Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 497 Chapter 494 Safety Blue and Theology

After clashing fists and heart-to-heart talks with his good brother Ge Gong Dao, Zhuang Xuteng's mood improved a lot, and he was no longer dazzled by victory as before. This "dazzled" evaluation was given by Ge Gongdao. He believed that Zhuang Xuteng was different. Others would be inflated by victory, but he went too far, exploding first and then deflating. This was the root of everything.

For this "nice word", Zhuang Xuteng fought Brother Dao for the third time. This time, the two of them went into battle with bare hands and shirtless implants, and practiced super-calculated martial arts alone. In this state, Zhuang Xuteng endured for a long time, and finally used his higher body utilization and combat efficiency to exhaust Ge Gongdao's physical strength, and finally won.

This result is similar to the result of their previous battle, which shows that Ge Gongdao has not stopped making progress in the field of super-computing martial arts, and his improvement is equivalent to Zhuang Xuteng. In other aspects, Zhuang Xutengying mainly provided various auxiliary effects through necromancy, including levitation.

The difficult victory in the third game made Zhuang Xuteng completely sober. If Ge Gongdao, who is busy with various daily chores in Moat Company, can ensure the continuous improvement of super computing martial arts, in comparison, Zhuang Xuteng is not working hard enough. Feeling that there is no way to catch up with those strong people is just an overestimation. If all the energy you eat is spent on training and progress, and you focus on constantly improving yourself, where would such messy thoughts come from?

The two parted in the evening. Although they were both tired and it was time for dinner, they both had some things to deal with, so they tacitly agreed not to invite each other to have a meal together. Zhuang Xuteng drove home. Morgana got off work at normal time today. She bought some ready-made food on the way back and warmed it at home, preparing to serve it one by one when he came back.

"You're back? Huh? You have a bruised nose and a swollen face. You went on a mission again this afternoon?"

Zhuang Xuteng shook his head with a smile and said: "No. I made an appointment with Brother Dao for martial arts training. The fight was very enjoyable and rewarding, and he was injured more seriously than me. The bruises don't matter, just sleep for one night. Let it go."

"Your recovery ability has always been amazing, as if you have used healing magic. Hey! Meat Bun, stay here and don't grab it! This is not your meal!"

Morgana put the food on the table, used her feet to push the meat bun's big face that was constantly sniffing to the side, glared at it, and whistled proudly when she saw it sat down obediently. Zhuang Xuteng came out of the bathroom after washing his face. When he heard the whistle, he said, "I feel like you are in a good mood today. Is it because of the good news from the laboratory?"

"Haha, yes! This time I finally caught Safe Blue's little tail! Come, sit down and eat, and talk while eating." Morgana divided the tableware and didn't even bother to eat, and started talking excitedly: "In this experiment, the instrument you got me captured a very brief special change. It may have happened once in the entire twenty days, and the duration was less than 0.1 seconds. Hehe, you know this 0.1 second What happened inside?"

"How could I possibly know? I never entered high school and I have no knowledge of chemistry at all."

"It's not chemistry at all, it's witch medicine! Don't you understand? Although I come from a family in the temple family, I prefer to study the heresy other than magic, that is, those of witches."

"Yes, I know that. The code name you gave yourself is Holy Light Witch!"

"Witches also know some spells, and the biggest feature of these spells is that they don't rely on the power of gods. I learned things from witches, and I also wanted to use more spells today when there are no gods. To this end, I learned witch divination, potions, curses and General spells, and also compare them with the divine magic of the past. I applied the shadow technique as well as modern chemistry, pharmacy and material science in these studies..."

Zhuang Xuteng swallowed secretly. He didn't expect Morgana to be so knowledgeable and mastered so much knowledge.

"Before becoming PCPD, my main interest was to find the various abilities of witches, especially the universal solution to witch potions under the current chemical and shadow technology system." Morgana waved her hand and said: "I failed, I just I found a few special solutions, but I couldn't transplant the entire system. However, I also gained a lot. For example, some of the spell effects of the witch potion will have some special effects during chemical analysis."

After going around in a big circle, he finally got to the point, and Zhuang Xuteng also understood: "Safe blue shows the special chemical performance characteristics of witch potion in 0.1 seconds?"

"Yes! I didn't expect that safety blue is actually a magic product, not the result of simple chemical medicine. I didn't expect it, and neither did anyone else. Uh... I really didn't expect it. There have been no gods and magic for so many years, and the essence of shadow magic is It is also the expression of shadow follower energy through shadow follower. It is just a poor imitation of real magic. It can only be small but refined, neither powerful nor large. As for Safety Blue, such a large-scale product, if it is a magic product, Even in an era when gods and magic were at their peak, it would be absolutely impossible to compare using holy water as an example."

Zhuang Xuteng scratched his head and asked: "If the divine power in its heyday couldn't do it, could it be that the instrument detection was wrong? After all, this 0.1 second in twenty days is probably just an error."

"No, no, none of the reasons you mentioned are valid." Morgana said: "Although it is indeed difficult, why do you say that it couldn't be done when the gods were there, and it can't be done now? Could it be that all the technological progress accumulated over the years has been lost? Is it false? There is a problem if you think the past was better than the present."

"Second, although it's only 0.1 seconds, the sudden error is not like this. It's like a person who can't sing high notes all the time. One day, he suddenly raises the high pitch. This may be deceiving. But if it's not just the high pitch, We went up there and turned around more than twenty times at a high place, all the while maintaining elegance, harmony and melodiousness. This is not a trick, you must have practiced, right?"

Zhuang Xuteng nodded and admitted that Morgana was right, but he also said: "It's not enough to have 0.1 once. You should find a way to reproduce this 0.1 next, and then find patterns from it."

"Yes, I'm going to do that!" Morgana snapped her fingers and said with excitement: "It used to be a wild guess, but now I know which direction to start from! If it were in other fields, I wouldn't be so advanced. Confident, but I am very good at witch potions. Hehe, I am not bragging. If I had developed a universal solution to witch potions, I would now be in the headquarters of one of the four major companies, responsible for all research and development in a certain aspect. , the status level must be A+ or above.”

"But you don't have a company identity now, you are just a PCPD detective."

"What's wrong, Detective? At least I can catch you as a little street mercenary. Hmph!"

"Hey, let me ask a question. You didn't find a general solution, you just found a special solution. Does the company know about this?"

"I don't know. I was very conceited at the time, so I gave it up before I could do it. I just felt so embarrassed that I didn't want to write a paper or publish it. My family didn't know what I had done. They Just think about me not to go too far and not to affect the family's reputation. Don't worry, only you and I know about this."

"Then we must maintain this state." Zhuang Xuteng said: "Even if we don't talk about whether Safety Blue is involved in criminal issues, just talking about it as a product, there are countless interests behind it from several major companies. If the company thinks you are cracking the formula, This alone is enough for them to do something evil."

"I know!" Morgana smiled and nodded. "I'm happy, not because I want to bring bad luck to the company, but because I finally found a clue to solve the mystery. I don't think I'm any weaker than the doctors, postdocs, and postdocs the company keeps! Even if their instruments They have good equipment, many assistants, and dare to do all kinds of messy experiments, but their brains are not much bigger than mine! Look, as soon as I use their instruments, don’t I find clues? These safe blue and blue savages I can continue to play the changing game with blue crystals!”

Yes, it is a reality that the equipment is good, there are many people, and the accumulation time is long. There is not much difference in the people who use the equipment. This is also a reality. You have what you are good at, and I have what I am good at. Then let’s compare strengths against strengths, and compare weaknesses against weaknesses to win or lose. Zhuang Xuteng pointed at the food with a smile and said: "Eat quickly! Otherwise it will get cold. Only after we eat and drink enough can we have the strength to continue working hard and become stronger and stronger. You are responsible for exposing the company's bottom line, and I will be responsible for extracting the truth." How about the old face of the company?"

"Hahaha, this can be considered a division of labor!" Morgana picked up the spoon, picked up the bowl, and started eating.

She wanted to set up the next round of experiments, so Zhuang Xuteng drove her to the laboratory. The location of this laboratory is also very tricky, right below her family tomb.

Above her head was the family's ancestors. Zhuang Xuteng asked her if she wasn't worried that her ancestors would not sleep well? Morgana laughed so hard that her branches trembled with laughter. "Do you think this place is very big?" Morgana pointed to the large laboratory with an area of ​​3,000 square meters and said: "This was originally a tomb for all the bishops and chief priests of the entire diocese, and it was intended to be used for thousands of years. As a result, the gods passed away, and the temple had to be closed. There were not so many follow-up employees, and then the large tomb in this parish became our family. My family did have ancestors sleeping on the upper floor, but only a few, and only a fraction of it. Not really. In addition, since the ashes are buried after cremation, such a large piece of land cannot be used. The upper floor cannot be used at all, and no one cares about the lower floors. "

"You really know how to choose a place, don't they care?"

"Why should they control the laboratory I built with my own pocket money? Okay, stop talking, I have to set the experimental parameters. The sooner we start, the better. You may not have heard of the larger-scale safety blueprint The use is about to begin. I used to take it as a pill, then I added it to a drink, and now I have to spray it on my eyes!"

"Spray on the eyes?" Zhuang Xuteng scratched his head and said: "I heard from an intermediary that the company has released a new entertainment tool, which can be fastened on the face like a blindfold, and then dreams can come true. Isn't it what you are talking about? Bar?"

"Huh? Your middleman is very well-informed, isn't he? Doesn't Lucy want to get involved with the company?" Morgana said while debugging the instrument.

"It's not Lucy, it's another middleman. We just killed him in the morning. Well, he wasn't killed. He was knocked unconscious and handed over to others." Zhuang Xuteng rubbed his nose, his expression relaxed, and he didn't want to be beaten by the PCPD detective at all. The tension of grabbing.

"You have to make amends for doing illegal things all day long. Wouldn't it be better to catch some gang members? Wouldn't it be better to catch some serial killers?" Morgana shook her head and said: "I'm not afraid of you becoming a mercenary, I'm afraid of you. In the end, he became a killer under command, from a person to a tool."

"I won't, I promise. Are the eye spray you're talking about and the eye mask I'm talking about the same thing?"

"Yes, it's that thing. I saw it from the PCPD's internal briefing. Sanliu Charity Foundation asked the PCPD to conduct an important escort for them from the railway, and this thing was transported inside. In fact, it's the same every time, The PCPD just makes things easier, adjusts the traffic lights, manages the traffic, and does some peripheral things. The people who actually provide escorts are the company's own people."

"Well, the company trusts its own people more, and their internal personnel are indeed powerful. Not to mention the PCPD, even the mercenaries cannot receive the company's really important commissions. Once people like Colonel Taft take action, no amount of mercenaries will be able to use."

Morgana's mouth opened, then closed tightly, holding back what she was about to say. Because Zhuang Xuteng was knocked down, she paid more attention to Colonel Taft. In addition to the bet involving the independence of marriage, the family also increased its investment in information sources. In the past two days, she heard news that Colonel Taft was missing and the original team was disbanded and reorganized. Under normal circumstances, people like Colonel Taft preside over fixed teams within the company. Only in the case of death or disappearance with extremely little hope of coming back, the team will be completely dismantled.

After in-depth investigation, some rumors surfaced: Tafu was probably quietly eliminated from within the company, and the incident happened in Peicheng. Tafu did not leave Peicheng, but died in Peicheng, being killed directly on the spot.

Morgana always felt that Zhuang Xuteng valued Tafu very much. She saw that he wanted to surpass Tafu but didn't know what to do, so she was tortured in her heart. She believed that it would be of no benefit to Zhuang Xuteng if it were revealed that Colonel Taft was quietly beaten to death and that there were powerful people within the company that you could not imagine at all.

After being beaten by Ge Gongdao, Zhuang Xuteng's emotional state was obviously much better. Morgana was secretly happy after seeing this, and she would definitely not destroy this hard-won situation. She kept her mouth shut tightly, first prepared the experimental plan and experimental settings, and then looked for opportunities to switch to other topics.

"Okay! Witch Pharmacy and Engineering Pharmacy, you two men and women making peace, I will definitely be able to separate you this time!" Morgana clapped her hands, started the experimental process, and let the device start running and monitoring. "The results will not be available until fifteen days, so we have to wait patiently for a while."

"Morgana, I don't understand something. In fact, the blue savage has already crushed the previous blue crystal products. Although it is illegal on the surface, it actually does not hinder the gangs and companies from making money. I don't doubt the safety. Blue also has profits, but I can’t figure it out: there are so many illegal things going on in the company, why is it starting this research project? Is it just to make it legal?”

"I don't know. I only think of one thing right now: maybe the company feels that it's awkward to leave illegal things to gangs. It's better to directly control them after it becomes legal, so this is an attempt to get rid of gangs."

"I don't think the company can be so kind." Zhuang Xuteng shook his head and said, "When it seems to be doing good things on the surface, it must be doing bigger bad things behind the scenes."

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