The train took half a day to reach London.

Lu Ke and Watson got out of the car, then got into a taxi and drove towards the place where Watson found it.

When he got off the bus, Lu Ke was about to pay, but the driver refused.

"Your boss and I are friends."

Lu Ke glanced at Watson a little surprised.

Watson smiled as he got out of the car and waved the taxi away.

“We have been friends for many years, he was one of my earliest customers and now my most regular helper.”

Lu Ke nodded.

The driver probably thought of him as Watson's assistant.

But in reality, most of Watson's helpers are former customers.

"Here we are."

Watson opened her arms towards Lu Ke, as if showing the building behind her.

Lu Ke was a little surprised.

Because what appeared in front of him was a remote and dilapidated neighborhood, with a dilapidated and deserted small church next to the street.

"So I thought the nun had been promoted to a higher position in London..."

Watson shook his head with a complicated expression: "That nun is not... a good person in the traditional sense."

"You know, the rules of Protestantism are extremely strict. She has the same hobby as Billy... No, it should be said that Billy learned his hobby from her."

Lu Ke nodded: "Drinking..."

He turned and walked toward the chapel.

“It’s a nice way to have fun in a small, out-of-the-way place like that.”

Watson stepped forward and stopped Lu Ke: "It's not over there."

Lu Ke was stunned for a moment: "What?"

Watson smiled and pointed to a house next to the church: "That is the home of the church caretaker. After the nun died, all the debris in the church were piled up in his house."

Lu Ke smiled knowingly.

As for why the church's sundries were not kept inside the church but had to be moved into his house to take up space, that is another story.

Watson knocked on the door, and Lu Ke stood quietly behind her.

After what happened during this period, Lu Ke has recognized the reality that when facing any Muggle, it is best to let Watson come forward to communicate, and Lu Ke is only responsible for providing military support.

Soon the door opened, and an old man who looked frail came out.

He looked thoughtful when he saw Watson.

"Are you the one who wrote and said you were coming?"

Watson smiled and nodded: "Is it convenient for you today?"

The old man nodded: "Come in."

He glanced at Lu Ke suspiciously and let the door open.

After walking in, you can see that this is an ordinary residence, at least it is definitely not as dilapidated as the small church next to it.

The old man took the two of them directly to the back of the room, where there was a small yard and a small cabin against the wall.

This is where he keeps his stuff.

"The things you said you were looking for for that nun...are all here."

The old man still looked at Lu Ke when he spoke, with a hint of vigilance and suspicion on his face.

Watson smiled and nodded, then began to bend down to search.

Lu Ke took a look, and then helplessly reached out to help her lift a heavy box.

The old man looked at Lu Ke with even more vigilance.

But Watson didn't care, and Lu Ke turned a blind eye.

They quickly found what they were looking for.

Those are several diaries.

"That's what we want," Watson turned to look at the old man and smiled, "How much do you want?"

The old man shook his head: "It doesn't matter, just take it if you like it."

Watson smiled and nodded, then turned around and left with Lu Ke, who was a little surprised.

After walking out of the house, Lu Ke glanced behind him a little doubtfully: "Is he so easy to talk to?"

Watson smiled: "He originally thought that we were pursuing him for stealing and selling the church property, but now that he sees us running after these things, he naturally does what we want. It would be best for us to leave as soon as possible."

Lu Ke nodded: "But do you really think these are enough?"

Watson shook his head: "Otherwise, we will find another way. The most important thing is that if we stay any longer, he will be angry."

Lu Ke was speechless.

He knew that Watson's talent was to make everyone feel comfortable. Since she said so, this was the best choice.

"What if we don't find any clues in these diaries?"

Watson shook his head: "Don't worry, I will be good friends with him. An alcoholic can't hide secrets. Guess when he started stealing things from the church?"

Lu Ke was stunned for a moment, then smiled helplessly.

"Let me do it."

Watson was stunned for a moment, watching Lu Ke start flipping through the diary at lightning speed.

"Did you see what it said?"

Lu Ke hummed casually.

Watson looked at him and slowly showed an expression of wonder.

Finally, Lu Ke put down all his diaries.

He let out a long breath.

"On the whole, the nuns don't like Tom, and besides that, he really has no secrets."

Watson shook his head: "Then I'm afraid I'll have to meet him often for a while..."

Lu Ke nodded: "I have a bad feeling."

Watson glanced at him: "Then give me some reward in advance."

Lu Ke smiled in surprise: "You actually still have free time to take on new commissions?"

Watson smiled and opened his arms: "Business cannot stop, the door must always be opened."

Lu Ke nodded: "What do you need me to do?"

Watson sighed: "There is a man in London who is in trouble."

Lu Ke turned around and walked towards the station: "Where is it?"

Watson followed: "Everyone else in his family died at the same time, in a car accident, but he secretly looked at it before being cremated, and the wound was wrong."

Lu Ke stopped.

He turned and looked at Watson.

"What wound?"

Watson looked at Lu Ke, a trace of fear flashed across his face: "Lightning shape."

After a long silence, Lu Ke slowly shook his head: "They were affected by the war. If you tell him the truth, both you and him will have their memories erased, so give up on this commission."

Watson looked at Lu Ke and stood silent for a long time.

"I always thought that the war was a matter for you people, just like the gentlemen in the parliament quarreling in the parliament. In the end, the only people affected were those gentlemen making less money and more..."

Lu Ke smiled helplessly: "Our opponent is..."

"The kind that attacks indiscriminately."

Watson sighed: "So you must be different, right?"

Lu Ke nodded.

Watson shook his head: "Your current commission is to win the war?"

Lu Ke could only nod silently.

Watson lowered his head and glanced at the diary in his hand: "Help me lie to him."

Lu Ke was confused: "What?"

Watson shook his head: "I lied to him because he saw it wrong."


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