Harry Potter and the Attack of the Squibs

Chapter 57 The winter vacation is over

Sirius Black gave Amelia Burns a surprised look.

Amelia Burns shook her head casually: "Do you know anything about the mysterious man?"

Sirius Black smiled: "You still believe that I am a Death Eater?"

Amelia Burns shook her head: "I just..."

"What do you think of Isabella Strange?"

Sirius Black sneered and shook his head: "A witch who is good at acting, putting on airs..."

Amelia Burns smiled: "Don't tell me you simply hate beautiful witches."

Sirius Black shook his head: "She is..."

But at this point, Sirius Black suddenly fell silent.

Amelia Burns glanced at him: "Actually...someone once told me that Isabella Strange is very abnormal..."

Sirius Black nodded: "Of course she is not normal. Why has a witch who doesn't deal with Voldemort never come to us?"

Amelia Burns nodded slowly: "You...Dumbledore is still maintaining his secret resistance organization?"

Sirius Black fell silent, suddenly aware that he had inadvertently revealed a secret.

Amelia Burns smiled: "Someone just told me that Isabella Strange is actually a Death Eater..."

Sirius Black was silent for a moment, then nodded: "That man is very smart, when will you introduce us to each other?"

Amelia Burns looked at Sirius Black and smiled: "You have never been good at lying."

"Except when you turn into a big dog..."

Sirius Black was stunned for a moment: "What are you talking about?"

Amelia Burns smiled and shook her head: "How did you meet William Shafik?"

Sirius Black sighed helplessly: "A long time ago, his sister Johanna went to Hogwarts, one year above Harry."

Amelia Burns sighed: "Even you are hiding everything from me now, right..."

An unhappy expression flashed across Sirius Black's face. He seemed to want to say something, but in the end he remained silent.

"This is to defeat Voldemort."

Amelia Burns looked at Sirius and nodded, but said nothing more.

The two were silent for a long time.

Finally, Mr. Weasley opened the door to the room.


Amelia Burns stood up: "What?"

Mr. Weasley glanced at Sirius Black with a curious look on his face, but he didn't ask anything.

"The search has been completed, but there are several rooms occupied by Hogwarts students..."

Amelia Burns nodded: "Then there's no need to search, let's go."

After saying that, she walked out of the room without looking back.

Other Ministry of Magic staff met in the corridor outside, and Amelia Burns led everyone out of the Black house.

Then they disapparated.

Mrs. Weasley stood next to Sirius Black, watched them disappear, and then breathed a sigh of relief: "What did you say to Amelia Burns?"

Sirius Black shook his head: "What can I say?"

Mrs. Weasley smiled: "She let you go. The search was just a show."

Sirius Black sighed helplessly: "It's William. Now that Amelia Burns believes that Isabella Strange is a Death Eater, she naturally doesn't care about causing trouble for me."

Mrs. Weasley just smiled meaningfully: "Really?"

Harry originally thought that the fight between Isabella Strange and Fudge would be extremely fierce and the winner would be decided quickly.

But the result is that both sides tried their best, but it was always difficult to distinguish the winner.

The situation has reached an incredible stalemate.

It's not that both sides are at their wits' end, but that both sides are trying their best, but the result is like chess, one person moves one move at a time, back and forth, endlessly.

Throughout the winter vacation, the only thing Harry hoped to see was Fudge's complete failure, because this would allow Umbridge to leave the Ministry of Magic, but the result was a long stalemate.

Not to mention there was another thing that was tormenting Harry.

Harry and Snape had nothing to do during the winter vacation, so Snape came to the Black house once every two days to give Harry lessons.

The content of the course is naturally Occlumency.

Snape obviously regarded this as the best opportunity to protest against Sirius Black. They seemed to hate each other since they were still in Hogwarts, which made Harry, who was already full of troubles, even more dilemma.

He originally hoped that he could calm down and slowly learn Occlumency, but there was no progress.

Snape was very disappointed with Harry.

"Maybe it's because you don't have Malfoy as a training partner..."

After saying this, Snape shook his head: "But now you are with Lu Ke every day, why can't you learn from him?"

Harry was speechless.

He never thought that Lu Ke's kind of thing could be done casually by ordinary people.

But it is also true that his Occlumency has not made any progress so far.

Despite being comforted by Hermione and Ron every day, Harry was still very depressed.

In this way, he even remained depressed until the end of the winter vacation.

On the day he returned to school, Harry followed Lu Ke and sat in the taxi, silent and motionless.

Beside him, Hermione was holding a newspaper.

"The Wizengamot begins the trial of Isabella Strange's followers who broke into the Ministry of Magic..."

Ron glanced at the Muggle driver in front of him carefully: "He heard..."

Hermione shook her head: "I have cast a confusion spell, so he can't hear us."

Ron breathed a sigh of relief and shook his head: "Dad said that everyone knows the outcome of this matter, and it will definitely be delayed again."

Hermione sighed: "This is what the Wizengamot does every day now. I think they may not care about business at all."

Ron sighed worriedly: "Percy is currently in the Wizengamot taking notes every day, and has no time to go home. Mom has been worried about when he will not be able to hold on anymore."

Hermione shook her head: "That's not important at all. What's important is that the real criminals and those who were wrongly accused can't get a trial in time. Doesn't anyone among the wizards see how dangerous this is?"

Despite Hermione's righteous words, no one responded to her.

It was obvious that Harry and Ron didn't think this matter was important at all, and Luke was giving directions to the Muggle driver in front.


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