Harry Potter and the Legend of the Temple

Chapter 172 The Aurors of the Ministry of Magic

The atmosphere in the elevator seemed a bit depressing. No one dared to say a word since Barty Crouch entered the elevator.

"The fourth floor, the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, includes the Office for the Treatment of Beasts, Alien Injuries, the Office of Physical Separation, the Goblin Liaison Center and the Pet Consultation Center."

A cold female voice was the first to break the silence. The elevator door opened, and Barty Crouch and Percy Weasley walked out. The wizards in the elevator couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief.

"Crouch's reputation in the Ministry of Magic is very great. I'm afraid even the Minister of Magic is not as good as him." Tonks said, although it was her first day working at the Ministry of Magic, she also knew a little about the famous Barty Crouch. .

"So what, he can't even discipline his own son well." Sirius said sarcastically.

Barty Crouch Jr. can be said to be a lifelong pain in his heart. During the last Wizarding War, Barty Crouch gained a lot of support from the public for taking tough measures against the Death Eaters and sent most of them to Azkaban.

But since Karkaroff, who was a Death Eater, exposed that Barty Crouch Jr. was also a Death Eater that day, the public was in an uproar. In the end, he did not care about his family ties and resolutely betrayed his son to Azkaban. .

However, this still failed to prevent his popularity from declining. It was also the time for the election of the Minister of Magic. Because of this incident, Barty Crouch was later transferred to the Department of International Magical Cooperation, and Cornelius Fudge became the Minister. .

But in fact, Crouch was not ruthless. Louis knew that he then went into Azkaban with his dying wife to visit Barty Crouch Jr., and used polyjuice potion to mix up his wife and son.

Therefore, in the eyes of outsiders, the former Death Eater Barty Crouch Jr. has indeed died in Azkaban, and no one will doubt anything else.

But in fact, the truth is that the person who died was his mother, the real little Barty, who was raised at home by his father for many years and was constantly guarded by house elves.

Barty Crouch Jr. is a crucial part of Voldemort's resurrection. What if Barty Crouch Jr. is captured in advance?

It's a good idea, but I'm afraid no one will believe that even Sirius saw Barty Crouch Jr. die in Azkaban, unless he caught it with his own hands.

"The third level, the Department of Magical Accidents and Disasters, includes the accident reversal team, the memory cancellation command and the Muggle Issues Mediation Committee."

There were very few wizards on this floor, and as the elevator door opened, almost everyone in the elevator except Sirius and the four of them got out of the elevator.

Several paper airplanes flew in and out, still lingering at the ceiling lights. The elevator continued to go up. After a while, the door gradually opened.

"The second level is the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. It includes the Department for the Prohibition of Abuse of Magic, the Auror Office and the Wizengamot Administration."

"We're here." Sirius greeted. Arthur Weasley's office was on the same floor as the Aurors, so Tonks also got off the elevator.

However, just as Louis walked out of the elevator door, he passed by a fat witch in pink clothes. As if he was touched by something, he turned his head inadvertently and saw the witch in full view.

He has a broad, flabby face and a small black velvet bow on his short curly hair, making him look like a toad. Louis may never be able to forget this abominable face in his life.

"What's wrong, Louis?" Sirius noticed something strange about him and followed his gaze, but at this moment the elevator had closed its door and was heading upwards, and he didn't know what Louis saw.

"It's okay, let's go." Louis shook his head. That woman could even be listed as the top ten Harry Potter characters he hated most.

Later, they stood in a deserted corridor, surrounded by doors. Louis could even look up and see the windy and rainy windows.

"It's been enchanted." Sirius explained, "I don't know what the people in the Magic Maintenance Department think. Maybe they want a salary increase. It's been raining on the windows these days."

Sirius was a little unhappy, after all, no one wanted to work on a rainy day.

After walking further, Tonks parted ways with them. The Auror Office and Mr. Weasley were heading in opposite directions.

"I have to report there, otherwise Scrimgeour will kill me." Tonks joked and waved goodbye to Sirius and the others.

"Then, see you later."

Sirius led Harry and Louis to a door with the words "Department of Misuse of Muggle Items" written on it.

He knocked on the door, the door lock bounced, and then he heard a crisp sound and the door opened.

"Perkins, did you miss something again... Oh, it's you."

Arthur Weasley looked up and saw Harry and Louis greeting him.

"Didn't you say you wouldn't come until five o'clock? Why so early?"

"The Ministry has operations that need to be prepared in advance." Sirius said, "I sent them here in advance."

"Okay, no problem." Arthur led the two of them to the fireplace, "You go to the Burrow first, use the Floo network, I have applied with the ministry, and you can get special permission today."

Louis looked at Arthur Weasley's office. Although Arthur was the director of the Department for the Prohibition of the Misuse of Muggle Items, in the end there were only two people in this office.

"Ready, you two, grab a handful of floo powder and just call the Burrow."

Under Arthur's guidance, Harry and Louis both traveled through the flames and disappeared into the office fireplace.

When the two left, Arthur turned to Sirius and asked.

"It seems that the ministry attaches great importance to your trip to Germany this time. Is there any danger?"

"It's not dangerous to say the least, but Scrimgeour personally led the team with Fudge." Sirius said, "Almost all the Aurors from the Ministry of Magic were dispatched this time. Some were sent to Germany, and the other part maintained Quidditch. World Cup Order.”

"Scrimgeour personally led the team? It seems that Fudge took this matter very seriously." Arthur was a little surprised. Rufus Scrimgeour was a resolute and resolute director of the Auror Office. This time he took action, which was enough for the German Ministry of Magic. face.

"It is said that a secret treasure protected by the Thor Society, a local non-governmental organization in Germany, was stolen because the person who stole it spoke with a British accent. Therefore, the German side feels that the two countries need to be jointly responsible for this case."

"Could it be the Saints?" Arthur probably knew what the Thor Society was protecting. When he was resisting Grindelwald, the Thor Society was the most prestigious wizarding organization in Germany, just like the Order of the Phoenix in the UK.

When Grindelwald fell, a certain dark magic item he had been pursuing was obtained and kept by people from the Thor Order. The Saints and the Thors have been fighting for nearly half a century, just to get back that thing and restore Grindelwald's glory.

"No, the Thor Society and the Saints are old rivals. Both sides know each other's strengths, so the Saints have no chance in this regard." Sirius analyzed.

"Anyway, I don't think it's that simple."

"Okay, no matter what, be careful, Sirius."

Arthur Weasley nodded at Sirius, and Sirius said goodbye to Arthur and walked to the office door, opened it, and was about to go out.

"Dumbledore should know, right?"

"He knows," Sirius said, "I think if there is real danger, he will take action when necessary."

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