Harry Potter and the Attack of the Squibs

Chapter 66 After the old story

Hogwarts fell into a long silence.

Everyone from the Order of the Phoenix came from outside. Before that, Professor McGonagall helped maintain order in the school.

Although the vast majority of students were not injured at all, Dumbledore's departure was so unacceptable that the entire school came to a standstill.

At this time, everyone found Harry together.

"You are the only witness to this and we want to know what happened."

Although all the Order members were with Harry, it was Professor McGonagall who finally spoke.

Hermione tightened her grip on Harry's hand.

Harry spoke with difficulty: "I..."

"I followed Dumbledore to a place outside the school. When I came back, Dumbledore knew something had happened, so he apparated and landed on the astronomy tower."

"He...petrified me, and then Draco Malfoy came in with the Death Eaters, but Malfoy didn't cast a spell on Dumbledore."

"Finally, Snape..."

Harry was silent for a moment.

Hermione looked at him worriedly, at a loss.

"It's Avada Kedavra."

There was dead silence.

Professor McGonagall shook her head: "I...he...has always told me that he absolutely trusts Snape."

Everyone knew that Professor McGonagall was talking about Snape.

They were silent, their anger masked by sadness and never dissipating.

Lu Ke shook his head: "Put aside revenge for Dumbledore, we need to maintain Hogwarts, this is the last fortress."

Professor McGonagall nodded: "All our professors will let Hogwarts continue..."

Lu Ke shook his head: "That's not the key. We need a new, reliable principal. We need a formal appointment from the Ministry of Magic. Except for Professor McGonagall, no one is reliable now."

Although he still couldn't turn his attention away from Dumbledore, Mr. Weasley nodded: "We will find a way to find Scrimgeour."

Lu Ke nodded: "William will also think of a way, but remember one thing, don't let Scrimgeour think that you already have a candidate, but tell him that there is a professor at Hogwarts who is a Death Eater, so Hog Woz may very well become Voldemort's power."

Mr. Weasley was confused for a moment.

Johanna explained: "In this case, Scrimgeour will naturally notice Professor McGonagall, and the head of Gryffindor is naturally hostile to Death Eaters."

One for the others.

"Besides..." Lu Ke hesitated, "The Order of the Phoenix must continue to fight, but there are many plans that only Dumbledore knows about, or his secret informants, so we can only give up."

"And our fight must also turn to self-defense, to protect those who need protection."

Sirius Black glanced at Lu Ke: "Who are you talking about?"

Lu Ke smiled helplessly: "Anyone, but don't think about looking for Voldemort or Death Eaters before you are ready."

Lupine shook his head: "I think you mean that, Snape."

Lu Ke fell into silence.

Finally he nodded: "Voldemort will not let the Death Eater who killed Dumbledore die unless he is gone or he feels that Snape has lost value."

Harry looked at Lu Ke and said angrily: "Dumbledore is dead!"

"Do we end up doing nothing?"

Lu Ke was helplessly silent.

A suffocating silence enveloped the surroundings.

No one knew what to say.

Finally, it was Moody who spoke: "But if I bump into some Death Eater to protect myself, then that's bad luck for him, right?"

Lu Ke smiled helplessly: "You must survive, otherwise who will teach Harry how to do things when he joins the Auror office?"

Moody stared at Lu Ke, but his artificial eyes turned to Harry: "Well... he will be a good Auror. Since you said so, then I will find some time to teach him something useful. …”

After saying this, Moody stood up and said, "I can only miss the old man for so long. It's enough."

"When does the funeral start?"

Professor McGonagall stood up: "Tomorrow."

Harry and the three of them walked out of the room together.

They were strictly required to go back to the school hospital because they were the ones who had been fighting the Death Eaters the longest.

Although the three Harrys were not injured at all.

Hermione and Ron looked at Harry very worriedly. They knew that Dumbledore, Snape, and all this were what Harry cared about most.

But they couldn't think of anything to say to comfort Harry.

"I do not understand……"

Harry stopped as he passed a window.

"Why did Snape do this?"

Hermione quickly grabbed Harry's hand: "Don't worry about that, Harry..."

Harry shook his head.

He turned and looked outside the window, then shook his head: "Before coming back, Dumbledore took me to a place."

"He said this could only be told to the people I trusted most."

Hermione and Ron looked surprised: "What happened?"

Harry shook his head: "We found a pendant in the trap left by Voldemort. Dumbledore hopes that I can destroy the thing inside, the Horcrux."

Hermione and Ron looked at each other.

"What is a Horcrux?"

Harry sighed and opened the pendant: "It was the thing that kept Voldemort from dying, but we failed. Dumbledore lost all his power for this thing and was plotted by Snape. As a result, this is the only thing here."

Harry placed a note in front of Hermione and the two.

What it said was that a man had taken away something that Voldemort had tried so hard to hide.

"Everything Dumbledore had wasted."

Hermione looked at the note, then shook her head and hugged Harry: "That's not your fault..."

Harry smiled bitterly and remained silent.

The three of them returned to the school hospital in silence.

In the ward, another person who was as depressed as them was sitting on the bed.


Draco Malfoy showed no joy at all when he saw Hermione. He nodded dully, and then continued to stare at a certain point in the void in a daze.

Harry looked at Malfoy and was silent for a moment, then walked up to him and said, "Nothing will happen to your family."

Malfoy slowly turned his face like a machine in disrepair, and then looked at Harry blankly: "But Dumbledore..."

"I don't know...why would he know?"

"I have learned Occlumency, why?"

Harry shook his head: "Have you defeated Lu Ke?"

Malfoy was stunned for a moment: "What?"

Harry turned around and sat on the hospital bed on the side: "Without the power of a wizard to cast spells, a person can still do a lot of things."


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