Lu Ke glanced at Sirius Black with a matter-of-fact expression: "Those are three Gryffindors."

Sirius Black sighed helplessly.

"Then we just let the three of them go to the Ministry of Magic?"

Lu Ke was silent for a moment, then nodded: "Of course we must respect Dumbledore's last wish, and I also believe that the three Harrys can complete their mission."

Sirius Black stood up: "You want them to die?"

Lu Ke shook his head: "But when they were taking action, we happened to be going to raid the Ministry of Magic. It was just a coincidence that no one could have imagined."

Sirius Black was stunned for a moment, then laughed: "You are really bad at joking, far worse than the twins."

Lu Ke shook his head: "It's impossible for us to know when the three Harrys will take action. If you really want to help, think of a way."

Sirius Black nodded without surprise: "I have a way."

Lu Ke was stunned for a moment: "What can I do?"

Sirius Black took out a mirror: "I know that you believe in Harry and the others as much as Dumbledore, but such an idea is too naive."

"They are just three children. You don't really think they can survive the siege of Death Eaters, do you?"

Lu Ke smiled.

Although it seemed a bit overindulgent, Lu Ke actually knew very well how capable the three Harrys were.

They had trained hard for almost half a year with the goal of defeating Lu Ke. If this was not enough, Lu Ke also served as a sparring partner several times during the period and told them the best way to fight from the beginning.

What's more, Harry is almost a born warrior, and Hermione's transformation skills are far better than ordinary people.

As long as the three of them don't charge head-on, the possibility of losing to the Death Eaters is really very small.

It's a pity that these reasons can only convince Lu Ke, and it is difficult for others to believe it, especially Sirius Black who cares very much about the three Harrys.

Of course, Sirius Black's worries were not useless. It was always good to have a way to contact the three Harrys at critical moments.

"Hermione put the mirror in her bag..."

Sirius Black looked down at the mirror, then raised his wand and pointed it at the mirror: "Let me see..."

"Oh, they've already started taking action..."

Lu Ke nodded: "What are they doing?"

At this time, Harry and three people were sitting at the entrance of the Magic Department.

This is a cafe across a street from the red phone booth at the entrance to the Ministry of Magic. Ron is curiously drinking a coffee with a strange name: he has only drunk black tea at the Burrow before.

Hermione lowered her voice carefully: "Death Eaters are everywhere here. It's too dangerous for us here."

Harry shook his head: "We have to see if there is any chance here..."

Just then, a man walked into the store swaggeringly.

Harry immediately grabbed the wand warily: "Ron!"

Ron covered half of his face with his cup and said "hmm" casually.

That's a Death Eater.

The clerk looked at the man and smiled: "Hello sir, what can I do..."

Then the man raised his wand.

A force that Muggles couldn't understand suddenly erupted, turning the shop into a mess.

Several customers who were still drinking coffee screamed in terror and ran away.

But Muggles could not resist the power of the curse. The Death Eaters just waved their wands at will, and the guests who had rushed to the door flew back again.

"Dirty bugs..."

The Death Eater had a fanatical smile on his face: "Answer me now, who is the greatest wizard in the world?"

The clerk trembled and wanted to run away, but she no longer had the strength to act. She looked at the Death Eaters and shook her head: "Wizard?"


The Death Eater was irritated. The answer he originally wanted to hear was the Dark Lord. Obviously this impulsive sabotage operation went so smoothly, and he was in a good mood.

So he raised his wand to the clerk: "Avada..."


Harry took action without hesitation, but the Death Eaters were unable to dodge and dropped their weapons.

Then Hermione's Transfiguration turned the cup that had just been broken by his spell into a rope, trapping him tightly.

"Let's go, the other Death Eaters should be here soon."

The three people put the money for coffee on the table, then used magic to control the Death Eaters to float around them, and left the cafe.

Before leaving, Hermione turned around and said "I'm sorry" to the clerk.

After the three of them turned the corner, Ron shook his head at Hermione: "There is absolutely no need for you to apologize, Hermione, this Death Eater is not here for us."

Hermione shook her head but said nothing.

In fact, she also knew that this was a destruction that was completely unavoidable and was even late. The Death Eaters gathered at the Ministry of Magic. There were Muggles so close, and it was impossible for them to let them go.

Harry turned around and pressed the Death Eater against the wall of the alley: "Tell me, how do you get in and out of the Ministry of Magic?"

The Death Eater looked at Harry in fear: "What?"

Harry put his wand at the Death Eater's throat: "I'm asking you!"

The Death Eater quickly shook his head: "You don't need anything!"

"As long as you shout Long Live the Dark Lord, you can go anywhere in the Ministry of Magic and no one will care..."

Harry breathed out slowly.

"No guards? No detecting magic?"

The Death Eater shook his head: "Why? The whole world now belongs to the Dark Lord!"

"There are Death Eaters everywhere..."

Harry sneered, and the Death Eater quickly shut up. A flattering smile appeared on his face, but it was very ugly.

Hermione walked over to Harry, then raised her wand: "Collapse."

"Everything is forgotten!"

The Death Eaters lay on the ground, and the three Harry quietly left.

"That's good news."

Harry said casually.

Ron shook his head: "Not necessarily, at least we now know that the number of Death Eaters in the Ministry of Magic far exceeds our original expectations."

Harry was speechless.

Hermione shook her head: "The more people there are, the easier it is to get confused, and they relax their vigilance. As long as we are careful enough, this is a good thing."

Harry turned around and went into an alley again, because they had seen other Death Eaters entering the coffee shop just now.

"Poor Muggles..."

Ron whispered.

Harry and Hermione were silent.

Then Harry turned around: "We can't really fight with so many people in the Ministry of Magic. The only chance is to make a surprise attack and go straight to the target."

Ron nodded: "Then we must know where Umbridge usually stays."

Hermione nodded: "There is also a direct route there."


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