Griphook looked at Hermione with a surprised look on his face.

He already had a vague guess, but this guess was so crazy that he couldn't even believe it.

To put it simply, since these three wizards knew Voldemort's secret method of immortality and knew the existence of the Deathly Hallows, it was naturally because Dumbledore told them these things before his death.

In this case, it is not impossible for Dumbledore to give them the magical items he can control.

For example, Griphook happened to know that Gryffindor's sword was in Hogwarts, and only the headmaster of Hogwarts could get it.

Apart from that, Griphook couldn't think of any other possibilities.

Just then, Harry walked out from the middle of the vault.

In his hand was a shining silver sword with a ruby ​​on the hilt.

Griphook took a deep breath.

Even though he had expected it, he was still extremely surprised when he saw Gryffindor's sword.

Harry glanced at Hermione.

Hermione smiled at him.

Harry breathed a sigh of relief.

If the goblin was unwilling to join their plan, Gryffindor's sword would be the weapon.

But now that the plan is going well, then this is a gift.

"If you can really help us get into You-Know-Who's vault, then the sword of Gryffindor will be your reward."

Griphook looked at Harry, then at the sword in his hand, and fell into silence.

But all three of Harry knew that it was impossible for him to refuse.

"It is absolutely safe for us to speak here. No one, including other goblins in Gringotts, can hear our conversation."

Griphook looked up at Hermione: "Tell me your plan."

The three Harrys looked at each other.

Hermione was silent for a long time, then shook her head helplessly: "We don't know..."

Griphook was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

In fact, this is not surprising. After all, it is stealing something from Voldemort's vault in Gringotts. No wizard can think of a way.

"The goblins in Gringotts will not support you, so your plan must not only avoid the Death Eaters, but also avoid them."

Although it seemed that Griphook was analyzing the plan calmly and carefully, he was actually creating pressure on the three Harrys and increasing his own leverage.

"There are two ways to enter any vault, either with a key or by the owner of the vault himself. Of course the key is the most important."

"I don't think you can use Polyjuice Potion to become You-Know-Who, because he can't even be counted as one now. The complex bloodline will make Polyjuice Potion ineffective."

"And it is impossible to pretend to be a mysterious person. The goblin specially prepared a special test method for the mysterious person. In other words, the mysterious man is too special. In the eyes of the goblin, he cannot be disguised at all."

Ron shook his head: "How about your help? Don't you know how to hide it from other goblins?"

Griphook glanced at Ron: "You have made a basic mistake, young man."

"It's hard for goblins to be deceived. To deceive another goblin, a goblin must try his best and take advantage of it. And I will help you pretend to be a mysterious person and deceive the entire Gringotts."

"Of course I won't blame you. After all, everyone would want to give up when they think that the only way left is to steal the key from the mysterious man."

Ron was stunned for a moment, then smiled.

He really didn't want things to turn into three people having to steal the key. This was the worst development in their plan, but it seemed inevitable now.

In this case, Ron felt that Griphook's ridicule was nothing.

After all, they had to rely on this goblin's help to get into Voldemort's vault.

"Do you know where that key is?"

Harry glanced at Ron worriedly and quickly changed the subject.

Griphook nodded: "In order to show his trust in his followers, Voldemort placed the key in Malfoy Manor, where any Death Eater can access it, but only he can come to Gringotts with the key. "

Harry and the three of them were silent together.

As expected, stealing the key from Voldemort was almost impossible. The only time they went to Malfoy Manor was when they were captured and escaped with Dobby's help.

"So putting it in a place where everyone can get it has become an effective defense. No Death Eater will touch the key, and they will not allow anyone unexpected by Voldemort to touch the key, even Death Eaters. ”

Griphook shook his head: "But this is your only chance."

Harry looked at the goblin: "Our only chance, unless you don't want Gryffindor's sword."

A trace of dissatisfaction flashed across Griphook's face, but he immediately calmed down: "Yes..."

"But I will help you."

"But you must understand that my way is the only way. If you don't do what I say, you will never succeed."

Harry nodded: "Do you really have a way?"

Griphook turned and looked under the abyss, where there was darkness.

"We can forge a key."

Harry looked surprised. Such words were simply too simple.

But Griphook immediately shook his head: "Don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about forging a key that can open the vault."

Ron was stunned for a moment: "That means..."

Griphook nodded: "I can only forge a key that can deceive the mysterious man."

"Anyway, until now, the mysterious man has never opened his vault once, and he may never even open it."

Harry and the three of them were silent together.

They were a little disappointed, after all, this meant that they still had to risk sneaking into Malfoy Manor to steal the key.

But this is normal. Voldemort has never been an opponent that can be easily defeated.

Hermione hesitated, looked at Griphook and said, "The mysterious man is a powerful dark wizard and alchemist..."

Griphook interrupted Hermione without hesitation with pride on his face: "But he still can't tell the difference between the keys made by goblins. Our craftsmanship is beyond the understanding of all wizards."

He looked at Hermione and shook his head: "Don't waste time thinking about whether this plan is correct. It's better to save some time and find a way to complete this plan."

Harry glanced at Griphook, and then nodded: "But I want to make sure one thing in advance. We will not give you Gryffindor's sword before we enter the mysterious man's treasure house."

"In other words, if we die in Malfoy Manor, the sword will fall into the hands of the mysterious man, and you will never get it again."

Griphook was silent for a moment, then nodded.


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