Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 508 Chapter 505 Entry and Exit

"Miss Sick" howled beyond the hearing range of human ears, and the sound waves carried resentment and spread to the surroundings. Implants and shadow slave equipment were all affected by the impact of resentment. They first malfunctioned, and then they became channels of resentment, continuously inputting death to each implant bearer and shadow slave user.

The Banshee's Wail attacked the nervous system of the gang members and directly terminated the work of this system. As a result, everyone stopped most of their body functions in an instant and fell to the ground scramblingly, as if they were dead. In fact, some organs will still work briefly and even try to save the person, so they will still "live" for a short period of time. But these organs continue to receive messages from the nervous system such as "already dead", "confirmed death", "really dead" and so on. At the same time, they are unable to coordinate with other body systems. True and comprehensive death will Coming soon.

Nearly thirty gangsters from the Huwan Gang fell to the ground and died at the same time. The scene was quite spectacular. However, except for Zhuang Xuteng who used Wraith Jelly to see the overall overview and all the details, because the gangsters hid in the bunker, their death scene was not noticed by the three opposing parties.

The sick lady who had completed her mission was suspended on the chest of the corpse. The big mouth on its face slowly closed, and the bandages were re-closed to the center, returning to its previous state. The whole process was like a reverse video of chrysanthemums blooming. Now Zhuang Xuteng understood that the squirming that sometimes appeared under the bandage was the tongue licked by the sick lady...

This is a greedy ghost. After consuming all the resentment of the tool man to release the howl of the banshee, it began to wander around to collect the resentment of its victims. Unfortunately, these things that look like resentment and smell like resentment are actually side effects of implants caused by death and cannot be directly absorbed by ghosts. It kept passing through the corpse, trying to absorb or absorb some resentment, and then became overwhelmed by its constant failures.

Were it not for the certainty that the ghost has no emotional responses, its movements would give a feeling of a mixture of anxiety and disappointment. Wait, its movements are too vivid. Could it be that it really has some emotions?

Zhuang Xuteng shook his head to shake this crazy thought out of his mind, and then ordered the sick lady to dissipate temporarily. It immediately stopped moving, quickly landed on the ground, and then turned into a cloud of gray gas that spread along the surface and quickly disappeared.

The sick lady left the scene safely, but the corpse on the ground gave Zhuang Xuteng a little trouble. These gangsters died too quickly, and their postures were very natural, as if they suddenly fell asleep and fell asleep hugging the wall next to them. There were no wounds on their bodies, and there were no signs of poisoning or disease. No matter who sees it, it will look too strange.

Hmm... It's a bit troublesome. It must be dealt with as soon as possible without letting others see it. Zhuang Xuteng covered the scene with Wraith Jelly and kept groping for the weapons and equipment they carried. Some people brought improvised explosives, which have not been used so far. According to intelligence, they usually throw these explosives at the sites protected by the Moat Company when they retreat.

Great, with these explosives, the scene is easy to fake. The gang's explosives are not very powerful, and for the sake of the tacit understanding of the PCPD, they don't dare to go crazy with the explosives. But power is not the key. As long as it can explode, this matter can be easily covered up.

The shadows and wraith tentacles began to move. The tentacle gets the explosive, the shadow covers it, makes a simple concealment, then quickly distributes it to various areas, and then... detonates!

There were explosions one after another, and the bodies of the Toramaru Gang had many convincing wounds, and the more messy and fragmented scenes were more suitable for their identities. Zhuang Xuteng hid aside and observed, making sure that every corpse could get wet with rain and dew, and then he was ready to leave with peace of mind. But just as he was about to sneak away, he felt a shadow move on the roof not far away.

He was very alert and immediately stopped moving, allowing himself to hide deeper before observing. On the fourth-floor balcony of a residential building about fifty meters away from him, under the shadow of the eaves, a man slowly stood up. He covered his face with some kind of breathing device, put glasses on his eyes, and wore a round hat on his head, which could be said to hide his appearance. Zhuang Xuteng could only observe his body shape and knew that he was slender and probably more likely to be a man based on his bone proportions.

He wears a short black windbreaker, trousers, shoes of the same color, and gloves of the same style and color. All these clothes have a certain light-absorbing effect and do not cause reflection at all, so when he hides in the shadow, he looks particularly dark. It is roughly similar to the shadow-covered Zhuang Xuteng, and has a good hiding effect. Fortunately, he moved a little and part of his body was slightly out of the shadow, which aroused Zhuang Xuteng's alert. Otherwise, it would be easy for him to be ignored if he was hiding like that and still outside the range of the resentful spirit jelly.

Did he see me? Zhuang Xuteng immediately recalled the process of sneaking here, and analyzed it based on the person's position and perspective. Since Zhuang Xuteng had always been very cautious, he remained hidden from the moment he left the car. When he approached the battle position, he added shadow cover. And judging from the fact that the man started moving after the explosion, the man probably didn't notice him, or even the ghost tentacles carrying improvised explosives. He was only reminded by the sound of the explosion. After being shocked, there was a slight flaw in his movements. .

Since you are not exposed, continue to hide and strengthen your hiding. Zhuang Xuteng smoothly and quickly took out the folded invisibility cloak from the inner pocket of his clothes, and with the help of the tentacles of the resentful spirit, he put it on quietly. The Flathead Brother is always on standby, so you only need to change the working mode without causing any additional noise. Therefore, Zhuang Xuteng added another layer of invisibility protection under the shadow, and then began to slowly move outward, trying to withdraw from the battlefield.

Although the operation was complicated, it only lasted for thirty seconds. It was only enough for the masked man in black to watch on the balcony for a while. After seeing nothing, he decided to jump off the building. Zhuang Xuteng watched him climb over the balcony railing lightly and then land heavily. He had no ability to slow down at all, so he relied on his physical fitness to withstand the impact of falling from a four-story building.

This definitely reinforces it, just not sure which side he is on in this matter. Zhuang Xuteng felt that he should be from the PCPD to supervise the whole drama; he did not rule out that he was a gang member, but the way he dressed so secretly did not look like a gang member. There is also a possibility that the guy who jumped directly from the fourth floor is from the Moat Company. He may be a mercenary, so he has a certain degree of strengthening. But this mercenary has been strengthened and just takes impact damage. Doesn't he worry about the medical expenses at all?

You know, when Cassandra jumps out of a helicopter, she also has to hold on to and step on the wall to slow down before landing. The manager of the company's development department... Zhuang Xuteng frowned and began to imagine a possibility: Could this person be from the company? His decent-looking suit of clothes is actually the most in line with the company's style.

The man ran quickly across the street, and his posture and movements gave Zhuang Xuteng a very familiar feeling. Zhuang Xuteng carefully recalled and compared in his mind, and finally found the answer in the corner: the purple-skinned man. Their movements all have a stiff and mechanical feel, with an obvious sense of paragraphing. Even if the movements are very fast and the connection intervals are short, this special style cannot be completely eliminated.

The "suspected purple-skinned man" came among the corpses, looking over and over, but no one could give it an answer. Then, it looked around, the lenses on both sides of the bridge of its nose constantly rotating and changing, using various functions to collect clues. At this time, Zhuang Xuteng had turned into the corner and avoided direct sight. Even if the "suspected purple-skinned man" could observe the shadow energy signal, he would not be able to see what was behind the corner.

Zhuang Xuteng continued to stay away. He used super-calculated martial arts to control his steps, and tried to use floating skills instead of stepping on the ground to reduce the possibility of being discovered. When the "suspected purple man" began to expand the search area, Zhuang Xuteng had already left the area and even sat back in the armored vehicle. He quickly drove out of the neighborhood, circled a few times to make sure there was no tail behind him, and then went back to join the nightingale and rock sparrow.

The two sisters were still sorting and choosing the target for the next attack. They were surprised to see Zhuang Xuteng come back: "So soon? Did you run into gang members when you went out?"

"Yes, I interfered a bit - but that's not the point."

He told the two sisters about the black masked purple-skinned man. Since the two sisters arrived late, they did not know the name "purple-skinned man", so he told the two sisters about the origin of the name and the purple-skinned man's ability. Let me introduce you.

The purple-skinned man is obviously an execution puppet. Among the models already on the market and the models known to be specially supplied to some government departments, there are no purple-skinned ones. If you include the very formal equipment, I have never seen it before. Nightingale didn't understand why Zhuang Xuteng was so sure that what he saw must be the "Purple Skin Man" and not other types of execution puppets. Zhuang Xuteng explained to her the uniqueness of body postures and the characteristics of different types of execution puppets with different body postures.

"I have seen work-learning execution puppets. They have their own style, which is very different from the purple-skinned people. If you look carefully, you can also see that there is personalization between each execution puppet of the same model. the difference."

"I understand, it turns out there is such a difference. I have learned a lot." Nightingale said: "The execution puppets of non-public sales models can only be used by the company. This shows the company's fate and participated in the incident where the moat, the gang and the PCPD were entangled with each other. Come on. Naike, although you have seen purple-skinned people in gang operations before. They do work for gangs, but gangs definitely don’t have the ability to equip purple-skinned people with a full set of equipment, right? It’s not a gang, then it’s just Probably the company.”

"I also tend to end up with the company, but I'm not sure how deeply it is involved. Are you just observing and collecting information, or are you trying to stir up the situation or even control it?" Zhuang Xuteng scratched his head and said, "Then, what does the company want? Do you want to Let’s see who is the best target among Moat Company, PCPD and gangs?”

Yanque tilted his head and thought for a while, then said: "Maybe this suspected purple-skinned man was just passing by and took a look because he felt bored. He didn't have any deep meaning."

"It's not impossible." Zhuang Xuteng smiled and said: "You are right to think this way. At least we can't scare ourselves. Before the investigation team leaves, spying on the company's intelligence is tantamount to seeking death, so this matter We can't get the answer. Put your curiosity aside and treat it as an accident. Just be careful in the future."

"Do you want to inform Brother Dao?" Nightingale said: "Yanque and I can find a safe indirect method to pass the message to him. Brother Dao knows what the purple-skinned man means, but others don't, so the confidentiality should be okay."

"Okay, be careful with your wording and don't scare him. Just say that you heard the news and the company may be paying close attention to the situation - that's probably all it takes - I think."

Yanque waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, we are proficient in communication and coordination and know what to say."

Zhuang Xuteng certainly believed in the abilities of the two sisters. They were once intelligence officers of Steyer, and Steyer was similar in size to Lucy, and both were relatively well-known middlemen, so the two sisters definitely had no shortage of experience in this area.

After leaving the matter to the two sisters, Zhuang Xuteng had to pay attention to himself. The appearance of the suspected purple-skinned man, coupled with the deformable glasses it uses, is likely to have the ability to observe shadow energy, which puts forward higher requirements for stealth.

Kaho's invisibility cloak can reduce attention in the form of environmental camouflage. It also has the ability to emit weak shadow energy, but it cannot completely shield it. Zhuang Xuteng tried it. After activating the cloak, he deliberately exposed his head, turned his head and observed the cloak with the Eye of Shadow. He could still see the shadow signal, and the intensity was about the same as the shadow chip response of cars and motorcycles.

If you are indoors in a city or in a place with many shadow followers, an invisibility cloak is enough. However, Zhuang Xuteng cannot always use the cloak when taking action, and it is not always in a suitable environment. He wants a more versatile and thorough shadow follower. Disappears from energy detection.

He didn't just think of this problem, but he had already had this plan and had already made some attempts. How to hide shadow energy reactions has always been part of the work of black market "practitioners", and it is a difficulty that they need to focus on overcoming. Hiding and smuggling shadow products is a very important part of their profits. Although the oil sandwich container is very effective, if everyone sees or smells the oil, they will know that there is something fishy inside, which will attract extra attention and inspection.

They were always trying to improve their technology, and Zhuang Xuteng learned from them. People in the black market would not impart their experience to him for no reason, even if they spent money to buy skills, but Zhuang Xuteng could use a roundabout way. For example, if you purchase an implant storage container that will not be detected, be sure to use the one with the best isolation effect. In this way, Zhuang Xuteng was able to approach the limits of black market technology infinitely.

The best way at present is to use a powder mixture, which uses six kinds of powder substances such as fine borax, lead powder, and edible salt, and mix them thoroughly according to a certain proportion, and then replace the petroleum as a sandwich additive, which is also very effective. An interlayer of 1 mm can probably achieve 80% isolation. The maximum effect needs to be more than 3 mm, which can isolate 95%.

This is already similar to the effect of an invisibility cloak, because it is another technical route. The two can be superimposed, which is very close to complete isolation. But there's still that problem. Zhuang Xuteng can't always wear an invisibility cloak, and the mixed method still doesn't satisfy him.

If the technology doesn't work, then use magic. Zhuang Xuteng wants to try to solve the problem from the perspective of the Eye of Shadow. He needs to understand the principle of the Shadow Eye's observation of the energy response of the Shadow, understand the nature of the Shadow's energy signal, and then solve it qualitatively. Coincidentally, he had a very suitable experimental subject, the sick lady who had an obvious response to the shadow energy. Since Miss Sick was created by him, he is familiar with all aspects of spells and can also master her properties. Therefore, Zhuang Xuteng believes that with her help, he will be able to do some good research.

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