Harry Potter Blood Hunter

Chapter 603 Analysis of Strength

Not many people know about the holding ceremony for Mr. Bagman.

After all, wizards are not in fashion. It was created by Muggles themselves.

They don't believe in gods created by the Muggles themselves. There are real gods in their history books... Although they should be said to be mythical creatures, each of them really has the power to destroy heaven and earth.

And how black magic sounds like summoning the spirits of the dead!

Therefore, after this proposal was put forward by Browder, it was approved by Minister Thicknesse after discussing it with other Wizengamo jurors.

But even so, the maximum degree of confidentiality regulations has been made. Make sure that this non-magic-sounding but dark-magic thing doesn't get out.

Scrimgeour himself led a team of Aurors to prevent intrusions or strays, as the ceremony was to take place where the body had been found.

These Aurors are very curious about such a magical ceremony and are very happy to see it succeed!

After all, when an Auror encounters an emergency and suddenly dies in battle, or is hit by Avada Kedavra, it will happen that he does not leave a word to his family... That is really very tragic.

It is very possible for a family to fall apart because of this.

Now with this magical ceremony, they will definitely have the last chance to see their family members!

All Aurors, even Scrimgeour, thought that way.

Unlike the Aurors, the three jurors from the Wizengamot were not so much witnesses as they did not believe in the legitimacy of the ritual magic, and they came to question it.

They all felt that the little guy Browder was bewitching Minister Thicknesse, making him believe in such unreasonable things.

Principal Dumbledore was invited by them to check if there were any traces of black magic when Braud performed the ceremony.

Although they felt that Browder was bewitching the minister, they also knew that since Browder could invent a verification method for the Imperius Curse, their understanding of magic was not something they could catch up with.

The only one they could trust was Dumbledore.

Now that the ceremony was over, the three jurors with still incredulous expressions looked at Dumbledore.

The expressions on their faces are all the same question... Is this all true?

Compared to black magic, they subconsciously felt that it was more like illusion.

But Dumbledore shook his head and told them that what Broud performed was not so superficial, but a really very advanced magic ritual.

"This does not conform to the common sense of magic!" One of the nearly hundred-year-old crooked old man kept repeating this sentence.

Dumbledore comforted this friend who was younger than him but seemed to be buried earlier, "The common sense of magic is just the cognition of ordinary wizards. When the magic reaches a certain level, the so-called common sense of magic is just a drag. "

In fact, even Dumbledore didn't really fully understand this magic ritual...or it's not certain if this is the magic he has been immersed in for a hundred years!

This is very similar to the magic that Browder used on him before, which seemed to stop time, and it was something that subverted his cognition.

What kind of power can make Bagman's soul return to his body? And after the reorganization, he recovered his sanity?

For Dumbledore, this magical ritual was full of mystery.

But for Dumbledore, something that puzzled him made him feel even better!

In the past few years, because of Browder's different ideas from ordinary people, Dumbledore can feel that his knowledge that has been stagnant for more than ten years has increased... Looking at this knowledge from another angle, when Dumbledore really has More experience.

His soul power's control of magic power is not as good as before, and it is getting more and more powerless. Instead, he began to reverse to his peak period... even stronger!

Dumbledore has become more and more confident in dealing with Tom himself, instead of putting his hopes on Harry and Braud as his body weakens.

Because Dumbledore correctly realized that he didn't know everything and everything. The old thinking that made him imprisoned himself many years ago is breaking down.

And after the time was stopped by Braud last time, the situation of "he really attacked, and he couldn't completely defend himself" also made Dumbledore feel panicked, as if he had touched another new realm...

A more inhuman powerful realm.

Even if Dumbledore doesn't do anything now, within a few years, he should be able to break through to the next level as a matter of course.

But Dumbledore naturally wouldn't do nothing! He will speed up the process.

Dumbledore also wants to become stronger!


Did it really succeed the first time?

Browder looked at Mr. Bagman who had been reincarnated and disappeared, and was actually quite surprised.

In fact, the magic ritual this time really surpassed the definition of magic in essence, and has reached the level of magic.

Because Browder used a trace of the death power in the invisibility cloak to start this ceremony, and therefore Bagman's largest soul fragment was so easily attracted back.

But Browder himself didn't think that the effect would be so good... especially his own grasp of adding magic materials to keep Bagman's ghost humanized-to prevent him from incomplete memory and to prevent him from becoming an evil spirit Risk—to a degree that is handy.

After thinking about it, Browder could only attribute it to the fact that he had been a ranger from other worlds for so many years, and he was already very comfortable in controlling the soul without knowing it.

It seems that the power of death really matches me!

It's just that the power of death is the most difficult to understand. After analyzing the invisibility cloak for so long, Browder has just reached the point where he can use the inert divine power inside.

If he is greedy for the power of death, with Browder's progress, it may cause unnecessary trouble to his plan.

This made Browder very distressed.

Hearing footsteps coming towards him, Broud looked up and saw that it was Dumbledore coming in front of him.

Browder looked at Principal Dumbledore, wondering if he was going to settle accounts with himself for what happened last time.

But at this moment, Browder saw the Elder Wand in Principal Dumbledore's hand again... which made his eyes shine.

Isn't this another reference?

If we add the Resurrection Stone and the Three Deathly Hallows to study together, we can always catch up with the plan!

Dumbledore didn't come to settle accounts with Browder, he came to ask about the part of the magic ceremony that he didn't understand.

But before Dumbledore could speak, Broud spoke first.

"Principal Dumbledore, could you lend me your wand?"

This sentence is not a good one. Ordinarily, the wands of little wizards might still be able to see each other, but at Dumbledore's level, wands cannot be easily lent out.

But Dumbledore looked at Browder without any hesitation, nodded and replied, "Okay, let me take a look!"

With that, Dumbledore threw the Elder Wand to Broud.

It was so carelessly thrown that Browder almost missed it.

Damn, is it so casual? Headmaster Dumbledore, did Harry learn from you that he will break the Elder Wand and throw it away in the future?

But Browder didn't talk too much nonsense. After getting the Elder Wand, he checked the Deathly Hallows that he had coveted for a long time for the first time.

From the perspective of the wand itself, the Elder Wand's ability to increase has reached the level of unconditionally raising the combat ability of any wizard by one level... Even if it is legendary, it can be improved by at least half a level, reaching the level of demigod traits .

Reduce mana consumption, enhance the power of spells, strengthen mana recovery, strengthen mana burning aura, strengthen elemental control, strengthen danger perception, strengthen the activity of mana in the body, and counteract spell damage...

The strength of each made Braud speechless, but he kept drooling.

This is too unfair, right? Adding so many abilities to find me, what is it called a Deathly Hallows? Just call it Death Artifact!

But with so many positive effects, one negative effect offset most of it.

Enhance the Gaze of Death!

This sentence means that the wizard holding the Elder Wand will be exposed to the eyes of death at any time, and there will be fatal dangers at random.

If it is put in the past, this negative effect will cause the holder to die in a short period of time due to various accidents and man-made disasters.

But now, the god of death is no longer there, and no one will deliberately activate this negative effect!

So Principal Dumbledore is really lucky.

After checking the effect of the wand, Browder began to pay attention to the death power inside the wand.

As a Deathly Hallows of the same origin as the Invisibility Cloak, the Elder Wand certainly has the power of death in it, and because it is often used, it is not as inert as in the Invisibility Cloak.

But just when Broud managed to capture the divine power of death and tried to separate a trace from it to compare with the Invisibility Cloak, the Elder Wand exploded.

Literally blew up!

A burst of powerful magic burst out from inside the Elder Wand, heading in all directions.

Browder held the Elder Wand and naturally bore the brunt of it!


But the magic power hit Browder, and it didn't make him shake in any way, but the cloak he was wearing was blown away.

But Browder couldn't hold the Elder Wand either, and let it bounce back into Headmaster Dumbledore's hand.

Braud reached out to take back the flying cloak, turned around and apologized to Headmaster Dumbledore, "Sorry, Headmaster Dumbledore. I was a little too anxious!"

Dumbledore played with the Elder Wand carefully in his hand, but found no damage, "It doesn't matter, when I first got it, it was similar to what you did."

What wizard would not want to know the mysteries of such a powerful wand?

It's just that every wizard studies him differently, but it's the first time that Dumbledore has such a big reaction when he sees the Elder Wand... Sure enough, Braud has mastered something he doesn't understand.

"How is it? Do you still need to continue your research?" Principal Dumbledore asked again.

"No need, everything that can be understood is understood now! Those who can't be understood, can't understand now!" Browder responded with a smile.

"Oh? Then when can we figure it out?" Dumbledore already understood what Browder meant, but he still asked back.

"Then... naturally when I can win him from Principal Dumbledore myself!" Browder said with a smile.

The Elder Wand would rebel against Browder in this way, of course, because Browder was not its owner. Although there is no real self-awareness, the reason why the wand is so powerful is because of the death power in it.

Browder directly activated the power of death, so naturally the Elder Wand would resist.

Only when you conduct research as the master of the Elder Wand will you not have such a big reaction!

This is really different from the invisibility cloak...

Browder's words, in anyone's ears, are self-defeating challenges. But only in the ears of Dumbledore now, it is not arrogance, but self-confidence!

After all, if Browder wanted to, as long as time stopped again, Dumbledore knew that he still had no ability to resist.

This strong sense of urgency has really been a long time for Dumbledore, but it really makes him very, very... happy?

"I'm waiting for that day to come," Dumbledore responded with a smile, "but Broder, you have to hurry up, I'm no longer an old man who can only stagnate! I will also become stronger. If I became stronger, before you made your move ineffective, you have not come to defeat me, then you have to find another chance to try again!"

Browder was stunned by this sentence... What does it mean? Don't tell me, Headmaster Dumbledore, you already have the feeling of breaking through again?

No! The next level is a demigod! Throughout the ages, this huge gap between gods and mortals has blocked countless favored ones, leaving them to die in the torment of time.

And I just used Time Stop on you once, do you feel it? Normal protagonists are not as exaggerated as you are, right?

Only the unreasonable Long Aotian can compare!

It's really unreasonable, unreasonable!

But Browder also has his own pride... It is not what he wants to use the stop of time to defeat Principal Dumbledore. He wants to win the Elder Wand by his own strength.

This will give him a real sense of accomplishment!


Regarding the death of Mr. Bagman, the "Daily Prophet" did not report much this time, and it did not mention anything about the magic transcendence ceremony in the follow-up.

But the voices of the public were loud.

After all, Mr. Bagman was really a well-known Quidditch star in the past. When the Quidditch World Cup was held in the UK before, did he, the host, keep his presence in everyone's ears every day?

In addition, it is unknown from which channel that Mr. Bagman died of Avada Kedavra on the outskirts of the Forbidden Forest of Hogwarts. All kinds of things have caused many people to speculate.

Wouldn't this be the original Dark Lord Grinwald's revenge on Dumbledore?

After all, he just escaped from prison, didn't he?

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