"I'm pretty good at fighting, especially with wizards, so you don't have to worry at all, Harry."

Lu Ke said as he walked towards the outside of the town.

Harry followed him and nodded slowly: "I'm just worried about you..."

Lu Ke smiled: "Don't worry, and that house elf Dobby... he has no ill intentions. You know that I am good friends with the house elf in school, right?"

Harry was stunned for a moment: "House elves? Are there house elves in Hogwarts?"

Lu Ke nodded: "Yes, they are strange, but they are not bad."

Harry nodded.

The two of them walked out of the town in the dark and walked all the way east.

Just as they were about to cross a farmland, Lu Ke suddenly stopped.

He raised his hand to stop Harry, then placed the large box in his hand on the ground.

Harry looked confused, but still followed Lu Ke's wishes and quietly stayed where he was.

Then Lu Ke walked into the darkness alone.

Not long after, Harry heard a muffled groan, then the sound of a wooden stick breaking, and then the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground.

Just when Harry didn't know what was going on and was hesitating to go take a look, Lu Ke reappeared from the darkness.

He looked as if nothing had happened.

"let's go."

Lu Ke walked to Harry, picked up the box, and continued to move in the original direction.

Harry looked confused: "What happened?"

The sound just now was not loud, he heard it, but it was difficult to guess what exactly happened.

Lu Ke smiled and shook his head: "It's nothing, don't worry about it, Harry."

Harry shook his head: "The groan was what you did, the sound of the stick breaking was someone's wand being broken by you, and the heavy object fell to the ground, it was you knocking down a person, that was a wizard, a dark wizard. "

"Are there Death Eaters lurking here, Lu Ke?"

Lu Ke shook his head: "He is a dark wizard, but not necessarily a Death Eater. This is not an ambush, but a robbery after an encounter. In short, there is no need to add any complications. I think the Weasley family can't wait."

Harry nodded helplessly: "I know you are doing it for my own good, Lu Ke, but actually I can also help."

Lu Ke nodded: "I will definitely tell you when I need help. Harry, I believe in you. Dumbledore believes in you. He is probably the most trustworthy wizard."

This statement made Harry smile happily.

The pair then continued on between farm fields.

After passing the farmland, there was a bush. The two passed through the middle, and then there was a large grassland on the hillside.

Continue forward, climb over the hillside, and then walk to a small river. Continue walking along the river until you reach the corner and see the house.

It seemed to be a small village, and all the buildings looked very unusual.

Harry laughed: "Is this... a wizard's village?"

Lu Ke nodded, but he felt that it was difficult to call this a village, because there were only four or five families in the houses here.

Far outside the village, there is a house sitting alone.

Lu Ke walked there along the path by the river.

The river water in the darkness reflected the light of the stars. After getting used to the night, Harry found the scenery to be incredibly beautiful.

The two of them walked all the way to the front of the building, and then where the lights illuminated it, Harry saw a sign placed diagonally in front of the house.

"The Burrow..."

As if awakened by Harry's voice, there was a burst of noise in the house.

Then Mrs. Weasley burst out.


She looked at Harry in disbelief.

Lu Ke smiled and nodded: "Good evening, Mrs. Weasley, I take the liberty of disturbing you so late... As you can see, the person next to me is..."

Then Ron rushed out and interrupted Lu Ke: "Harry!"

The two hugged each other tightly.

Ron looked surprised: "I heard that your Muggle relatives are not good to you. Are you okay?"

Harry smiled and shook his head: "Of course it's okay. I'm already here, so there's no way anything will happen."

Mrs. Weasley smiled and nodded: "Ron..."

Ron was stunned for a moment, then turned around: "Oh, yes, Harry, this is my mother."

Harry smiled and nodded: "Good evening, Mrs. Weasley."

In fact, he had met all of the Weasley family on the platform.

Then Ron looked at Mrs. Weasley: "This is Harry Potter, Mum."

Mrs. Weasley nodded: "Okay, kid, come in."

Harry nodded and walked into the Burrow.

Lu Ke followed him and walked in carrying a big box.

This is a very messy place. Everything seems to be piled up together without any care, but it doesn't make people feel uncomfortable. There are strange little things that only belong to wizarding families everywhere. Everything Harry sees is... Be fresh.

The Weasley family did not rest, but sat in the living room and waited, even though it was very late now.

"Welcome, Harry!"

Arthur Weasley laughed as soon as he saw Harry.

Looking at the Weasley family in front of him, Harry smiled a little sheepishly.

Lu Ke shook his head: "Sorry we're late, there was a little hiccup on the way."

Mr. and Mrs. Weasley immediately looked worried, but hid it because they didn't want the children to worry.

Ron looked at Harry in surprise: "What happened?"

Harry shook his head helplessly: "I don't know what happened, it was all done with Lu Ke's help."

Ron nodded: "Why didn't Dumbledore come? At least let Snape help? I mean, Lu Ke is very strong..."

Harry smiled and shook his head: "Dumbledore believes in Luke."

Ron nodded: "That's enough..."

Mrs. Weasley clapped her hands: "Okay, go to bed kids! Ron, you take Harry to your room, Luke, come with me, we will put Harry's things in the attic."

Lu Ke nodded, and then the Weasley family took action.

The twins snickered at Lu Ke as they passed by him.

Lu Ke smiled back and followed Mrs. Weasley up the stairs.

Arthur Weasley also followed: "I'm going to help too."

Then the three of them walked up to the attic.

When the sound from downstairs disappeared, Mrs. Weasley looked at Lu Ke and let out a long sigh: "I'm almost worried to death. Dumbledore actually entrusted such a dangerous matter to you..."

Lu Ke put down Harry's box and shook his head helplessly: "Just because no one can think of it, it's very safe along the way."

Mrs. Weasley shook her head: "Really? You are late."



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