Harry Potter and the Attack of the Squibs

Chapter 39: Encountering Shadows

Harry shook his head: "Are you saying that the dementors will attack the students of Hogwarts like they did on the train?"

Lu Ke nodded: "And because of my past mistakes, there is a poisonous snake lurking in the darkness. He will never give up any opportunity."

Harry was silent for a moment: "Voldemort?"

Lu Ke nodded.

Then they returned to the hall together.

"I didn't want to tell you this, Harry, because it would only cause trouble, and I had already been preparing to go to Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick, who had helped me many times since my first year. ”

Harry was silent for a moment: "I don't know, anyway, you almost never tell me what you are doing."

Lu Ke nodded.

Then they sat together in silence in front of the fireplace, eating various snacks while watching the flames burn brightly.

Lu Ke enjoyed this moment of tranquility.

In fact, he hid during the entire winter vacation because Lu Ke couldn't adapt to the initial changes. He often saw dragon scales growing on his skin, and every time he opened his mouth, a ball of sparks would shoot out.

But now Lu Ke is much better, all the changes have stabilized, and the so-called madness is nothing to his will.

Although Lu Ke felt uncomfortable with his thoughts being suppressed, he still felt good.

Of course, Slytherin's tests will continue, and the troubles of Dementors and Voldemort will not disappear either.

The next morning, while Harry was having breakfast, he saw Lu Ke sitting in the hall.

He seemed to have finished his breakfast and was sitting opposite Hermione.

Hermione, as before, looked at Lu Ke coldly.

Harry sat helplessly next to Hermione: "Good morning, Hermione."

Hermione nodded: "Good morning, Harry."

Then Harry looked at Lu Ke: "Good morning, Lu Ke."

Lu Ke nodded: "Good morning."

The three of them sat there, all in silence. Only Hermione was still flipping through the book, and Harry lowered his head helplessly to eat.

Soon Ron came out and they finished breakfast together, and then Harry looked up out the window.

This is a rare good weather. Although it has just snowed, the sun has risen and the air is full of bright light.

Harry stood up after eating: "Lu Ke, let's go outside and play."

Lu Ke nodded and stood up.

Then Ron and Hermione followed, and the four of them walked out of the castle together.

Although it is very cold outside, the castle in the sun is white with thick snow everywhere, and the world looks extremely clean.

Ron and Hermione were obviously not as worried about Harry as before, but they were still worried about leaving Harry and Luke alone.

After all, Lu Ke himself admitted that he was "going crazy."

But Harry didn't feel this was a threat to him at all.

Very subtly, Harry was extremely worried that Lu Ke would lose his mind, but he never thought about what would happen if he fell into the hands of crazy Lu Ke.

From the castle gate to the lawn by the black lake, they left a long footprint in the snow.

Lu Ke glanced at Harry: "Did you learn the Patronus Charm well?"

Harry smiled and nodded: "It went very well. Do you know what I remember every time?"

Lu Ke was stunned for a moment: "The first time you left the Dursleys' house and went to Hogwarts?"

Harry nodded: "I've been thinking that if I hadn't come to Hogwarts and stayed at the Dursleys, I would have turned into a... Dementor. They say that the prisoners of Azkaban will eventually become... Becoming a dementor, is that true?”

Lu Ke shook his head: "I don't know...but it is possible that there is no hope and joy in Azkaban, and the prisoners inside will eventually become completely desperate walking zombies."

Harry nodded: "The second happiest moment for me was when you and Snape appeared in front of me."

Lu Ke smiled: "It's Professor Snape, not me. The person who made this decision was Dumbledore."

Harry smiled: "You never lie to me, you just don't tell me the whole truth. Sometimes I don't know why. It's like you are just used to doing this."

Lu Ke was silent for a moment: "I..."

Then he suddenly looked up.

The originally bright sunshine cast a shadow.

Dementors gathered.

Even during the winter vacation, the Dementors and the staff of the Ministry of Magic did not leave Hogwarts. Just as they said, Sirius Black did not have a winter vacation.

But it was obvious that the departure of the students left the dementors unable to find food for a long time, so they finally got completely out of control.

And Lu Ke vaguely felt that Dumbledore was not in the school today.

When the three Harrys instinctively started to retreat, Lu Ke rushed out without hesitation.

He looked up and roared.

That is an ancient rune, which means flame in the language of the fire dragon.

Then Lu Ke spurted a ball of flame from his mouth.

The flames took shape and appeared far away from Lu Ke's lips, and then spread and shot straight into the sky like a flock of dementors like a flock of crows.

But the dementors survived the flames unharmed.

At that moment Lu Ke turned around.

At this time, Harry had just raised his wand and shouted "Calling the Guardians", but his performance was not good. Dementors were obviously more terrifying than Boggarts, not to mention there were too many Dementors here.

Lu Ke put Harry on his shoulders, grabbed Ron and Hermione's shoulders with his left and right hands, and rushed out like lightning.

His speed is incredibly fast, even faster than the flight speed of a Dementor.

Then he burst through the castle gates.

Professor McGonagall was rushing down the stairs with an anxious look on her face, and a white light appeared on the top of the wand in her hand.

Then a silver tabby cat rushed out from Lu Ke and crashed into the dementors who were about to rush into the castle.

Warm and uplifting power spread like sunlight, and eventually the dementors gave up and left.

Professor McGonagall put down her wand and then looked at Lu Ke: "I have chocolate here, what do you think?"

Lu Ke quickly stretched out his hand: "Harry fainted."

He said, picking up Harry and rushing into the hall, placing him on a chair in front of the fireplace.

Then Lu Ke stuffed the chocolate into Harry's mouth.

Professor McGonagall sighed: "The dementors are getting more and more crazy. Fortunately, you are quick, Lu Ke."

Lu Ke stood up and was silent for a moment: "Is this an accident?"

Professor McGonagall shook his head: "You need to rest now, Lu Ke, and this is indeed an accident. Don't think that dementors have intelligence or ideas. They are simple beasts."

"Maybe they're just hungry."

"Lu Ke?"

Lu Ke nodded: "Sorry, Professor, I'm just a little tired."


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