Harry Potter and the Legend of the Temple

Chapter 501 The Missing Harry

After explaining the tasks to the prefects, they each went to arrange their own work. After giving Louis a few words of advice, Qiu Zhang also left the prefect car and returned to the small box where her friends were.

Astoria was supposed to go to the private room to inspect, but most of the Slytherin prefects were at Slughorn's banquet, and no one accompanied her, so she naturally didn't want to enjoy it. Hanging out with their gang.

As a result, besides Hermione and Ron, there was another white-haired girl returning to the public carriage with Louis.

"Harry, why haven't they come back yet?"

As soon as he entered the door, Louis only saw Luna chatting with Natasha. She was telling Xiao Nizi interesting anecdotes about the summer vacation, but the little guy seemed very unhappy and was not energetic at all. After seeing the four of them come back, they just He smiled lightly, then looked out the window.

"Maybe Slughorn's party is not over yet." Louis replied. He saw that Neville's luggage was still on their seats and their clothes had not been changed. They would always come back to change clothes.

After a while, the train made a roar, which was the sound of the train entering the station. At the same time, Neville and Ginny appeared at the door of the compartment, panting.

"First-year students! Don't crowd in, let the first-year students go first!"

Hermione appeared in the train corridor at the right time, because everyone was busy carrying their luggage, and the huge flow of people instantly squeezed the entire carriage into a mess.

Natasha followed Hermione and moved forward step by step. Luna stayed close to her, fearing that this little girl would be lost in the crowd. Astoria and Louis stayed behind to accompany Neville and Kim. Together with Ni.

"When did Slughorn's party end, Neville?"

"What? Oh.

Neville, who had just put the clothes on himself, almost didn't hear what Louis said clearly, "Fifteen minutes ago, what happened?" "

"I don't think I saw Harry with you."


Neville hesitated, "He didn't come back with us. On the way, he said he left something in Slughorn's private room and turned back." "

What a lame excuse, one he had used with Hermione and Ron last year. After thinking about it, Lewis roughly knew where this guy had gone.

Ever since Harry came back from Diagon Alley, he has been obsessed with Malfoy for a long time. No matter when something bad happens, the first thing he thinks of is Draco Malfoy wreaking havoc.

Not to mention that Malfoy's suspected joining of the Death Eaters aroused his interest even more. If he could catch the evidence of Malfoy becoming a Death Eater on the spot and hand him over to Principal Dumbledore.

"Is he going to be okay, senior?" Neville asked worriedly.

"It's okay. After you change your clothes, hurry up and get out of the car. I'll go find him." Louis turned around and left the box. Before leaving, he didn't forget to say, "When you meet Hermione and the others on the carriage later, , tell them there is no need to wait for me, I will go directly to the castle to attend the opening ceremony."

After saying that, he hurried towards the location of Malfoy's box. There was no one on the train now. Almost everyone had got off the train and rushed to where the Yeqi carriage was.

"What is he going to do?"

Looking at Louis' leaving back, Astoria opened the door and asked Neville.

"Senior went to find Harry, so we don't have to wait for him.

. Forehead.

Astoria? "

Neville had just put all his clothes away when he saw the white-haired girl running in the direction where Louis disappeared.

“This one one by one.


"Okay, Neville, don't think too much, let's get out of the car first."

Ginny also came out of the private room on the side. She pulled Neville off the express train. Someone had to inform her friends about the situation.




In the darkness, Harry lay on his back, his face covered with scars. Malfoy had just kicked his nose off in revenge.

Fifteen minutes ago, when the train was traveling through the Hogwarts mountains, Slughorn was finally willing to put them back into the carriage. On the way back, Harry saw Malfoy and Shabini talking about each other. What, then the two returned to the carriage and did not go to the prefect's carriage to attend the meeting.

Still curious and suspicious of Malfoy, a crazy idea was born in Harry's mind.

He sent away Neville and Ginny who were with him, put on the invisibility cloak in an inconspicuous corner, and quietly followed Shabini.

But this guy walked so fast that when he finally entered the carriage, he still couldn't catch up with Shabini's closing speed.

In desperation, he could only use his feet to hold the car door, which caused him severe pain.

"Is there something wrong with this door?"

Due to the force, the door bounced back when it pinched Harry's feet. This created a large position for Harry to slip in. Regardless of the pain, he rushed in with a single stride, and then immediately climbed into the luggage. At the top of the shelf, not a single Slytherin was discovered along the way.

"Okay, Shabini, don't do that door."

Malfoy rested his head on Pansy Parkinson's lap, closed his eyes, and then slowly said:

"Slughorn's taste isn't very good either. Look at all the people he invited. There are even mudbloods like Hermione Granger."

"It's not that good. Look at those friends she hangs out with. They are all rotten fish and shrimps. Astoria doesn't know what to think.


"Don't mention him, Blaise.

Pansy interrupted him because she clearly felt Malfoy's body shaking, "And her sister, Daphne almost doesn't talk to us anymore." "

"It's not because of their father." Shabini sat opposite the two of them, "Draco, you don't still care about her, do you?"

"Hmph, shut your mouth, I won't waste time on this kind of thing." Malfoy rolled his eyes at him, "Besides, I might not be at Hogwarts next year. I'm going to do some more work." Big business."

"What are you talking about? Not in Hogwarts?" Pansy was a little surprised. Harry, who was hiding on the luggage rack, held his breath. He listened so carefully to what Malfoy was going to say next that his body hit him. The luggage next to me made some noises but I didn't even notice.

Malfoy was caught by the strange sound and looked over his head, but Shabini quickly brought his attention back.

"A bigger cause, do you mean?"

"Yes, I will serve the Dark Lord soon."

For a moment, the silence in the box was terrifying. As a student of Hogwarts, I couldn't even think about working for Voldemort. Even Shabini was a little skeptical of Malfoy's words.

"Just wait and see, I will accomplish something big to gain his trust."

Malfoy seemed a little confident, but when others wanted to ask more questions, he stopped immediately, stood up, and patted the dust on his clothes.

"Okay, we're almost here at Hogwarts. I think it's time to change into my school uniform."

Harry didn't hear anything more. Although Malfoy admitted it verbally, the evidence was not enough to convict him.

Goyle's movement with the luggage was so large that it hit Harry's head, making a dull sound.

Malfoy looked up at the luggage rack again, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

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