Ron sighed "So?"

Hermione smiled, "So you are his younger brother and have grown up with him. Maybe you don't like him because you know him too well."

Ron couldn't help but laugh "I feel better when you say that."

Hermione was silent for a moment, "Actually, I think Tom Riddle is right, Percy is a Slytherin."

"Johanna and I have known each other for a long time. Harry is familiar with Luke, so we know what Slytherin will think. But you are different. Ron, you will never like Slytherin."

Ron nodded, "You're right, but I don't think there's anything good about Slytherin."

Harry and Hermione smiled helplessly together.

"I hope Percy can recover soon..."

When they were talking casually, they didn't realize that not far behind, a person was standing quietly behind a snowman, listening to their conversation.

This person is none other than Percy Weasley.

Percy sighed silently, then turned and left.

He was confused and at a loss.

Just as Harry guessed, what tortured Percy was not the fact that Tom Riddle controlled him, but a secret he kept in his heart.

A terrifying secret filled with darkness.

Percy didn't dare think that Dumbledore had guessed the secret.

But now that even Harry can guess it, it seems that there is no way to hide this secret.

Percy was filled with despair.

Percy had no friends and had a bad relationship with his brothers. Although his seriousness was liked the most by Mrs. Weasley, in fact, besides his mother, his father also didn't like Percy.

Now faced with such heavy pressure, Percy felt alone and helpless.

Even Hermione, his only friend in Gryffindor, is now getting together with Ron and Harry, whom Percy doesn't like, studying hard and ignoring him.

A Gryffindor boy was lonely and helpless, feeling the warmth and coldness of human relationships and the desolation of the world.

On the castle in the distance, Johanna and Lu Ke looked at the lonely Percy in the corridor and smiled.

"Ah, what a heartbreaking and tearful scene."

Lu Ke smiled, "Slytherin always has to pay the price for ambition. It's so naive to think that you can escape by hiding in Gryffindor."

Malfoy stood behind them with a confused look on his face.

Johanna turned around and took a look, then smiled "Don't you understand?"

Malfoy shook his head "What are you talking about?"

Lu Ke smiled helplessly, "It's nothing. Have you returned the mirror to your home?"

Malfoy nodded.

He hesitated "About house elves..."

Lu Ke nodded, "Dobby, do you have any questions?"

Malfoy sighed, "I'm worried about him. In pure-blood wizards' homes, house elves know too many secrets."

Lu Ke smiled and said, "What do you want to do?"

Malfoy hesitated. "I want Dobby to be free."

Johanna smiled "You are so kind, Malfoy..."

Malfoy shook his head "My father..."

"He always felt that he was a mysterious person with bad luck. In fact, he was just Potter who did not become the savior."

Lu Ke couldn't help but laugh, "What are you talking about?"

Malfoy was silent for a moment, "My father is careless and impulsive. He doesn't know how to keep secrets. In short, I want Dobby to leave our home as soon as possible."

Lu Ke and Johanna both laughed.

"It will take some time and special methods."

Johanna looked up and thought for a moment, "Do you know Hermione has always felt that house elves should be liberated?"

Malfoy was stunned for a moment, "What?"

Lu Ke smiled and shook his head. "Just think of this as a difficulty you have to overcome, Malfoy. Slytherin will never provide help without asking for anything in return. You must remember this."

After saying that, he turned and left with Johanna.

Malfoy stayed where he was, thinking as hard as he could, trying to figure out what Johanna meant just now.

But he didn't figure it out in the end, so Malfoy finally decided to ask Harry and three others for help.

Mainly looking for Hermione of course.

Malfoy hates Harry and Ron. This is something that requires no reason and cannot be explained. However, Malfoy feels that Hermione can help. It is a subtle intuition.

It happened that at this time, Harry and the three of them also felt that Malfoy could help.

"You are also a Slytherin, can you help comfort Percy?"

Malfoy was startled by the request.

Then he noticed that Percy did look distracted.

"But I'm not familiar with him..."

Ron nodded.

He has learned to accept reality. Percy is at least better than being controlled by the young Voldemort. The Weasley family rarely pays special attention to a child's mood, and Ron doesn't have that habit.

It was Hermione and Harry who had been worried about Percy.

Malfoy looked helpless.

"Actually... he should be worried that you will reveal his secret, right?"

Harry and the other three looked confused, "What?"

Malfoy shook his head. "I don't think I guessed it right, but if it's Slytherin, he must be worried about this."

"Think about it, a prefect disappeared, was hospitalized, and was rescued by you. When he came back, he found that the final exam was coming soon. If I were him, I would definitely be in a bad mood."

Ron and Harry shook their heads together, "We don't think it's important."

But Hermione nodded empathetically, "That's right! There are obviously so many courses to review, and Percy definitely doesn't want others to know that he is so weak and has to be saved by us in the end. He really wants to save face."

Malfoy was a little surprised, "Am I right?"

Hermione nodded.

Ron and Harry looked at each other, then nodded, "That's right, it seems Malfoy is really useful, so is there any way to comfort him?"

Malfoy shook his head, "How do I know? I was lucky to have guessed correctly just now."

Hermione sighed helplessly, "By the way, why did you come to us in the first place?"

Malfoy nodded, "Lu Ke told me that Slytherin will never provide help without asking for anything in return. Do you know what that means?"

Harry and Ron looked confused, and only Hermione nodded casually. "What Luke means is that we relied on your mirror shield to rescue Percy before, so now we should do you a favor."

"Is there anything you need?"

Malfoy nodded "My house elf Dobby."

Harry was stunned for a moment, "What happened to him?"

Malfoy shook his head, "It's nothing, I just don't think he is suitable to stay in our home."

Hermione nodded grimly.


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