"Although many people don't want to admit it, Merlin, the greatest wizard of all time, was actually a Slytherin."

Dumbledore turned and glanced at Lu Ke.

"Just like you."

Lu Ke nodded nonchalantly.

He looked down at the ground behind the tombstone.

"Color is not the same……"

Although it is surrounded by buildings on all sides, so there is little sunlight and almost no growing plants, there is still a layer of dark moss on the ground.

And on the ground behind this tombstone, the moss is particularly dense.

Lu Ke smiled helplessly.

"I didn't notice it when I first came here..."

Dumbledore glanced at Lu Ke, then raised his head and pointed to the top of his head: "Today is a sunny day."

"You don't have to worry about this kind of thing...or are you unwilling to lose to that private detective?"

Lu Ke smiled helplessly, and then walked to the open space.

"There is more moisture here because the ground is loose and someone once dug it up. It might be the dead old Tom..."

Dumbledore nodded: "Tom is truly merciless to anyone."

He lowered his head and raised his wand: "The passage appears."

Then the soil on the ground surged up to both sides like running water and piled up on one side, revealing a hole in the middle.

Lu Ke raised his right hand helplessly: "Is that why the magic spell is so convenient?"

Dumbledore smiled: "If you don't ask, the little man in the bottle won't tell you. After all, you are not his absolute master yet."

The little man in the bottle appeared out of thin air and raised his right hand to the ground: "The poisonous gas dissipates!"

Dumbledore was stunned for a moment, looked at the ground carefully, and then nodded.

"So Tom really never thought that a wizard would come here. I have to say that his arrangement was right..."

Lu Ke nodded. Although he couldn't see anything, he had already noticed it.

There is poisonous gas trapped in the soil.

When someone digs up here intentionally or unintentionally to see what's underneath, he will definitely be poisoned to death by the poisonous gas wafting out.

And this poisonous gas is not any poison known to Muggles, but a profound dark magic potion.

Even among wizards, probably not many people know about it.

Dumbledore stretched out his hand to make Lu Ke take a step back: "Tom's preparation cannot be limited to this."

Lu Ke retreated helplessly.

Although in his opinion, this step is enough to deal with Muggles.

But it turns out that Lu Ke still underestimated Voldemort.

Beneath the upwelling soil is a downward staircase that ends at a stone gate.

On the door, tiny poisonous snakes have begun to crawl out of the eyes of several embossed poisonous snakes.

Dumbledore waved his wand, and a stream of flames swept through, leaving only black ash on the ground.

Then he pointed his wand at the door: "Open the Alaho Cave."

At that moment, a flash of fire flashed.

Lu Ke rushed towards Dumbledore.

But he was surprised to find that nothing happened.

The little man in the bottle raised his right hand, and a flash of fire slowly floated out from behind the door.

It almost looked like it controlled a star.

"It's a bomb!"

Lu Ke simply didn't know what to say. He would never have imagined that Voldemort, who usually hated Muggles so much, would actually hide a bomb in the trap here.

Dumbledore nodded: "Muggle weapons...Actually, Tom is not the kind of person who stays away from anything he hates."

He looked completely unsurprised: "Especially now."

Lu Ke nodded helplessly.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, with Lu Ke's current strength, he doesn't have to be afraid of bombs at all. It's just that Lu Ke instinctively feels that the bomb is very powerful.

The little man in the bottle clenched his fist, and then the fire disappeared, leaving only a cloud of dust floating away.

Lu Ke turned around and looked at the open door: "Is there any more?"

Dumbledore smiled and lowered his head and walked down the steps: "You'll know when you go in and take a look."

Lu Ke followed.

In the darkness, Dumbledore raised his wand, and a ball of light appeared at the top, and the light slowly revealed the surrounding area.

This is a very narrow place, and Dumbledore can almost only stay alone, and he has to bend down and lower his head.

On the ground in the small space, there was a small metal box in the middle.

Dumbledore looked down at the box, then waved his wand.

The dirt on the ground slowly rose and then turned into a hand.

The hand grasped the box.

At that moment, the soil made a sound of being corroded.

"Strong acid, but this box..."

Lu Ke could tell what was on the surface of the box at a glance, but what surprised him was that few metals could resist this level of corrosion.

Dumbledore nodded and waved his wand.

The box flew up, something fell on the surface of the air, and then the small metal cube fell into Dumbledore's hands.

"It's safe enough for Muggles."

Lu Ke nodded.

In other words, under the premise of ensuring that no wizard can discover this place, it is basically certain that the box contains the real Horcrux.

"We should go."

Dumbledore turned around with a serious look on his face.

The two walked up the steps, and then Dumbledore waved his wand, and everything returned to its original appearance, even the moss that had grown a different color returned to its original state.

Then Dumbledore raised his wand: "Forgotten!"

Lu Ke watched in amazement as the light of this curse swept across the entire open space and surrounding buildings. He was certain that almost everyone who might have seen Dumbledore and Lu Ke appear just now would forget all of this.

Then Dumbledore grabbed Lu Ke's shoulders: "Let's go."

The world began to twist, and they returned to the door of Hogwarts Castle.

"It went well, but Tom sure knows how to hide a secret."

Dumbledore and Luke walked into the castle together.

Lu Ke followed him silently.

Although this time it went very smoothly, if you really think about it, Voldemort is really talented at hiding secrets.

He clearly knew the gap between wizards and Muggles, and used purely Muggle methods to hide Horcruxes, so that wizards could not find any clues at all.

But he probably never thought that there would be more and more Muggle-born wizards, and that one day, Dumbledore would be able to find this Horcrux.

Entering the principal's office, Dumbledore sighed and placed the box on his desk.

"Although I knew from you that Tom used Horcruxes to protect himself a few years ago, my progress has been very slow until now..."

Dumbledore walked to the side of the room and picked up the Sorting Hat.

"I hope this Horcrux will be that..."

Lu Ke glanced at Dumbledore, who suddenly became a little worried.


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