Harry Potter and the Attack of the Squibs

Chapter 20 The Sweet Pain of Youth

"Your parents love you so much that they don't teach you a lot of important things."

Lu Ke handed the wand to Malfoy.

"About how to judge right from wrong, what is good and what is bad."

Malfoy raised his head with rain: "Tell me, what did I do wrong?"

Lu Ke was speechless for a moment.

"You've done almost everything wrong."

Malfoy lowered his head and cried.

Lu Ke sighed helplessly: "If you are pretentious, then pursue an outstanding career. If you are superior to others, then bear more responsibilities than ordinary people. Don't think that others will understand you and support you. Instead, you should become someone who will be recognized by others." Those who follow are Slytherins.”

"Your pride and hard work are all right, but they are used in the wrong direction."

"Don't embarrass Slytherin, but the fifty points deducted by Professor Snape have already prevented Slytherin from qualifying for this year's House Cup. This is what you did wrong."

Lu Ke shook his head, turned and left.

The poor eleven-year-old Malfoy was left alone, with tears streaming down his face and mixed emotions in his heart at the sweet pain of youth.

After class in the afternoon, it was time for Harry's Quidditch training. Lu Ke walked into the training ground while thinking about Hufflepuff's test.

The training went well, or far exceeded expectations. Harry's progress surprised Lu Ke.

During every walk at the end of training, Harry would tell Lu Ke about recent events.

Most of the time it was Quidditch and Potions. The regular supporting characters were Ron appearing in Quidditch and Snape in Potions.

"Malfoy apologized to me."

Lu Ke was stunned for a moment.

Harry smiled: "I was more surprised then than you are now, but he is sincere. Malfoy seems to have changed."

Lu Ke sighed helplessly: "That's best, but I think even if he doesn't repent, he can't do anything to you."

Harry nodded.

He wasn't afraid of Malfoy at all, but he was sometimes afraid of Snape.

After the training, Lu Ke returned to the hall to have dinner.

Johanna beside him complained to him: "Going to train Gryffindor's Seeker one-on-one again, Lu Ke?"

Lu Ke was embarrassed and silent for a moment.

"You should ask that little angel Harry what he did to make Hermione almost collapse."

Lu Ke was so surprised that he was speechless.


Johanna snorted casually: "She hugged me and cried from the end of get out of class to just now. She said that she was hated by everyone and that no one liked her at all. She didn't belong to Gryffindor at all, but she wasn't talented enough to enter Slater. Forest!"

Lu Ke was speechless.

He knew that Hermione had an unlikable personality and would be disliked by standard Gryffindor Harry and Ron, and had been very disliked for a while.

But Lu Ke never expected that Hermione would cry to Johanna, a Slytherin, and say such things.

"The Sorting Hat never goes wrong."

Johanna nodded impatiently: "Yes, because it only cares about sorting into different hospitals, not finding friends."

Lu Ke was speechless.

"Of course I don't care about this kind of thing."

As Johanna spoke, she glanced at the long Gryffindor table, where Hermione was sitting, with no one on either side.

Lu Ke let out a long sigh: "It will change in the future. Granger is a true Gryffindor. One day she will find a chance to prove herself."

Johanna just sneered.

None of them expected that this day would come so quickly.

Lu Ke still handed the second wand to Dumbledore.

Although he wanted to try what kind of spells the current Voldemort could cast, and also wanted to study the alchemy method of making this wand, for the sake of safety, he still left it to Dumbledore.

Although a Squib didn't need to care about the fact that the mind was eroded by dark magic, he didn't want to make Dumbledore and Snape nervous.

But even so, something unexpected happened.

When Lu Ke handed the wand to Dumbledore, a green lightning shot out of the top of the wand.

That's Avada Kedavra.

Because Lu Ke was holding the tip of the wand and pointing the handle at Dumbledore, the spell was almost facing his chest.

But Lu Ke still had time to change the direction of the spell and dodge.

At that moment, Dumbledore showed a furious expression in front of Lu Ke for the first time.

He pulled Lu Ke to his side: "Are you okay, Lu Ke!"

Lu Ke shook his head helplessly: "It's okay."

Dumbledore pointed the wand in his hand at the wand that fell on the ground. A flash of light flashed, and a layer of stone-like substance covered the wand.

"I'm sorry Lu Ke, this matter..."

Lu Ke shook his head: "It's no one's fault, and I'm fine."

Dumbledore snorted: "Tom always uses his amazing talents in such completely wrong places. He actually wants to kill you!"

Lu Ke was stunned for a moment, and then he suddenly understood something.

"No, he wants me to kill you myself, Professor."

Lu Ke smiled: "Most people don't hold a magic wand like that."

Dumbledore understood instantly.

"He wants you to fall into darkness, Lu Ke. If you cast black magic, you will become a dark wizard. Avada Kedavra is an absolute black magic. I don't know why Tom fell in love with you..."

Lu Ke shook his head helplessly: "I will never like such a gloomy person, and how can a squib become a dark wizard?"

Dumbledore shook his head: "You got the admission letter to Hogwarts, Lu Ke. Although you are a squib, you have great potential."

Dumbledore asked Lu Ke to sit down, then took out a bottle of wine and poured a glass for Lu Ke: "This can keep you warm."

Lu Ke shook his head and did not touch the wine glass: "I don't drink, professor."

Dumbledore was stunned for a moment, then shook his head: "No, this is a potion that has a very powerful effect on wizards, even a little dangerously powerful, but it should be just right for you."

Then Lu Ke drank it all in one gulp.

Soon, he felt a wave of heat pass through his body.

At this time, Dumbledore had already put away the bottle.

"Don't contact Professor Quirrell for the time being. Leave him to me."

Dumbledore took Luke all the way back to the Slytherin common room.

"I'm sorry, Lu Ke..."

Dumbledore didn't seem to know what to say, and Lu Ke just shook his head.

"I'm fine, Professor."

Dumbledore nodded, and Luke walked into the common room.

Of course he didn't just rest.

It's after class in the afternoon and it's almost dinner time.

Lu Ke decided to have dinner.


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