Harry Potter and the Legend of the Temple

Chapter 154: The Magic of House Elves


The old house elf shuffled in front of Louis.

Its eyes were filled with anger, and a trembling hand pointed at Louis.

"Thief, this belongs to Master Regulus. Kreacher will not allow anyone to touch Master Regulus's locket!"

"Kreacher, please listen to my explanation." Louis held the locket in his right hand and stretched his left hand into his waistband. Once Kreacher made a move, he would be able to react immediately.

"This locket is very dangerous. I'm afraid it's something you can't solve. Master Regulus's order to you is to destroy this locket."

Kreacher's eyes widened. He didn't understand how the boy in front of him knew Regulus' request, but he didn't give in. He slowly raised his hand.

"Kreacher, no one is allowed to touch Master Regulus's locket. This is the master's last instruction to Kreacher. Even if Kreacher cannot destroy it, he will never let anyone touch Master Regulus's belongings. "

Facing Kreacher's pressing step by step, Louis' first reaction was to take out his wand, but he still ignored Kreacher's strength.

As a house elf, Kreacher does not need any wand as an aid when performing magic. With the snap of his fingers, the disarming spell is completed instantly.

His wand slipped from his hand and fell to the ground behind the bed.

The magic of house elves has always been ignored by wizards. Under long-term slavery, wizards will only think that these shabby elves are just slaves working.

"Kreacher, don't..."

But Kreacher snapped his fingers again, and the wooden cabinet in the room changed instantly. A powerful chain appeared from the side. The defenseless Louis was unable to dodge and was tied together.


There was a loud noise when it hit the wall, and blood surged in Louis' body. He let go of his hands, and the locket fell lightly to the ground.

"what happened?"

Sirius's voice sounded from next door. He had just finished talking to Harry when he heard the violent crash next door.

The door to Regulus' room was opened, and Sirius's heart skipped a beat. An ominous premonition spread in his heart. He pushed open the ajar door in three steps at a time, with Harry following closely behind him. .

"Kreacher, stop! How dare you attack the wizard?!"

Sirius' extremely angry tone came from the door. Kreacher's hand that was about to cast a spell paused, his whole body trembled, and then he slowly lowered his hand.

"Louis, are you okay..."

Louis, who was suffocated by the chains, lay on the ground the moment the chains were loosened.

"Don't worry, Harry, he's just slightly injured." With Harry's help, he slowly got up on the ground.

"How brave!" Sirius didn't have a good impression of Kreacher to begin with, but this made him hate the house elves even more.

"Louis is my friend, Kreacher! Is this how you treat guests? You have really tarnished the face of my Black family!"

"It's not Kreacher's fault, Sirius." Louis tried to stop him, "I shouldn't have entered Regulus' room and took the Black family's treasures, so I was attacked by Kreacher."

"The Black family treasure? What is it?" Sirius did not remember that there was any family treasure in his brother's room.

Because Regulus is not that kind of person. He is a wizard with faith, but he does not like to hoard magic items.

Louis handed the locket that fell on the ground to Sirius's hand, and Harry on the side also moved in. For some reason, he always felt that this thing had a unique attraction to him.

"This is not something from the Black family, at least I have never seen it." Sirius looked up and down at the locket, but the S engraved on the box gave him a faint sense of familiarity.

"If my guess is correct, this should be handed down from Salazar Slytherin. That beauty is the beauty of the Slytherin family."

"I've heard people say it before," Harry said. "The founders of the four houses of Hogwarts each left four magical treasures to the best people in the later houses. Could it be that this thing is Slater?" Lin stayed?"

"Yes, but it is not a magical treasure now, but a dark magic item." Louis said to Harry, "It is the same type as Riddle's diary a year ago. Dark magic items."

"What is Riddle's diary?" Sirius was confused. No wonder, when the Chamber of Secrets incident happened, he was still locked up in Azkaban and being tortured.

Harry and Louis explained the Chamber of Secrets incident to Sirius.

"You are saying that this thing is also a dark magic item made by Voldemort?" After hearing this, Sirius felt a little shaken in his heart. He stared at the small locket in his hand in disbelief.

"Be careful, it has not been destroyed yet, this thing is quite dangerous." Louis reminded

"I just don't understand why it appears in Regulus' room since it is a dark magic item made by Voldemort."

"I think Kreacher probably knows about this." Louis turned to look at the somewhat absent-minded house elf.

"Kreacher?" Sirius looked at Kreacher in surprise, but after seeing Kreacher's strange reaction before, he was afraid that there was really something being hidden from him.

"Kreacher, I will settle the matter for you about your attack on Louis later. I have something to ask you, and you must answer me truthfully." Sirius looked serious as he hung the locket in front of Kreacher.

"No one has entered Regulus' room for more than ten years. Why is this locket here?"

Kreacher trembled all over and fell to the ground, hammering the ground randomly with one hand.

"This is Master Regulus's locket. Kreacher was wrong. Kreacher disobeyed Master's orders!"

"Regulus's?" Sirius was stunned for a moment. Could this be something Voldemort gave to Regulus and wanted him to keep?

But one thing doesn't make sense. Regulus is said to have died at the hands of Voldemort. With Voldemort's character, this thing should have been taken back by him. Why is it still here?

Sirius could not continue thinking. He was interrupted by Kreacher. The house elf picked up a baseball bat and hit his head hard to punish himself.

Louis and Harry reacted very quickly. They grabbed the baseball bat and held him down, but Kreacher was still blaming himself.

"That's enough, Kreacher, I order you not to move."

Louis already felt that Kreacher had stopped moving, so he let go of his hand. Kreacher lay flat on the ground, tears flowing from his slack eyelids.

Sirius picked up Kreacher from the ground and placed it roughly on the bedside table with an extremely cold attitude. He did not feel that Kreacher needed pity at all.

"Now, immediately, immediately, I need to know everything about this locket and everything that happened to my brother back then."

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