"So what's the point?"

Ron on the side sighed helplessly.

Neville hesitated and said: "Actually, this is very complicated. You need to use everything you learned in the herbal medicine class."

Malfoy looked surprised: "So you actually know what happened?"

Neville nodded: "A little bit."

Then Malfoy turned around and said, "I don't understand anything."

He looked at Lu Ke who was busy, and then showed a determined expression.

The fire of ambition will bring power beyond human imagination, and this is the case with Malfoy now.

Harry noticed a subtle difference, probably because he had a deep impression of Malfoy.

Not any Slytherin is qualified to face Harry Potter and speak harshly with an arrogant face, not to mention that Malfoy seems to have a good relationship with Lu Ke now.

Of course, Harry's attention soon returned to Lu Ke.

Harry's method of learning is different from Hermione's, but he will remember useful things, not a specific word or sentence, but a feeling.

Harry thought he could keep up.

And just like that, they evacuated the entire greenhouse together.

I also handled several dangerous herbs in the process, such as the kind that will cause you to faint for three months if you smell it.

Of course, those were Lu Ke and Professor Sputraw who moved over slowly. Harry, the others, and even Snape could only watch from afar.

Professor Sputrow had a full set of protection, and so did Lu Ke. Of course, he didn't need it. Hufflepuff's potion would make Lu Ke completely immune to the damage of any medicinal herbs.

But in the words of Professor Sputraw: "In herbal medicine class, listen to the herbal teacher."

So Lu Ke did as Professor Sputraw said.

They eventually completed the new greenhouse.

And it is completely in accordance with the principles of Hufflepuff. This is a very spacious and beautiful place. The glass curtain wall and roof make the entire greenhouse look like the Crystal Palace in a fairy tale.

In the end, only the tropical rain forest was left.

"I don't think we could replicate something like this, and the herbs grow just fine there."

Professor Sputraw gave up from the start.

Lu Ke nodded.

Both of them had expressions full of exclamations, which made several people around them unable to help but wonder what they were talking about.

Then Harry said, "So what are you talking about?"

Lu Ke smiled and shook his head: "But I think it would be okay to open the entrance, and it would also be good for everyone to see as an example of Hufflepuff planting method."

Professor Sputraw nodded: "Very good. The four founders left all their things in Hogwarts. I don't know if you will admit it. Since you passed the test of Hufflepuff, then you A Hufflepuff too."

Lu Ke raised his head and sighed: "Probably, this requirement is too high, and I am a Slytherin after all."

Professor Sputraw smiled: "Go ahead and open the door. It seems that only you can open that door, and I certainly can't."

Lu Ke turned around and walked to the entrance, and then the tiny seedling suddenly began to grow as if it had received the nutrients it needed.

A staircase descended, and a door leading below appeared in the middle of the floor tiles.

Then Lu Ke and Professor Sputraw led the others in.

Together they looked at the rainforest and marveled.

For anyone, it is incredible that there is a tropical rainforest hidden under the greenhouse inside Hogwarts Castle.

Then they returned to the castle at dinner time and sat at the long table.

Probably because they had done a lot of physical activity, everyone felt they had a good appetite.

Time flies so fast, as if in a blink of an eye, this school year is coming to an end.

Harry was very happy. He looked back on this year and found that he had many things that he could not have imagined.

Friends, Hogwarts, Snape, Dumbledore, and fighting Voldemort, it was all good.

So when he got on the train to leave Hogwarts, he happily sat in the compartment with Hermione Ron and enjoyed the magical snacks on the train.

"I think we can correspond during the summer vacation, but since Professor Snape will be visiting you, your aunt's family shouldn't cause too much trouble."

Harry shook his head helplessly: "Professor Snape has other things to be busy with. It is said that a potion research that he has been preparing for a long time is about to begin. Lu Ke helped him find a very wealthy sponsor."

Ron nodded: "Yes, I also participated in that research."

He glanced outside carefully and lowered his voice unconsciously: "Do you know the Shafiq family? They are very rich. Johanna said that if I am willing to participate, she will give me a lot of money!"

Hermione sighed helplessly: "When Johanna said that to you, Harry and I were sitting next to you, Ron."

Harry smiled.

"What are you going to do with that money?"

Ron raised his head and thought for a while: "I don't know, I don't even know if it's enough to cure the poison from the injuries sustained in the experiment, but if there is any left, I will buy myself a new wand and another one." A new owl."

Harry nodded: "You can go to Lu Ke. Now his blood can undo any poison or curse."

Ron shook his head: "That sounds almost like a vampire. I find it disgusting."

Harry and Hermione laughed together.

At this time, Lu Ke was sitting in the backmost compartment with Johanna.

"I hope nothing troublesome will happen this time, but according to the mysterious man's habits, I'm afraid many Death Eaters are already waiting."

The scenery outside the window passed by, the green valley quickly disappeared, and then man-made buildings occupied both sides of the railway.

Finally, they stopped at the station and got off the train.

However, Lu Ke and Johanna did not salute, and they walked out of the platform early and waited aside.

Lu Ke was still in formal attire, and Johanna quietly disappeared into the crowd.

There are no suspicious characters here.

Lu Ke waited patiently for Harry to walk out of the platform, separated from Ron and Hermione, and then took the subway back to Privet Drive.

Lu Ke was behind him all the way, but the Death Eater never appeared.

It seemed to be a very peaceful day.

But Lu Ke didn't think so.

This is abnormal, and abnormality is a bad thing. The mysterious man may have become a ghost, but the Death Eaters have gathered again, and they can cause countless troubles.

But there is another possibility.

Lu Ke thought about it carefully and discovered something that he might have been wrong about all along.

Voldemort did not summon the Death Eaters. The Death Eaters who attacked Harry at the beginning of school acted spontaneously.

After understanding this, Lu Ke breathed a sigh of relief, and then watched Harry walk into the Dursley's house, then turned and left.

Now Harry knew how to deal with his relatives, as long as he kept it a secret and didn't tell them that Snape wouldn't be showing up for the summer.


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