to the ground and vomited out everything I ate today...including bile.

So even ten big men with tall heads and horses were knocked out by him, a thin-looking ordinary man who cooperated with the eagle.

None of them ran away.

Of course, after confirming that they all fainted, he used magical magic to modify their memories... They were all beaten to the ground by his Chinese Kung Fu.

This... shouldn't be a lie!

It's just that he was so happy and immediately, he didn't know that everything he did was seen by other people, and he was even photographed.

Those were two students from Harvard University's on-campus news agency. They followed the ten big men... They wanted to record the gang fights in Boston, so they followed the ten men who were dangerous at first glance.

Then... emmm, Superman was photographed.

But to be precise, they only clearly took pictures of this person.

After all the photos of Junying were developed, they were blurred.

But even if it is only clear to the administrators themselves, after this matter was published on Harvard campus newspapers and even the Ivy League newspapers, it also aroused extensive discussions and gradually spread to the ears of all college students.

Superman and his monster pets!

We want it too!

So soon, the identity of the manager was found out.

The administrator of a website for a newborn church that believes in an unknown deity.

[God of the dead and the newborn]?

I have never heard of it.

But then all kinds of rumors appeared... It is said that as long as you recite the name of this god in your heart many times devoutly before going to bed, and imagine the religious emblem of this sect in your heart, you can really contact this god, Get some rewards.

Something like a pen fairy game, compared with the gods, fell to the ground all of a sudden.

But what are these American college students afraid to do?


So starting from college students, an unknown number of people across the United States have performed this ceremony.

Most people fail because they are not sincere enough, thinking it is a lie.

But still quite a few people succeeded.

The reward they got was... Refreshing!

When I woke up the next day, no matter how tired I was before, I was completely recovered!

The symptoms of insomnia have improved a lot.

Some people speculate that this is the effect of self-hypnosis, so some people succeed and others fail.

But successful people have tasted the sweetness, so they will naturally continue.

So, chanting the name of this god again and again, and visualizing his holy emblem, it's hard not to become his believer!

It was only because of this that someone found Martin.

Hope to get help from him and the gods behind him.

The background of this person seeking help is really not small!

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