"Let us use the simplest and most standard method to complete the test."

The matriarch stopped in front of the statue, opened her mouth and began to chant.

"All the currents will eventually return to the sea, and the wind will always come. Now that we have old friends, we come here to put an end to the past!"

Soon the entire village, and even all the mermaids in the entire Black Lake, gathered in front of Lu Ke.

He bowed to the mermaids: "My name is Lu Ke, and I am here for the Hufflepuff test."

There was a sound among the mermaids.

It sounded like a disjointed chorus from an opera.

The matriarch spread her arms: "Quiet!"

The merman fell into a dead silence.

Then the matriarch looked at Lu Ke and nodded: "The simplest and most standard way."

"Hufflepuff gained the friendship of the mermaids in the first place, and it will be the same this time. If you want to be recognized by the mermaids, then be our friend like Hufflepuff."

Lu Ke nodded, and then took out a sealed bag.

Inside is a Walkman.

He pressed the button and music started coming from inside.

That is a classic brainwashing song: What is love.

Even someone with such terrifying muscle control as Lu Ke can't help but shake his legs to the melody of this song.

What this song is more famous for is the emoticon, where three people huddled in a car and nodded magically.

What they listened to was this song "What is Love".

Listening to the bright music, the mermaids fell into silence.

In the end, the mermaid matriarch sighed helplessly and came to Lu Ke: "This song may make you feel good, but it... is not suitable for mermaids."

Lu Ke nodded. He had already prepared for this. There was more than one song in this tape.

Then he pressed the button for the next song.

What came out of the walkman this time was Rachmaninoff's "Prelude in C-sharp minor."

The deep piano sound flowed slowly, and Lu Ke felt that the dark water bottom in front of him turned into the gloom before the heavy rain.

He didn't like gloomy things, but Lu Ke couldn't deny that he enjoyed this piece of music, and it was very suitable for the current environment.

But Lu Ke forgot that for the mermaid, there is a bright world under the black lake.

There's not that much shadow here.

The mermaid matriarch once again interrupted Lu Ke's immersion.

"Sorry, this song isn't suitable for mermaids either."

Lu Ke nodded.

He was feeling a little stressed.

But Lu Ke has another song.

This is a Guangling San.

The restored ancient music, played on the guqin, has profound meaning and a rare and murderous aura that is unique in guqin music.

But the murderous spirit only makes the music clear, but does not detract from its profound and long meaning.

This piece of music was of the type that Lu Ke could hardly appreciate, but if the mermaid's preference was elegance, then nothing could be more elegant than this.

But Lu Ke was disappointed to find that the mermaids frowned almost instantly.

Lu Ke raised his left hand helplessly: "It doesn't matter, I understand, it's not suitable for mermaids, don't worry, I still have it."

"next song……"

This time it was Scarborough Fair.

This is a classic Yongglishi folk song, and maybe fish people who are also locals from Yongglishi will like it.

But as the light female voice sounded, the mermaid did not show an infected look.

They looked more like they were wondering what Lu Ke wanted to do.

This is a problem. Although Lu Ke has made a lot of preparations, he still feels like he is not well prepared.

The mermaid matriarch sighed helplessly: "You seem to have missed the key. What we like..."

Lu Ke raised his left hand: "Understand, next, music can always fly over all obstacles. This is the eternal language."

The next one is a step away from the classic.

The melody of the violin is gentle and straight into the heart, and the rhythm is perfect.

But the mermaid didn't start dancing as Lu Ke thought.

They just looked at Lu Ke helplessly.

Lu Ke was desperate.

"Listen to me, the mermaid only likes what you sing."

The mermaid matriarch looked helpless.

Lu Ke was stunned for a moment.

This was unlike anything he'd ever known.

“Isn’t it true that nothing else matters except that music sounds good?”

The most important thing is that Lu Ke actually prepared these songs, and he never thought about singing them himself.

Lu Ke was not tone-deaf, he just neglected to practice.

"What mermaids like is not music, but mermaids themselves."

The matriarch looked at Lu Ke with a dangerous expression.

Lu Ke suddenly understood something.

The mermaids here have been prepared from the beginning. If Lu Ke disappoints them, it may not be easy to leave.

Lu Ke had no choice but to work hard.

He sang the classic song Wait a Thousand Years.

This song is often considered old-fashioned, but the melody is straight and pleasant, and the lyrics are simple and direct. At least Lu Ke can sing it by himself.

But looking at the expressions of the fish people, Lu Ke realized that he had made a mistake again.

Mermaids have already begun to approach me with malicious looks on their faces.

They seemed to have decided to end the test early.

But at this moment, Lu Ke has not given up yet.

He tried his best to recall all the information he knew about mermaids, looking for answers to what he should do.

Then he suddenly laughed.

He had been preparing for this for so long, but in the end he completely forgot the most important thing.

He began to sing the song "A Thousand Years of Waiting" in the language of the mermaid.

"The rocks turned into sand

The tide never stops...

Who is speaking in the water

Love me till the end of the sea..."

This time Lu Ke didn't see any doubtful look on the mermaid's face.

They all laughed.

This was a melody they had never heard before, and all the mermaids began to sing along.

It quickly changed from Lu Ke's solo to a chorus.

Still singing and dancing.

The dance of mermaids is probably a little more graceful than that of humans. They swim like big fish in the water, and the whole space is filled with the singing of mermaids.

Lu Ke stood alone and sang. He smiled, but never started dancing.

Then the matriarch grabbed his hand.

"This is a test, don't look reluctant."

Lu Ke had no choice but to follow the matriarch and sway in the water.

But when he discovered that there was no danger of stepping on other people's toes, Lu Ke began to enjoy dancing.

Just relax and feel good.

Finally, under the gaze of the mermaids, the matriarch raised Lu Ke's hand: "He passed the whirlpool!"

All the mermaids cheered.

In the mermaid language, it means that Lu Ke passed the test.

"It's amazing. People on earth. If I were you, I would have given up long ago after failing so many times."

Lu Ke smiled helplessly.

In his opinion, it was a shame to be so well prepared and to have so many failures.



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