Harry Potter and the Legend of the Temple

Chapter 190 Looking for Ludo Bagman

"He's very brave, isn't he?" Hermione said. There were very few men who could gain such praise from her.

Krum flew around in the air before returning to the ground surrounded by several Bulgarian players. Several wizards from the Ministry of Magic forged a path between leprechauns and veela.

The Irish national anthem was playing throughout the venue, and the goblins cheered, but Klum, who finally got the Golden Snitch, was not so happy. He looked very frustrated. The Bulgarians surrounded him and did not lift him up.

Krum has done a great job, but no one will remember the second place. All the glory and all the honors belong to the champion.

"They are brave." The Bulgarian Minister of Magic said in fluent English. "They have tried their best. I can't blame them."

"You speak English?" Fudge was very surprised, his expression looked like he had taken a bite of Lao Ba's secret hamburger, "Then you were playing tricks on me before?"

"It's fun, isn't it?" The Bulgarian shrugged, not paying attention to Fudge's tone at all.

"Let us congratulate the Irish team and also thank the Bulgarian team for giving us a wonderful game." Ludo Bagman waved his hand in tribute.

The seven Bulgarians slowly walked from the special passage below to the top box under the cheers of the watching wizards. Although they lost the game, they still won the respect of the entire stadium after the game.

One by one, they shook hands with Fudge and the Bulgarian Minister of Magic, and Bagman announced their names. Louis could feel all the flashing lights in the venue gathering here.

Newspapers from all over the world are scrambling to get exclusive information about this game. This group of athletes may be chased and intercepted by reporters after leaving the venue.

Victor Krum was the last one to come up. His face was not pretty. He was hit hard by the Bludger and was no better than Lin Qi who fell twice.

Next, is the biggest winner tonight, the Irish team. With the mutual support of several players, they finally climbed to the top. Fudge handed them a Quidditch World Cup gold cup, and then Linqi was sandwiched in the middle and raised the gold cup high, symbolizing the championship of the 422nd Quidditch World Cup. The Irish national team was announcing Holding the world, they are powerful.

Finally, Ireland left the box, mounted their brooms, and wandered in circles among their fans.

Bagman pointed to his throat again, recited a spell, and his voice returned to normal.

"This will be a World Cup final that will go down in history." He said, "It's just a pity that it ends so soon. Oh, by the way, how much is your bet?"

The Weasley brothers caught Bagman, and they both stood in front of him.

"Of course, of course I know, I will never forget it." Bagman's tone seemed to be perfunctory, "Well, wait, I can't afford so much money now, those things are all in my tent."

Mr. Bagman talked hard before the two of them let him leave. Louis frowned when he saw this. If Ludo Bagman left this time, it might not be so easy to catch him again.

"You can't tell your mother that you gambled money." Arthur said, his tone full of worry.

"Of course not, Dad." The twin brothers said happily, "We have a plan on how to use the money."

The ten thousand galleons given by Louis were the start-up capital of the store, but if the two of them wanted to develop new magic jokes, they would have to pay for it themselves.

Mr. Weasley didn't ask much about their plans. In fact, he knew where the twin brothers spent their money. Arthur is much more open-minded than Molly. He doesn't mind his children doing these fancy things. Since they like it, he shouldn't interfere too much. After all, he himself is obsessed with Muggle toys and does it. This is the job.

They followed the flow of people out of the stadium. Ludo Bagman had already disappeared. Louis grabbed the twin brothers and discussed how to go to Bagman to ask for money.

"Don't worry, Louis, Bagman said he would go to the tent to get the money." Fred said, telling Louis what he had just said to Mr. Bagman.

"I don't think he will pay back the money, Fred." Louis told the twin brothers what he thought. "He wants to collect debts. This guy just made an excuse to deceive you."

"Debt collection? No way, Louis." George was a little surprised. "You have to know that we are probably not the only ones involved in his gambling, and he is also an official of the Ministry of Magic."

"It is precisely because of this that he wants to escape even more. Ludo Bagman is a greedy person." Louis said, "It's just that he left just now and it will be difficult to find him again."

"Then why didn't you stop him just now?"

"It can't be stopped. We have no reason." Louis shook his head. "At that time, there were mostly Ministry of Magic officials around him, and Bagman was quite prestigious in their eyes."

"Sir, you mean Mr. Bagman?" Just when several people were at a loss what to do, Dobby next to Louis stuck his head out and asked.

"If it's Mr. Bagman, Dobby might know where he is." Dobby jumped off Louis' back and said happily to several people.

"Dobby passed by Mr. Bagman's tent before when he was looking for a job, but he didn't need the service of a house elf. He even scolded Dobby, saying that Dobby wanted to eat swan meat, and the house elf wanted wages. It's just robbery, he can't even support himself and he has to raise elves." Dobby's words revealed his resentment towards Ludo Bagman.

Much like his style, this guy had dealt with Death Eaters before, and he didn't look like a good person who treated house elves well.

"Then Dobby, please take us there."

Louis took Dobby's little hand, and then folded Fred's and George's hands together. Dobby nodded towards the three of them, and then disappeared into the woods.

In the wizard tent camp, before the group of celebrating wizards came back, Ludo Bagman hurriedly opened the curtain of his tent and hurriedly packed his belongings and luggage. It was obvious that he wanted to escape. .

"This group of unsatisfactory Bulgarians did not expect this result." Ludo Bagman said while picking up the items with his wand, "But those two young guys are idiots and they still expected me to give them money. "

"I still owe a lot of debt to those damn goblins, but luckily for the rich man who invested a hundred gold galleons, otherwise I would lose all my next bet." He muttered to himself the last thing. Things are locked in their own boxes.

At this moment, there was a sound of air exploding outside the tent. Bagman subconsciously pointed his wand at the door. Then the door curtain was opened, and the three children slowly walked into the tent.

"Hello, Mr. Bagman, where are you planning to go?"

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