Harry Potter and the Legend of the Temple

Chapter 452: The Secret Chamber of Quetzalcoatl

“A gift from the gods.


Louis recited the words behind the statue word by word, and underneath those four words, a legend was depicted.

It was a war between humans and gods in ancient times. Wizards stood out from the Muggle masses and had the ability to manipulate energy from other dimensions to resist the gods who ruled the world.

It was an era of killing gods. Gods controlled by evil forces were destroying the world. No human being could stand alone. The origin of Mayan wizards was a small group of kind gods who selflessly dedicated their power to the world. A small percentage of humanity.

Looking at the four mutilated statues of the gods, Louis suddenly felt that maybe the birth of the wizard was really the result of the creation of the gods.

Because so far, there is no evidence to prove the origin of wizards. Perhaps ancient wizards did not have the habit of recording words. Even the legendary evil first black wizard Hai Bodong was only the result of oral transmission.

"The writing here has existed for at least tens of thousands of years." Volva stood next to Lewis at some point.

"Tens of thousands of years, I think, there are no records of wizards that last that long in history."

"America itself is a very magical continent. It has only been 500 years since Columbus discovered it, and European wizards know very little about it."

"The Mayan culture is splendid and mysterious. They admire nature and understand nature. In fact, some scholars of the history of magic have discovered that the magic used by wizards comes from the power of nature. Natural magic is the origin of all magic."

"But now there are no wizards who know natural magic." Louis discovered a blind spot.

"Perhaps I have forgotten my roots." Volva shook her head, "Modern magic has changed a lot, and it is no longer something that purely uses the power of nature."

"But, everyone has his own thing. You know ancient magic, you know it.


This is true, ancient magic has indeed brought him great benefits, but the long casting time is indeed not very efficient in actual combat operations.

"Professor Trelawney, Professor Hicks, come over and take a look, there seems to be a new discovery here!"

Johnny's voice interrupted Louis' thoughts, and he followed Volva's footsteps to the statue on the far left.

It was a statue that looked like an animal. The pair of wings on its back were broken by the force of the shock wave. The long snake-shaped body was cut off at the waist. Its head was stuck upside down on the stone slab beside it. The shape was terrible.

"It's Quetzalcoatl, the great god in charge of life, wind, rain, and harvest in Mayan mythology." Ukli explained, "It also once held the position of the sun god, so it makes sense to appear here."

However, Louis' attention was not on this statue. Quetzalcoatl's position was moved a lot by the impact just now, revealing a passage that seemed to be illuminated by light underneath.

"This secret passage was discovered by Yusef. His father is an archeology Muggle and often goes to the excavation sites of ancient tombs." Johnny seemed very happy, but the black boy named Yusef was a little reserved.

At that time, racial discrimination in the United States still existed clearly in society. Despite the Civil War of Independence and leader Martin Luther King’s march speech, the status of black people did not improve too much in society. Moreover, Yusef was born as a Muggle, which made him even more inferior in this team.

"You did a great job, Yusef." Louis praised the seventeen-year-old boy in a very mature tone, "Maybe you would like to go down with me and have a look?"

He used the fluorescent spell to look around. The depth of this secret passage was unfathomable, and no one knew what dangers there were.

Yusuf's expression changed, and he slowly took a few steps back, his face full of fear and rejection.

"Ignore him, this kid has claustrophobia." Yokeli explained, "When I locked him up, I threw him in a small secret room for a quarter of an hour, and he was already shaking with fear."

"If it weren't for those credits this time, he wouldn't be here."

Lewis smiled helplessly and cast an apologetic look at the other party to show that he didn't do it on purpose.

"I'll accompany you down, and catch a few more students by the way."

Volva conjured a torch out of nowhere and stood in front of Louis.

"Hey, Volva, you don't want to rush away like this." Yukeli's tone was a little dissatisfied, and it was obvious that she was ready to accompany Louis down.

But there is a room of injured students above, and one of the two professors must stay here to look after the house.

"Okay, your two magic circles are enough for you to study for a while." Volva joked, "And if something happens, you will have to come to save us, right?"

"That's pretty much it." Yukli took a step back and stood obediently behind the crowd.

"I will go with you."

Johnny also stood beside Louis. He was one of the only students who was not injured in the riot just now, which shows that his adaptability is not weak.

"Add me one."

Coming from a distance was Jon Stany, who was rescued by Louis. Although he was a little frightened, he was indeed a human being with an explorer personality, and he was also full of curiosity about his savior Louis.

Jon's appeal was powerful. When many students saw that he had joined the team, they all wanted to express their participation, but they were all stopped by Ukeli.

"Go if you don't want to die. What are you doing, thinking you are traveling?!"

Ukeli was still brooding over the reckless behavior of those students just now. Although those students were all adults, they had not experienced much in the world, and they were eventually frightened away by Ukeli's majesty.

Several people used magic to remove the statue of Quetzalcoatl, revealing the complete entrance to the secret passage underneath. Ukli released a flame spell into it, and the fireball drove various scarabs, red spiders, etc. accumulated over the years. , all burned to the ground.

"Wish ya'll good luck."

Louis walked at the front with a fluorescent spell in his hand. The passage was composed of layers of stone steps. When the four of them descended almost thirty or forty steps, the entrance behind them was almost invisible.

It was almost impossible to see anything in the darkness. Only the light of the wand guided the way forward. After they had walked for almost half an hour, Louis' hand touched a stone trap door.

"Excuse me, give me a hand."

Several people worked together to push the trap door inward, and when they passed through the stone door, a secret room larger than the previous hall appeared in front of them.

The entrance to the secret room is on a semicircular platform, and the center of the entire secret room is composed of a small inscribed pyramid, all white, with the top like a marble coffin containing a corpse.

The most out of place thing in the whole picture is a huge black inverted triangular cone suspended above the pyramid, standing there quietly as if it is asleep.

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