Dumbledore raised his right hand, "You need to rest now Lu Ke, we will talk about this later."

Lu Ke struggled for a while, but now he was in severe pain all over his body and especially couldn't think, so he had to give up.

Dumbledore took Johanna away, because Madam Pomfrey looked like she was about to rush over to chase them away.

Walking out of the school hospital, Dumbledore sighed as he walked down the corridor.

"Lu Ke told me about your suspicions about Malfoy and the person who was really possessed by Voldemort, Marcus Flint."

Johanna looked gloomy, "So we guessed wrong?"

Dumbledore sighed, "Let's go find Malfoy now. Whether you guessed it wrong or not, at least during this time, he has indeed been tortured by Tom."

He took Johanna directly to the basement level, in front of Snape's office door, took Snape with him, and then went straight to the Slytherin common room.

"I think Lu Ke is looking down on me a little this year. It must be because of you, Johanna."

Johanna sighed helplessly, then spoke the password and opened the Slytherin common room.

Dumbledore was still talking casually when he walked in, "After all, Lu Ke thought highly of me when he first met me last year."

Johanna sighed, "Lu Ke looks down on others most of the time. A typical example is Malfoy."

Dumbledore nodded, "Such a habit is suitable for a teacher. The most important thing for a teacher is to make students confident."

With that said, he walked straight into Malfoy's dormitory.

At this time, several first-year wizards here are sleeping.

Dumbledore waved his wand at Malfoy without hesitation.

But nothing happened.

"You guessed wrong. Voldemort is not in Malfoy...and never has been."

Dumbledore whispered, quietly turned and left the dormitory.

Snape and Johanna, who had gloomy expressions on their faces, also followed and left.

They walked into the Slytherin common room and Dumbledore stopped.

"So it's all Marcus Flint's fault and he's always been with Malfoy?"

Johanna nodded, "We didn't suspect him at all at the time... Now it seems that Malfoy's fear was due to what Marcus said, and all his injuries were caused by the mysterious person."

"The mysterious man used this method to completely disguise himself until Quirrell took action. He was still observing everything in the dark. If Lu Ke hadn't reacted quickly enough, he would have succeeded."

When Johanna said this, she still couldn't help but admire Lu Ke's quick movements and accurate judgment.

It's a pity that even Lu Ke fell into the mysterious man's black magic.

And until now, there is still one problem that cannot be solved.

That's why Mysterious Man wasn't on Marcus Flint in the final moments of the plan's success.

"Of course what the mysterious man wants is the Philosopher's Stone, and this cannot be changed."

Snape said gloomily.

He was still very angry with Luke and Johanna for not telling the Head of Slytherin about their suspicions about Malfoy.

"So his complete absence this time is almost inexplicable."

Dumbledore shook his head "Unless what happened tonight was necessary in his plans."

Johanna shook her head irritably. She began to change, and completely transformed back into Johanna Ogulius.

"If You-Know-Who were in front of me right now, I could easily make him kill himself."

Dumbledore smiled and shook his head, "I'm afraid not. I've always felt that Tom himself doesn't know how to kill himself."

Johanna Ogulius was silent for a moment, "You mean?"

Dumbledore shook his head, "Okay, go back and rest. No matter what the mysterious man's plan is, I have arranged for reliable manpower to guard Hogwarts. We will wait until tomorrow."

The next morning, Lu Ke woke up very early.

He struggled to get up from the bed.

Although the right half of his body was in severe pain as if it was burning, Lu Ke didn't care.

He just wanted to be sure of one thing now, and that was what happened to Malfoy.

But just as he was about to get dressed and stand up, Madam Pomfrey appeared.

"Lie back! You are still a wounded person!"

Lu Ke was pushed back almost instantly.

Facing the super master Madam Pomfrey, who even Dumbledore did not dare to resist, Lu Ke had no choice but to lie on the hospital bed again.

"I am healed, ma'am."

But Madam Pomfrey completely ignored Lu Ke's words. She told Lu Ke to stay calm with a stern look on her face, and then sent Ron out during breakfast time.

"You're okay kid, don't worry, you're not hurt at all and your friend will be well soon."

Then Ron left.

Not long after, Johanna walked into the ward.

"So, of course you deceived me, Lu Ke, which is amazing."

Lu Ke sighed helplessly, "That was to deceive the mysterious man hiding in the mirror room. Of course I believe in your acting skills, but Granger was also present at the time."

Johanna nodded, "Okay, I accept your explanation. Hermione's acting skills are... very immature."

She sighed "Dark magic in you?"

Lu Ke shook his head, "I can feel that this curse has never disappeared. Madam Pomfrey is helpless to do anything about it. Staying in the school hospital is just a waste of time."

Johanna smiled. "You are wasting your time by staying outside. Malfoy is not possessed at all, and the mysterious man has completely disappeared."

Lu Ke sighed, "This is a problem...so his fear and just the right injury are all a cover-up arranged by the mysterious man."

Johanna nodded, "Considering that you were injured while working as an Auror, the school will give you high marks in all your courses. Enjoy your wonderful campus life, Lu Ke."

Lu Ke smiled, "In the ward? That's really wonderful."

"I feel itchy all over my bones now, please spare me."

Johanna sighed, "You faced the mysterious man alone at that time. Did you really never expect that you would encounter such a thing? He is the most powerful master of black magic in the world now."

Lu Ke sighed, "It turns out that I underestimated him, but that's all in the past. What's important is the future."

Johanna sighed, "Then just wait patiently, Lu Ke."

It was almost time for class, and Johanna left the ward.

Lu Ke was left alone on the bed, enjoying Madam Pomfrey's strict requirements helplessly.

At this time, Lu Ke was extremely envious of Harry on the side. Because he was still in a coma, he escaped these nagging.


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