Harry Potter and the Attack of the Squibs

Chapter 98: Rising from Death

Lu Ke was a little surprised, because there was no secret passage there. The only possibility was that the three Harrys were hiding under the invisibility cloak.

He quickly recalled that the method used to deal with the two Death Eaters just now was not too scary, and Lu Ke felt relieved.

"That's right. Do you have Gryffindor's sword with you?"

Harry smiled in surprise: "Voldemort?"

Lu Ke nodded: "Snape should be the only one around him, so it can be easily solved."

Ron and Hermione both looked surprised.

They had been looking forward to this day for so long.

Several people walked towards the abandoned greenhouse together.

They didn't meet any Death Eaters along the way, they were probably all in Hogwarts Castle.

Although the battle was still going on, in this short moment, it seemed that nothing had happened.

Until Lu Ke and Harry touched the outside of the greenhouse together.

Lu Ke nodded to the three Harrys.

Harry quickly raised his invisibility cloak again.

"Nagini should be able to see through the invisibility cloak, so don't rush out."

Lu Ke glanced inside the window, then squatted in the corner and made plans for Harry and the three of them: "Leave the little man in the bottle to me. I will rush out when the time comes, and Voldemort will focus on me. Depending on the situation, it's best to hide." Under the invisibility cloak, only Nagini will find you, so you solve it."

Harry nodded nervously beneath his invisibility cloak.

Then Lu Ke stood up.

But just when he was about to climb through the window and get in, Lu Ke stopped.

Because he heard the conversation between Voldemort and Snape.

"Kill him, Nagini."

Lu Ke was confused for a moment, and then rushed out.

But it's too late.

At the moment Lu Ke hesitated, Nagini bit Snape's throat.

Then Lu Ke forced himself to lower his head.

He also reached out to hold down the three Harrys who couldn't help but rush out.

Voldemort seemed to have come here just to deal with Snape. He looked down at Snape, who was lying in a pool of blood, and then disapparated away.

Lu Ke didn't rush out until he was sure he had left.

He found Snape on the floor of the greenhouse, quickly lowered his head and placed his right wrist on the wound on his neck.


Snape smiled hard: "Accident?"

Lu Ke growled in a low voice: "Shut up!"

"If you let me know that you committed suicide, then I won't let you die!"

Snape turned his eyes casually and looked at Harry, who was looking at him hesitantly.

"look at me……"

A silver-blue substance that was neither liquid nor gas was flowing out of the corners of his eyes, mouth, and ears.

Harry knew very well that it was a memory.

Just when Harry was at a loss, Hermione put a small glass bottle into Harry's hand.

Lu Ke said impatiently: "Put it away."

His eyes were fixed on the wound on Snape's neck, where the bleeding had not stopped yet, and Nagini's venom should not have been able to resist Hufflepuff's potion.

But just like Snape's sudden attack, all this was beyond Lu Ke's expectation.


Lu Ke's face was full of anger.

Harry quickly lowered his head to collect his memories.

He looked at Snape and Luke hesitantly, at a loss.

"Go to the principal's office and see what he's going to tell you."

"Go ahead."

Lu Ke took a deep breath to calm down.

Harry nodded and quickly turned around and left.

Now, only Lu Ke and Snape were left in the greenhouse.

And Snape was unconscious.

Lu Ke looked down and saw his own blood falling on Snape's blood, and the rage in his heart was uncontrollable.

"One Dumbledore is enough..."

"I won't allow it!"

But he had no idea what all this would turn out to be.

Maybe Voldemort had found a way around Hufflepuff's potion and Snape was going to die here.

The feeling of powerlessness the moment he heard Dumbledore died swept through Lu Ke's body again.

He eventually gave up.

But at that moment, Lu Ke heard a cough.

Although very weak.

Snape was still alive.

Lu Ke was pleasantly surprised to see that the wound on his neck had healed.

The only reason Snape hadn't woken up now was because he had lost a lot of blood.

Lu Ke moved his right wrist from Snape's neck wound to his mouth.

He forced Snape to drink Hufflepuff's potion.

Soon, Snape woke up.

He glanced around blankly, then raised his head and sighed at Lu Ke.

"I won't thank you."

Lu Ke nodded: "I don't need to thank you."

He wiped his fingers from the wound on his wrist, and the blood was wiped away, but the wound had disappeared.

"Now, explain what happened."

Snape glanced at Lu Ke casually: "A lot, what do you want to know?"

Lu Ke snorted coldly: "Let's start from the beginning."

Snape glanced at Luke.

"I thought Dumbledore would tell you this..."

Lu Ke leaned against the pillar and remained silent.

Snape nodded: "Harry is a Horcrux."

Lu Ke was stunned.


Snape turned and glanced outside: "You heard me right."

Lu Ke lowered his head and took a long breath: "What is Dumbledore going to do?"

"He was prepared to let Harry make his own choices."

Lu Ke looked at Snape in surprise: "He asked Harry to choose whether to commit suicide?"

Snape nodded.

The two fell into silence together.

Lu Ke turned around: "I'm going to find Harry."

Snape looked at Lu Ke and hesitated: "Are you going to stop him?"

Lu Ke nodded: "Nonsense."

Snape shook his head: "But I think I might be able to trust Dumbledore..."

Lu Ke turned around: "I don't believe Dumbledore."

"He lied to me once."

Snape shook his head: "Then how are you going to deal with Voldemort?"

Lu Ke sneered: "I can burn him to ashes right now, and then make all the Death Eaters kneel down."

"Just because I am willing to spend so much time to completely eliminate Voldemort does not mean that I can only do this."

Snape looked at Lu Ke with a surprised expression: "You do..."

"More arrogant than I thought..."

Lu Ke just snorted coldly and walked out of the greenhouse.

The two of them walked towards the castle together, one behind the other.

After entering the castle, they went straight to the entrance of the principal's office.

There were a few battles along the way, but the Death Eaters were dealt with without them taking action.

All the defenders of Hogwarts smiled when they saw Snape following Lu Ke: "Your prisoner?"

Lu Ke just shook his head and did not explain.

Finally, Lu Ke found Harry on the stairs half buried by the ruins.


Harry didn't even look up: "Lu Ke."


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