Harry Potter Blood Hunter

Chapter 480: Browder's Reward

Harry was very curious about where Professor Lupine had been during that time, but he didn't ask too much, since it was Professor Lupine's own secret after all.

So instead, Harry mentioned in a ostentatious tone that he had been selected by the British Quidditch national team to be the Seeker for next year's World Cup, so the team coach had sent him a Firebolt.

Lupine looked at Harry showing off happily, although he was surprised, but also happy for him.

It is really a very powerful thing to be selected into the national team, which shows that Harry's Quidditch skills are really superb.

And at the same time, Lupine also sighed in his heart, Harry and James are really similar!

Especially when showing off now, even the angle of the corners of the mouth raised in that irrepressible joy is almost the same.

However, after observing this period of time, Lupine also discovered many differences between Harry and James.

For example... Harry is much more sensible than James!

It may be because James' parents, that is, Harry's grandparents, had James when they were very old, so they doted on him very much.

So James' character is still a bit...bear!

In the past, Lupine didn't feel that way, so when James led them to make trouble, Lupine himself was very happy.

But as he grows older, let Lupine recall his youthful time at Hogwarts... that is really unbearable.

In particular, now that Lupine himself has become a professor at Hogwarts, it is even easier to recall the time he thought he had forgotten in every corner of Hogwarts.

Ahhhh... Every time Lupine thinks about what he did back then, he feels ashamed as if he is about to hit a wall!

It's just that those situations can only be recalled in my mind now.

James and Peter are dead, Sirius is the enemy... he's all that's left of the Marauder Four.

Instead, that guy Snape seemed to be having a good time... which was ironic.

Lupine felt a little confused when he thought about it.

"Professor!" Harry's voice woke Lupine up, "Is there anything else you can do?"

"Oh, and..." Lupine sighed, "As I get older, it's easier for me to fall into memories..."

Harry didn't answer. He didn't know what to pick up either.

"Harry, didn't you say you wanted to know what you were afraid of last time?" Professor Lupine walked to a cabinet covered with a layer of cloth, "If you have time, I agree that you can try to use this to know own fear."

That cabinet, the one in the staff office where the Boggart lived, Professor Lupine had moved to his office.

In other words, as long as Harry thinks about it now, he can ask Professor Lupine to open the cabinet, and through the Boggart, he can find out exactly what he is most afraid of.

Harry subconsciously wanted to refuse, but Harry didn't say it when the words came to his lips.

He is Gryffindor! Courage is synonymous with him!

Harry himself would look down on him if he rejected all the fears that didn't pose a real threat.

Taking a deep breath, Harry nodded, "Professor, I'm ready! You can release the Boggart now."

"Really?" Lupine had to repeat, "Harry, although a Boggart has no special powers after being transformed, it is easy to make you think he is real, so you need to remember that spell-funny funny !"

After saying "funny funny" silently a few times, Harry got his wands out, just in case, and signaled to Professor Lupine that it was all right.

Lupine got Harry's signal, and after opening the cabinet door, he moved away quickly, lest the Boggart picked up his fear signal instead of Harry's.

In Lupine's mind, he still felt that it was Voldemort that Harry was afraid of. After all, that is the wizard that Lupine knows most that can bring fear to others... If the time goes back to ten years ago, Boggart may become the image of Voldemort in front of every ordinary British wizard.

And when the cabinet was really opened, the originally bright room was darkened, and endless black air flowed out from the opened cabinet door.

The black air spread out along the ground.

Although there is no such dark magic power, it has brought a heavy pressure to people's hearts.

The pre-effects of the big boss appearance.

After seeing this, Lupine felt that the Boggart had become Voldemort this time.

But at this moment, a very low voice suddenly sounded.

"Is it me you fear? Harry!"

On the floor spread out by the black air, a figure dressed in black rose up.

He seems to be made of these black mist, illusory, but the sense of existence is very huge. Let Lupin's attention be on him.

The man was dressed in the same clothes as the spirit Voldemort Harry had seen at the end of last term, but his face...was Browder's.

Harry looked at Browder dressed as Voldemort in front of him, and suddenly realized...he knew what he was afraid of!

What Harry was most afraid of was that Broder would turn bad...or become the so-called third-generation Dark Lord.

In Harry's heart, Braud's ability made it a matter of course for him to become the Dark Lord in the future.

It's just that Harry has always avoided this possibility, and Browder's real performance has never had this tendency.

After all, Browder's desire for power is not much, even very low... Even the very important dueling club was thrown out so easily.

But Harry was just terrified... afraid that Browder would really be his enemy.

Suddenly the black mist on the ground fluctuated again, and as "Browder" stomped the ground, a huge red dragon head also rose up.

This is Ms. Anne's head, then her body, wings, limbs and dragon tail.

Ms. Anne opened her mouth wide, and a fiery red light glowed in her throat.

Lupine, who was watching, felt that what had happened was beyond his control.

Was Harry afraid of Broder Lestrange? The son of sister Sirius?

its not right! Isn't Harry and his relationship chart great?

And... what happened to this huge fire dragon that suddenly appeared? Boggart should only be able to become one image, unless the second image is subordinate to the first image in Harry's mind, then it can be "specially recruited".

So the reasoning is that in Harry's heart, Broud Lestrange has such a huge fire dragon?

This... is big news!

"Harry!" Lupine called Harry's name.

The dragon's attack was coming, and if Harry didn't fight back, even if the flames were fake, Harry's brain might mistake them for real and faint.

And the self-deception of the brain can really make a person brain dead.

But the next moment Lupine yelled, thinking Harry had been tricked by the Boggart's vision, Harry held out his wand very calmly.

"Funny funny!"

"Browder" and "Ms. Anne" came to bring all the black air on the floor to be suddenly concentrated, and then as Harry's mind became...

A velvet!

A velvet that just happens to spew a little spark.

Harry was not affected by the vision. Because although the illusion came from his mind, there was something wrong with it, and Harry would not believe it.

Like...how is it possible that Browder isn't wearing his velvet hat?

And Ms. Anne, who hates fire breathing the most now... Any magic that can be cast at will is enough.

Professor Lupine is of course very happy to see that Harry has solved the Boggart...Harry is better than he thought, brave and calm, he doesn't need to be so nervous.

After shutting the boggart that had turned into fluffy back into the cabinet, Professor Lupine praised Harry a few words.

Harry nodded with a smile.

Harry figured it out! Although Harry was terrified of Browder turning bad, that was just Harry's own imagination.

And...Harry thought that if Browder really had a black day, then he would definitely stop Browder.

Harry was very serious.

After thanking Professor Lupine for his help, Harry walked out of the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom.

But as soon as he walked out of the classroom, Harry saw Browder who was talking to Ron Hermione.


Harry suddenly felt a toothache.

Harry was also very guilty... After all, in the classroom just now, he had just turned Browder into a velvet.

"Harry, you're out!" Browder looked at Harry who had come out, and greeted him with a smile.

Harry stammered, "Bro, Bro, hello!"

Browder raised his eyebrows, "Harry, what's your reaction? Do you think I'm bad? Or did you do something to make me bad?"

Damn, what are you so sensitive for?

Harry hurriedly waved his hands together, "That's not the case!"

Browder looked at Harry, scratched his chin, thought for a while, and said, "This sentence is more like a lie!"

Harry didn't know how to react.

"Okay, stop teasing you! Harry, you are really cute sometimes!" Browder shook his head, "Harry! Seriously, I came to you this time to give you a reward!"

award? What reward?

The three of Harry, Ron, and Hermione were at a loss...could it be the reward for defeating Slytherin in Quidditch? Why didn't it happen before?

Browder shook his head at this guess, "It's your prize for saving Draco before, I think I can use this thing for you!"

After Harry fell from the sky, Browder of course asked the only witness Draco what happened.

Draco hemmed and hawed for a long time before telling Broud the truth...Harry was struck by lightning to save him.

With such a self-sacrificing spirit, it wouldn't be too much for Browder to give Harry a gift or something?

Then... a roll of parchment was placed in Harry's hands by Browder.

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