Harry Potter and the Legend of the Temple

Chapter 188 Bulgaria’s Stars

A wizard riding a broom quickly entered from the entrance. As people cheered, he rode a broom around the venue.

Then, several Quidditch players wearing red Bulgarian uniforms followed the first player, and Ludo Bagman announced their names one by one. These players enjoyed this supreme moment under the cheers of Bulgarian fans. .

However, the last appearance of the Bulgarian players made the entire venue cheer.

Seemingly the people's star, Victor Klum received the loudest cheers ever.

The entire venue was chanting his name. As the most dazzling star in Bulgaria, Krum is only sixteen years old. With his extremely superb skills and talent, he has won the respect and love of all fans present.

This reminds people not only of the Muggle world, but also of a person who led the national team to turn the tide in the World Cup.

Krum is to Bulgaria what that man is to Portugal. However, twenty years later, when this Nordic man came back again, he finally realized his lifelong dream and won the honor that should have belonged to him.

The World Cup is changing, and no one knows whether a dark horse will suddenly emerge. Just as George said, Bulgaria only has Krum, and he is only sixteen years old. Even if he can reach the finals, he still has to win. The championship is really difficult.

Victor Krum was the only star figure in the wizarding world that Louis knew. Of course, the other one was Lockhart, who was lying in St. Mungo's Hospital with amnesia.

But the difference between Krum and Lockhart is that the former relied on his own hard work and talent, while the latter was just a flashy liar.

"It's him! That's right!"

Ron yelled excitedly, pointing his binoculars at Krum.

Louis also adjusted the focus, and he saw the true appearance of the handsome Nordic man.

He has a standard Nordic build, dark skin, a hooked nose and dark eyebrows.

Looking at his slightly older face, it's hard to imagine that he is only sixteen years old.

Krum looked particularly strong. As an athlete, his whole body exuded strong male hormones. No wonder even Hermione, who didn't know Quidditch, was attracted by Krum's temperament.

"Now, let's continue..." Ludo Bagman knew how popular Krum was, and he waited until the cheers died down before continuing.

"The boys in Ireland have been waiting for a long time, let us welcome them!" Ludo Bagman said. Ireland is also half of the home stadium in England. This neighboring country's Quidditch team has a huge number of fans in the UK.

"The ones coming out are Connolly, Ryan, Troy, Mallett, Moran, Quigley, and Linzy!"

Seven green figures stopped opposite Bulgaria. Louis held up the binoculars. He could even see the Firebolts they were riding and the names written on the broomsticks.

"There is another referee from Egypt, Hassan Mostar, president of the International Quidditch Federation."

A thin Egyptian wizard, wearing a red and gold war robe, appeared in the venue. He looked a little old, with all his hair bald, but he had a beautiful beard on his face.

He held a whistle in his mouth and placed the dark wooden box on the ground. Then the old man rode on the broom and waved his wand. The lock of the box popped open and the four balls quickly reached the sky.

The Quaffle, the Bludger, and the winged Snitch.

Mustar whistled and flew into the air. The Bulgarian and Irish teams were quickly intertwined.

"They started! Oh my god!" Ludo's tone suddenly increased, "Molitor, Ryan, Troy, back to Molitor!"

The Quaffle changed hands so quickly that even Harry, let alone Louis, had never seen such a wonderful Quidditch match. If this game is regarded as a visual feast, then the one at Hogwarts can only be regarded as children's play house.

Ludo only had time to read their names. The Quaffle had already changed hands several times. Even though Louis couldn't understand their operations, those wonderful and gorgeous movements made people exclaim frequently.

"Eagle Head Attack! Nice job, Irish!" Ludo roared.

Louis adjusted the speed and saw the three Irish players neatly arranged in a triangle. The three Bulgarians who were hedging came over with the Quaffle. Ireland's Moran made a feint shot and a beautiful turn, deceiving the direction of the Bulgarians. , perfectly intercepting the Quaffle in the air.

Bulgaria's strength is indeed a bit weak compared to Ireland. After the Quaffle was intercepted, the Irish team quickly counterattacked and almost disrupted the Bulgarian formation by passing the ball back and forth.

"Goal! Ireland leads ten to zero!"

Huge shamrock fireworks exploded in the sky, and leprechauns flew through the air in celebration.

Then, the game gradually became intense. The Irish players kept attacking. In just ten minutes, it was already 30-0.

The Weasleys, Hermione and Harry were all cheering, and the Irish supporters were raising the roof of the stadium.

While Louis was constantly shocked, he also felt sad for Klum. This may be the feeling of one person beating thirteen people.

It’s not that Bulgaria is too weak, but Ireland, the favorite to win the championship, is too strong.

When the score reached 50-0, Bulgaria began to change its strategy. The two batters tried to use all their strength to block the attacks of several Irish chasers. Then the Nordics used the most brutal and direct way to fight. , upper body. Of course, I have to admit that this method works.

Quidditch is different from Muggle football. Their physical confrontation is more direct. If the moves are not too shameless, the referee will not punish them for what they do. Therefore, to a large extent, the duel between chasers is sometimes a physical confrontation. However, this premise is that you must be able to meet the other party.

The Bulgarians were finally about to score, but at this time the audience's attention was attracted by the battle between the two seekers.

Krum and Linzi dived down quickly, as if there were golden snitches on the ground. Klum was in front and Linzi was behind. The speed of the two of them was almost stalling.

"They're going to hit the ground!" Ginny exclaimed.

However, she was only half right. Victor Krum relied on his extremely superb level to prove to the world who is the world's best seeker. He steadily turned the corner at a high speed, turned his body, brushed the ground in a beautiful arc and climbed up again.

As for Ireland's Lin Qi, he was not so lucky. He fell heavily to the ground, and the sound almost spread throughout the entire stadium. Louis could even feel how painful it was.

"Fool." Mr. Weasley shook his head in disappointment, "That's just Krum's fake move, can't you tell?"

Louis didn't think Lin Qi couldn't tell, but facing the powerful Krum, he had to make 100% effort. Even if the other party deceived him, he could only enter this trap, because it was Krum. , there is no room for him to make any mistakes.

"Listen to the game!" Ludo Bagman announced, and several medical wizards rushed forward to check Lin Qi's injury.

"He'll be fine, he'll just hurt his spine at most," Charlie said, "but I think that's what Klum wanted."

Ginny and Hermione were a little afraid to look at the situation on the field. No matter what, falling to the ground at such a fast speed was always a bit bloody.

Harry fiddled with his telescope. He kept replaying the various actions of Linzy and Krum just now. There were even various analysis of actions on the telescope, which was an excellent benefit for Quidditch fans.

Louis was thinking about this situation. It seems that his newly developed potion should be very popular for the Quidditch team. This happens from time to time in Quidditch matches. If he sells his stuff, . . .

He picked up the binoculars again, wanting to see the situation of the game. Lin Qi had slowly climbed up from the ground, and it seemed that he was indeed fine.

Then he slowly moved his gaze upwards. Several Bulgarian players were hovering in the air, gesturing and making tactical arrangements. Through the players in red uniforms, on the opposite side of the balcony, a wizard with a stubble on his face and a somewhat ferocious face caught Louis' eyes.

That was the man he had met before at Hogwarts, Durmstrang's current headmaster, Igor Karkaroff.

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