Lu Ke and Quirrell returned to the castle together, and they separated in front of the stairs on the first floor.

Seeing Quirrell's back disappear above, Lu Ke turned around and went downstairs.

Walking in the middle of the corridor leading to the Slytherin common room, Lu Ke waved his wand.

"Avada Kadawa."

A green light appeared from the tip of the wand and fell on the wall of the corridor like lightning.

At that moment, a terrifying power passed through Lu Ke's body, and he felt an extremely pure killing intent, as well as a fear that made him almost desperate.

Fear of death.

As if dizzy, Lu Ke stood there blankly, unable to move for a long time.

When he came to his senses, he found Snape and Dumbledore standing in front of him.

The magic wands in both hands were pointed at Lu Ke.

"Put down your wand."

Lu Ke opened his hand and let the wand fall to the ground.

But at that moment, as if a magic spell flashed, the wand returned to Lu Ke's hand.

He hesitated for a moment and used force with his right hand.

With a crisp sound, the wand broke into two pieces.

There was a terrifying roar from the break, and the exposed core of the wand was a pure black filament, with a terrifying black smoke rising from it.

But Lu Ke had already let go and retreated, and the black smoke dissipated unwillingly in the air together with the roar.

"Are you okay Lu Ke?"

Snape rushed forward.

Dumbledore hesitated for a moment, then put down his wand: "That was Avada Kedavra, which was carried out by Tom himself. Lu Ke, you are possessed."

Lu Ke shook his head: "No, it's another more advanced method. I'm a squib. Even if Voldemort is possessed, I can't cast a spell."

Dumbledore smiled: "It seems you are finally back."

Lu Ke nodded: "What did I do just now?"

Snape glared at Lu Ke: "What did you do? Cast the Unforgivable Curse in Hogwarts!"

Lu Ke smiled helplessly: "After I cast Avada Kedavra."

The nervous look on Dumbledore's face has completely disappeared: "You just stood there blankly. I thought it was Tom enjoying his new young and powerful body."

Lu Ke sighed: "No, I am taking the opportunity to search Voldemort's heart."

Dumbledore came over: "According to your thesis, different spells bring different feelings..."

"What's inside of Tom?"

Lu Ke shook his head with lingering fear: "There is darkness, only fear, the fear of death."

Dumbledore sighed: "Poor Tom, but if you ask me, it's your own fault."

Lu Ke struggled to take a step forward, and then let out a long breath: "He is probably the strongest Master of Avada Kedavra in history, because this curse is supported by the fear of death. The purer it is, the stronger it is." The stronger the spell, the stronger the spell."

Dumbledore nodded: "Forget these things, Lu Ke, I know what is in Tom's heart without using this method. You should not be exposed to such dark things."

Lu Ke nodded: "There won't be a next time."

He glanced at the two wands on the ground: "What a pity, this is a very clever alchemy item."

Snape firmly grabbed his shoulders and pulled Lu Ke back a step: "Don't touch, you should learn not to touch suspicious things!"

Lu Ke said helplessly: "Professor Quirrell gave it to me."

Snape looked gloomy at the moment.

He and Dumbledore looked at each other.

"It seems our opinion of Professor Quirrell is too low."

Dumbledore took out a handkerchief, wrapped the wand on the ground and picked it up.

"He learned a lot from Tom. In short, you need to rest, Lu Ke."

Lu Ke shook his head: "I'm fine. Seeing someone with such a pure heart has no impact on me at all."

But neither Dumbledore nor Snape believed him. Dumbledore turned and left, and Snape took Lu Ke into his office.

"Last year you found Ravenclaw's diadem and went to find Dumbledore."

Snape said gloomily as he pulled out a bottle of potion from the shelf on the wall.

"And today you got a wand from Quirrell, who you already knew was the host of the mysterious man, and you used it without even thinking about it!"

Snape poured the potion into a wine glass, then pushed it in front of Lu Ke: "Drink it."

Lu Ke nodded and drank it all in one gulp.

Then he showed an extremely painful expression.

That potion is incredibly disgusting.

"Originally, the correct way to drink it is to pour it into strong liquor, which will make the taste sweeter, but since you don't drink, I have emphasized this point many times."

Snape's words were as full of malice as his expression.

"I'll drink whatever the doctor tells me to drink."

Lu Ke shook his head helplessly, it was too late to say this now.

But this bottle of potion has a magical power. Now Lu Ke feels that he has completely forgotten his fear, and his heart is full of happy memories.

But then, a cold feeling came from Lu Ke's left arm.

Snape saw the change in Lu Ke at a glance: "What is that?"

Lu Ke pushed up the sleeve on his left arm: "A small alchemical device."

Snape looked at Lu Ke: "What potion?"

Lu Ke thought for a while: "A potion I prepared myself can forcibly stop all effects related to emotions. I just used a bottle."

Snape was silent for a moment.

"So you recovered from the inner world of the mysterious man so quickly..."

Lu Ke nodded: "However, the effect of this potion is not as good as I expected. The main reason is that the triggering of this alchemy device is too troublesome."

Snape's eyes flashed.

Ever since the two got to know each other, he had always thought that Lu Ke's intelligence was only at the level of ordinary people.

Of course, he performed at a level far beyond that of an ordinary student, but it was only within the reach of an average adult wizard.

Lu Ke's behavior has always been like this, unable to remember the details in the textbook unless he has actually read it many times and memorized the textbook.

Every time I make a potion, I have to read the textbook, for fear of making a wrong step.

But inventing a potion that had never been done before, Snape never thought that Lu Ke could do this.

"I've never heard of such a potion in any textbook, not even in all the potion books in the library."

Lu Ke smiled: "Because I modified it from a potion that you are very familiar with, Living Hell Decoction."

Snape was silent for a moment, then turned around and took down a bottle of Living Hell Potion from the shelf.

"Explain it, Lu Ke."

Lu Ke nodded and took the last bottle of potion from his arm.

"The brain and the heart are both asleep at the same time, which is an absolute coma."


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