There were two loud bangs like bangs in succession, and the whole room was shaking.

The troll was defeated, at the hands of two first years.

At this moment, Johanna began to believe that the so-called savior really existed.

"They are just like you last year, Lu Ke."

At this time, Lu Ke was facing away from Johanna with his eyes closed: "What happened?"

Johanna smiled helplessly.

"Nothing, a miracle."

Lu Ke closed his eyes and sighed in the darkness: "That voice sounds a bit scary."

Johanna smiled and said nothing.

Because the professors have arrived.

Professor McGonagall, Snape and Quirrell rushed into the ladies' bathroom together.

They obviously came over because they heard the loud noise just now.

What he saw clearly made Professor McGonagall very angry.

Quirrell still acted like the stammering weak coward, but Snape ignored him and rushed directly towards Harry.

"What do you think you are doing!"

This was a rare shout from Snape, and it was the first time he had ever exploded at Harry.


Harry was about to explain when he was interrupted by Snape: "You think you can defeat the troll and then become a hero, and people will worship you and follow you every day and call you a hero, right?"

Harry took a step back.

Now Snape seemed to be a different person, looking very scary.

And there wasn't even anger in his eyes, but deep-seated hatred.


Professor McGonagall stretched out her hand to stop Snape, but Snape did not stop just like that.

"You're a hero, Potter."

These were Snape's last words. He glared at Harry with a sullen expression and walked away.

Harry was at a loss. He had a very clear feeling that Snape hated him now.

This sent Harry over the edge.

And Professor McGonagall seemed no less angry than Snape.

"Why don't you just stay in the dormitory?"

Harry was speechless.

He can't even think now.

At this moment, Hermione, who had been hiding in the shadows, spoke.

"They're looking for me."

Hermione stepped out of the shadows.

"I thought I could take care of the troll, that I could deal with it on my own."

Professor McGonagall glanced at Hermione.

Then her eyes flicked over to Harry and Ron.

"You shouldn't think that, let alone do that. Gryffindor has been deducted five points for this, Miss Granger."

Professor McGonagall sighed: "I'm very disappointed in you... Go back to Gryffindor Tower now, you can still make it in time for the Halloween dinner."

Then Professor McGonagall turned to Harry and Ron: "You are amazing. Not many wizards at this age can defeat a troll, so I reward you ten points."

She waved to the two of them eagerly: "Go back to the dormitory now. Students in each college are continuing their Halloween dinner in the common room. You can still make it."

Harry said nothing, didn't even bother with Ron, and walked out of the room in silence.

When he turned the corner, he bumped into Lu Ke.

"Lu Ke..."

Harry was startled, and then he began to hesitate whether to tell Lu Ke what happened just now.

"Professor Snape looks bad, what did you do?"

Harry hesitated.

But he finally decided to believe Lu Ke.

"Ron and I... just before the troll appeared, we heard people saying that Hermione was in the ladies' bathroom, and then the troll came, and we thought about saving Hermione..."

Lu Ke nodded: "Even Gryffindor is the bravest person to do this, but it violates school rules. If it were me, I would deduct five points from each of you."

Ron snorted disapprovingly.

Harry was silent for a moment: "Professor Snape looked strange... He was angry, but... he looked at me like... like..."

Lu Ke filled in the rest of the content for Harry in his mind.

Like hate.

There was no doubt that Snape was reminded of James Potter at that moment.

Harry was almost identical to his father, except for the eyes he inherited from his mother.

Lu Ke was not surprised at all that Snape was unable to hold up the wall.

"Of course Professor Snape doesn't hate you, he just thinks of others. I hope you can understand, Harry, if you are hurt too deeply, it will be difficult to forget, and Professor Snape certainly doesn't want that."

A look of pity appeared on Harry's face.

The thought in his mind was that if a good man like Snape could hate someone so violently, then Snape must have been deeply hurt.

"If I want to comfort him..."

Lu Ke sighed helplessly: "Look into his eyes and ask him questions about potions... act smart..."

Lu Ke was almost tired of helping Snape. The biggest problem was not what he would suddenly do, but that this man would never repent.

"As for now, you must return to the Gryffindor common room."

Harry nodded and walked up the stairs with Ron thoughtfully.

"By the way, Harry, you just did something amazing. What a hero does is not just to show others, but it is really necessary."

Harry turned around, smiled, and left.

Lu Ke sighed and walked to the door of the ladies' bathroom.

Professor McGonagall blocked Lu Ke from the door.

"You should go back to the Slytherin common room, Luke."

Lu Ke nodded, but did not turn around and leave: "Where did the troll enter Hogwarts? The Forbidden Forest?"

He was the gamekeeper's assistant, so it was not his fault.

Professor McGonagall shook her head: "Let Dumbledore worry about this matter."

Lu Ke hesitated for a moment, then turned around: "Goodbye Professor."

He did care about how the trolls got into Hogwarts.

All professors can bring things into Hogwarts through the gate.

But instead of finding a giant monster outside and walking a long way to bring it in, it would be better to find one from the Forbidden Forest and bring it in.

Lu Ke had seen on Ravenclaw's map before that there were indeed trolls living in the Forbidden Forest.

The question now is, Quirrell has entered the Forbidden Forest, so how much did he, or Voldemort, get from the Forbidden Forest.

Lu Ke has never forgotten the unicorn's blood.

And now it happens that Hufflepuff's test requires Lu Ke to go to the Forbidden Forest: the centaurs live in the Forbidden Forest.

It seems that these two things can be connected somehow, and Lu Ke already has a vague plan.

But actually implementing it requires a little preparation.

Johanna walked to Lu Ke quietly: "In the end, you still didn't go in. Are you disappointed?"


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