Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 443 Chapter 440 Three punches and two sounds

Before the door was opened, a rattling sound was heard on the door. Roubao was scratching the door with his claws, just hoping that the door would open quickly so that he could see his owner as soon as possible.

When the door opened, Zhuang Xuteng was already ready for battle: although the meat bun only weighed just over a hundred pounds, it could attack very quickly, and his body was still a little weak, so he had to exert all his strength. With a "oooo" full of excitement and joy, Roubao jumped into Zhuang Xuteng's arms, hugged his waist with his long tail, and began to wash his face with his big pink tongue. Zhuang Xuteng smiled and pushed away its steaming mouth, rubbed his face under the snow leopard's neck, and launched a counterattack.

After struggling for a while, Roubao gradually calmed down, and finally he could sit cross-legged at Zhuang Xuteng's feet and enjoy the head massage service provided by human fingers. Zhuang Xuteng poked the snow leopard's flesh and said to Morgana with a smile: "It's quite strong and hasn't become fat. Do you still take it out for exercise often?"

"I have been out three times in total this month. He is very familiar with how to move around on the roof. He has a lot of fun running around on his own. The snow outside has no effect on him. Roubao is very smart. He even knows how to shake himself before coming back. No. It will bring the snow down." Morgana picked up a small purple conical hat from the ground, sighed, and threw it into the trash can. "The original plan was for Meat Bun to welcome you with a little hat...but it's a pity that he took off the hat."

"Haha, I'm planning on doing that kind of work! Thank you!" Zhuang Xuteng smiled and waved his hand, and then said: "I think we should be more practical: when should we go through the formalities?"

"You can do it at any time." Morgana turned her head, opened the refrigerator door to cover her slightly shy face, coughed twice to regain her composure and said, "But which name are you going to use to register? The name of a mercenary is inappropriate, right? ?If you use your real name, is there a possibility that your identity will be exposed through this registration information? Many people have seen the two of us together, right?"

"Huh... there is some trouble." Zhuang Xuteng scratched his head. "If there is no serious injury and admission to the hospital, the risk of using my real name is not great. But now that I have become quite famous, it will be difficult to hide it. Morgana, do you think I should ask Lucy for consultation? What do the other mercenaries do?"

"You don't need to ask her, just learn from Brother Dao and Prince." Morgana put the food in the microwave, selected the time and firepower, and said after a ding: "I asked Prince, they There are no formalities when two people live together. Prince said: There is no need for paper proof of love, and there are many ways to solve property and the like. The two of them set up a trust fund and put it in the bank. No matter whether they live or die, they You can always have a living security. In addition, intermediaries also provide property trust services..."

Zhuang Xuteng got rid of the entanglement of the meat bag, hugged (entangled) Morgana from behind, and asked in her ear: "Which way do you like?"

"Go and go through the formalities and write your name and mine together." Morgana said softly without looking back.

"Okay. My identity information is all at the farm. Let's drive there to get it and then register it, okay? If we finish this matter early, we can officially claim you as my own."

Morgana squirmed in Zhuang Xuteng's arms and turned around, leaning her head between Zhuang Xuteng's shoulders and neck, and said, "Are you sure? Aren't you afraid of exposing your identity?"

"If Ge Gongdao can survive, so can I. Even if I can't work as a mercenary, Moat Security Company can still arrange a job for me." Zhuang Xuteng thought for a while and said, "In this world, no matter what happens, I will definitely be able to Find a livelihood that will definitely support you.”

"That's enough for you." Morgana poked Zhuang Xuteng's chest with her index finger and said, "You still have a good future in the mercenary industry, so let's learn from Prince and Gonggong. I feel , they are just the ordinary life I want."

“Ordinary” life? Zhuang Xuteng felt that Ge Gongdao and Prince could not be considered ordinary in terms of living conditions and income levels. The ordinary life in his mind was like that of his parents, who worked in boring and arduous positions for a lifetime. If they did not have the opportunity to work hard, they would just Suddenly taken away by the fatigue and illness caused by work, the dangers and accidents brought by society.

However, he understood that Morgana's starting point was different, and the "ordinary" seen by people on the top of the mountain and at the foot of the mountain must not be on the same level. Zhuang Xuteng has no intention of correcting Morgana's standards, because they pursue the happiness of two people, not the same.

"Okay, let's learn how they arrange our lives and live better than them." Zhuang Xuteng hugged Morgana tightly and said solemnly: "Once there is a need, the time is right, or there is no need to be open and exposed, then we will register immediately. Although I don’t trust constitutional government, but that piece of paper could be of some use after all.”

"Well..." Morgana nodded and said softly: "Are you hungry now?"

"I'm not hungry. Let's do something else..."

Roubao raised his head, watched the two of them walking towards the big bed in the bedroom, and yawned out of boredom. It fully understands the mind of a biped and knows that it is certainly not as comfortable on the floor as in a nest. Now that the owner is back, life has returned to normal, and it can rest assured. At this time, I went back to the nest and had a good sleep, and then I had the strength to pester my owner to play on the rooftop. It especially likes the feeling of snow. Since it started snowing, it has been going to play every day.

After a while, Zhuang Xuteng removed Morgana's thigh from her belly and quietly got up. Morgana turned over and hesitated, saying that she wanted to sleep for a while longer. Zhuang Xuteng smiled, covered her with a quilt, and then went to the bathroom. Roubao came over and bit his trousers. It looked like he wanted to play on the rooftop. "Not now, I still have to recover." Zhuang Xuteng touched the top of its head and said.

Although he can't go out, Zhuang Xuteng can still coax it to play, such as using the grudge tentacles to control toys so that Roubao can't catch it even though he wants to. Using the resentful spirit jelly to open his senses and the seven-flash martial arts to increase his reaction speed, the meat bag is completely manipulated in the palm of his hand. He can only win when Zhuang Xuteng lets him win. After getting rid of it, Zhuang Xuteng can concentrate on his own business: preparing healing potions.

The potion purchased last time is enough for about ten times. Considering the consumption of practice, it is almost time to trouble Sister Lucy to buy another batch. Zhuang Xuteng mixed the medicinal powder evenly according to the formula, poured it into a bathtub that was almost full of water, and then dug out the remaining protein worms at home. She hasn't been at home for a month, and Morgana doesn't know how to play with this thing. When only feeding is carried out, only 20% of the protein worms are not sick. After using 20% ​​today, the rest must be disposed of. Well, I just happened to go home to see how the house was decorated and whether the puppet execution in the farmland was going well.

During the month he was hospitalized, all the decoration and work handover tasks were left to Zhuang Feifei. She must be exhausted, and he should buy her a gift to express his gratitude. Hmm... I don't know what she likes now. It's too troublesome to buy things. Or treat her to dinner? Zhuang Xuteng was thinking about this issue while slowly lying down in the bath therapeutic fluid.

His parents didn't know that he was seriously injured and sent to the hospital. The brother and sister tacitly concealed the matter. Fortunately, Zhuang Xuteng was only in a coma for a week. When he woke up, he called his parents, which did not arouse their suspicion. Finally leaving the hospital, I should be free of suspicion, so now I need to return to full health as soon as possible. Zhuang Xuteng took a deep breath, soaked his whole body in the healing fluid, and then activated his dormant martial arts.

During the treatment and recovery process, he does not need to breathe. The oxygen needed by the body is provided by the protein worm through the dormant martial arts. The waste materials and toxins in the body are also transferred to the protein worm at the same time. In the state of dormant martial arts, Zhuang Xuteng himself is like a large protein insect that breathes through its skin and eats.

Control breathing, control heartbeat, control gastrointestinal peristalsis, control nerve stimulation of organs... Dormant martial arts can be said to be the in-body version of super-calculated martial arts and touch force techniques. In addition to his master's dormant martial arts, Zhuang Xuteng also used the Wraith Spirit Jelly on himself. With the help of the Wraith Spirit Servant's ability to become a ghost, he extended his sensory abilities into his own body and enhanced his control. Therefore, his dormant martial arts are stronger than Ge Gongdao, his treatment and recovery are more targeted, and his efficiency and speed are much higher.

After being soaked in the medicine for three hours, the medicine and nutrients were basically absorbed by him, and the protein worms were completely wiped out. Zhuang Xuteng got up from the water, took a deep breath to refresh the air in his lungs, then got up to shower and change clothes. Morgana came over and took a look, fearing that she would be captured and tortured again. When Zhuang Xuteng glanced at her sideways, she quickly ran away with a smile. "I'll give you something hot to eat! Also, Lucy called to see you. I asked, and she said it was no emergency, so she asked how you were recovering."

"Okay! I'll call her back right now!"

After leaving the hospital, there was a lot of tenderness that needed to be created and a lot of trivial matters in life that needed to be dealt with, but there was one thing that Zhuang Xuteng was quite resistant to: lying in bed and resting. He has been lying there for over a month and has had enough! He spent two days meeting with people close to him, settling matters at the farm, and then meeting with the employees of the implant care shop. On the third day after being discharged from the hospital, he came to Lucy's Music Restaurant as promised: The mercenary was going to come out again!

In fact, he not only "wants" to come out, but also "needs" to come out. Colonel Taft not only seriously injured Zhuang Xuteng's body, but also seriously injured his wallet. The gold member's insurance did pay him 4 million in insurance benefits, but the insurance company was never a charitable department, and their money was also taken out of other people's pockets. In fact, for Zhuang Xuteng to enjoy this gold membership, he also paid a price of almost two million euros.

"Your wallet is almost empty." Lucy said to Zhuang Xuteng straight to the point: "You have to start working."

"I know. You called me as soon as I got home."

"No, I didn't call when you just came home - I left you enough time." Lucy stood on the table with her fingers crossed, and she didn't know what the expression was behind her masked face. "As soon as you got home, Meteor sent me a notice. She wanted to congratulate you on being discharged from the hospital in person, but she was too timid to say it to you. If you have time, go see her."

"As long as I don't go on a mission immediately today, the next thing I will do is to thank her." Zhuang Xuteng said: "Looking at the state of Roubao, Meteor must have put a lot of effort into taking care of her. By the way, Sister Lucy, the seal on the information network Are the controls still tight? Can intelligence officers carry out operations?"

"Large-scale operations are definitely out of the question. If you want to control traffic lights now, you have to rely on luck. Especially for remote cross-network activities, nine times out of ten, you will run into the company's information administrator. If you are lucky, they will not control it; If they are in a bad mood and they attack casually, the intelligence officers will be hurt. Several intelligence officers have been injured recently, which has greatly reduced the intelligence capabilities of the middlemen."

Zhuang Xuteng frowned slightly and said, "Without intelligence support, it will be difficult to act. In addition, is it difficult for the two sisters Nightingale and Yanque to work and earn money?"

"Their situation is exactly the opposite. Information control on remote networks has become difficult, but front-line control is basically unaffected, so the business of the two of them is actually very good." Lucy said: "You and Gongdao both fell in the hospital. , I arranged a few jobs for them. They did a good job, but they all expressed the hope that you and Brother Dao can come back as soon as possible. "

Zhuang Xuteng nodded and said: "Unfortunately, Brother Dao and I can't fully return yet - we were just discharged from the hospital, and our physical condition has not fully recovered."

"Yes, so the two of you only take odd jobs, not jobs above the appearance fee level, which means you don't make much money now." Lucy put down her arms, moved forward and approached Zhuang Xuteng, and asked: "Now, are you recovering?" How much strength has it gained?”

Zhuang Xuteng opened his palm and straightened his five fingers. "If I were to face Colonel Taft again, I would die with one punch. That's about it. The main thing I haven't recovered yet is my combat power. The burst and combat limit are much worse than before, and my ability to fight for a long time is worse. The most. But apart from fighting, other abilities are fine."

Lucy immediately raised her head and asked, "How are your observation and analysis skills?"

"There is no problem in these two aspects. What, do you have business to take care of?"

"There is a bodyguard task that is recruiting people. I can introduce you to it." Lucy said: "Actually, this task was transferred from the Moat Company. The mercenaries provide additional support to the security company - you understand this setup. Bar?"

"That time I held a meeting for you, Brother Dao talked to me for more than an hour. How could I not know the working mode of the moat?"

Moat Security Company accepts commissions in the open market and provides home fortress services, corporate business security, private enhanced bodyguards and some VIP private detective services. These businesses require a variety of talents, so in addition to the basic framework, moat companies will use middlemen to select mercenaries with special skills to supplement their strength. It can be said that this is a kind of outsourcing, or it can be said that this is an attempt to turn the middleman platform from underground to above ground.

"One hundred thousand, the Fengchi Stadium has been having some trouble with the Blood Bat Gang recently. It wants to improve its security level, especially since it will hold a boxing championship match soon, so nothing can happen. Originally, it mainly relied on the Canghuo Gang to control the venue, but Canghuo Gang The members of the Fire Gang were called away by Dingxin Magic Company to investigate the disappearance of 'You Know Who'. So, it approached Moat Security and wanted to bring in forces outside the gang."

"Is one hundred thousand reserved or guaranteed?"

"Reserve the venue." Lucy then added: "If you have outstanding performance, there will definitely be a bonus."

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