Harry Potter and the Attack of the Squibs

Chapter 66 The disappearing rooster

After walking into the kitchen, Lu Ke knew where Johanna was.

She was following Hermione through the kitchen, no one holding a pen and paper, writing something on parchment.

Seeing Lu Ke appear, Hermione turned around angrily.

Lu Ke smiled helplessly, "They don't mean any harm, just cooperate with them, carrot."

But Luobo rejected Lu Ke’s request for the first time. “They were walking around in the kitchen, asking weird questions! They were saying very wrong things inside and outside their words. If they hadn’t said they knew you, we would have Just drive them out!"

Lu Ke could only smile helplessly.

He knew that things would definitely turn out like this.

At this time, Hermione, who heard the conversation, came over angrily.

"So you are an accomplice of the slave owners and bossing them around, right? It really makes me sick!"

Lu Ke looked at Hermione who looked like an angry lion in front of him, and smiled helplessly, "House elves are... a very complicated historical issue. Your history of magic course should not have covered the relationship between modern intelligent magical races. Then you will know what a house elf is, and then you will know why there are house elves in Hogwarts now.”

Hermione almost started to roar, "Don't you think it's a disgrace to them that you use your knowledge to do such disgusting things?"

Lu Ke could only sigh.

At this time, Johanna was still watching Lu Ke smiling happily from behind Hermione.

"Here you go."

Lu Ke took out the Hufflepuff badge.

Hermione looked surprised, "What?"

Lu Ke smiled and said, "With this, you will be the most respected person among house elves. If you want to lift their...idea constraints, then this is the fastest and most effective way."

Hermione looked at Lu Ke and said, "You want me to be a slave master?"

Lu Ke sighed, "I'll let you be the house elf's friend."

Hermione reached out hesitantly, but then Carrot suddenly appeared and stood in front of Hermione.

"You have no right to touch this thing!"

Hermione was startled.

Then she shook her head "Why?"

Carrot turned around and looked at Lu Ke, "She doesn't respect you, and she speaks very meanly."

Hermione almost exploded.

Lu Ke sighed helplessly, "Ms. Granger is a kind-hearted and respectable Gryffindor. I think you will change your minds after you get to know each other."

Luobo looked at Lu Ke and finally gave in.

Hermione took the Hufflepuff badge from Luke, then coughed and said, "I'll give it back to you soon."

Lu Ke nodded, "Don't lose it."

Hermione was a little nervous.

Then Johanna came from behind and took hold of Hermione's right hand holding the badge.

"I will help her take care of this thing, and I will return it to you later."

Lu Ke nodded, "That's good."

Then he turned around and looked at Carrot, "Actually, I came here to ask for your help."

Carrot held his head high and nodded proudly, "We will definitely finish it!"

Lu Ke shook his head, "Is there a living rooster in the kitchen?"

Carrot fell into silence.

The expression on his face changed from determination to despair, and the process in between was extremely complicated and smooth.

Lu Ke sighed, "No, forget it, I'll think of other ways."

Carrot quickly raised his right hand and said, "Wait!"

Lu Ke turned around with a surprised look on his face, "Is there anything else?"

Carrot was speechless for a moment, "I..."

Lu Ke looked down at Carrot and said, "What happened?"

Carrot said helplessly, "It's nothing, we really can't do it...I'm sorry."

Lu Ke smiled and shook his head, "It doesn't matter. I know Hogwarts has many restrictions."

Then he left the kitchen.

At this time, Lu Ke already had a plan in mind, but he was still a little hesitant.

Lu Ke didn't know what Dumbledore was going to do.

If you think about it carefully, the power involved with the basilisk now is not only Tom Riddle's notebook, but also Voldemort, who is hidden in the rune snake and secretly controls the Death Eaters. Then allying with Voldemort and attacking Lu Ke's hands The remnants of Grindelwald who never gave up on the Philosopher's Stone must know everything.

From this point of view, if you want to take action against the Basilisk, you have to face all the dangerous people hiding in Hogwarts.

If such a dangerous mission were given to the little angel Harry Potter, he might become an angel with broken wings.

If Lu Ke really dares to do this, then Dumbledore's wrath will be waiting for him, and it will be miserable anyway.

Lu Ke shook his head, turned and walked out of the castle.

On the edge of the Forbidden Forest, behind Hagrid's hut, Hagrid was looking helplessly at the rooster carcass in the cage.

"Lu Ke?"

When he saw Lu Ke, he was stunned for a moment.

Lu Ke nodded, "It seems that the beast from the Forbidden Forest has no intention of stopping."

Hagrid sighed, "Maybe it's a weasel? I should go to the castle and ask the professor for some medicine that can drive away weasels."

Lu Ke nodded, "But I wonder if you can make up for the cock?"

Hagrid shook his head, "It's very troublesome. There has never been a living rooster in Hogwarts before, and it will take twenty days for the chicks to hatch."

Lu Ke sighed, "What if we need to use a rooster now? Can't we buy it from outside?"

Hagrid shook his head, "Of course not. These roosters were the alarm bells for the founders to get up a thousand years ago. The outside ones are different, and the magic barrier of Hogwarts will not allow living creatures from the outside world to enter the school so easily."

Lu Ke nodded, "So, we have no choice at all..."

Hagrid sighed, "I know you are anxious about Lu Ke, and I am anxious too."

Then he lowered his head and took out the dead rooster from the cage. "I'm going to find Professor Kettleburn. Maybe he can tell me which magical animal did it and then think of a solution."

Lu Ke nodded, "Okay, let's go together."

Hagrid nodded and they walked into the castle together.

In front of the hall, Lu Ke and Hagrid separated, and he went inside the hall.

Harry and the others were still inside.

The three boys are preparing for the battle. They don't know if Lu Ke can bring back good news. In short, if there is no rooster, the basilisk will still be there to be solved.

However, compared to Hermione, they were much more interested in flipping through books.

"Is there really anyone in this world who can defeat the Basilisk?"

Malfoy said casually while looking at Lockhart's book in his hand.

Lu Ke walked over and sat down at the long Gryffindor table. "Are you reading the Defense Against the Dark Arts textbook?"

Harry nodded, "We asked Professor Lockhart for help."

Lu Ke was stunned for a moment, and then let out a long sigh.

He had already forgotten Lockhart's casual move.


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