Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 431 Chapter 428 Deal with it quickly

Ge Gong Daoping held the clear spring and cautiously approached Kahuo. After checking and confirming that he was dead, he felt relieved a little. "Captain, how are you?" Brother Dao still used the code name in the mission, and his rich voice echoed in the parking lot: "Just scream when you are alive."

"Squeak. Squeak." Zhuang Xuteng could not only make a sound, but also raise his hand. Dormant martial arts can no longer transfer injuries to Kahuo. Through this phenomenon, Zhuang Xuteng knew the good news of victory at this stage earlier than Ge Gongdao.

Victory in the stage means that they can survive for the time being, but it is hard to say after that. Zhuang Xuteng did not stop thinking because of the death of his enemy. He was thinking about the next things and the company's things. Even if a senior manager of the business development department dies, it will cause a huge commotion. If a senior manager who can manage senior managers - I don't care what the correct name is now, anyway - dies, the problem will be huge.

There was the sound of a vehicle approaching downstairs. Zhuang Xuteng asked Ge Gongdao to be on alert while pulling on the wall to stand up. The aluminum tube supports the legs, so standing and walking is not a big problem, but running or fighting is definitely not an issue. However, Zhuang Xuteng can still throw and shoot. If there are still enemies, he will definitely continue to fight.

"Eldest sister is here, I'm the one driving the car." Nightingale's words were garbled and it was clear that she was very anxious. The headlights of the car swept across the parking lot, and then there was a sudden brake, and it turned out to be Nightingale. She opened the car door and got out, with green smoke still coming out of her head. Although it is said that when the weather is cold, the evaporation of hot sweat will produce green smoke, Zhuang Xuteng always feels that it does not look like it...

"You came here...put the things back?" Zhuang Xuteng asked.

"Yes, I stuffed the things into the warehouse and drove over in my car. The younger sister is still monitoring the nearby signals and is responsible for cleaning up the surveillance videos and various traces." Nightingale smiled at Ge Gongdao and then asked : "Captain, what should we do?"

“Do you have a shielding bag in your car?”

"There is a bag that can isolate shadow signals. Do you want to..."

"Brother Dao, you put the guy's body into the isolation bag. Nightingale, you are responsible for checking it to make sure there is no signal leakage, and then put the things in my car. Next, you drive Brother Dao back, what was he doing before? , whatever you do next, just act as if nothing happened." Zhuang Xuteng said: "Clean up the traces here and evacuate as quickly as possible. This is the Taiping District, and the PCPD and riot control squad will not fail to come. Nightingale, send Brother Dao back, be sure to confirm Yanque’s condition and allow her to evacuate safely.”

"I understand. How is your injury?" Nightingale asked.

"Fortunately, it's okay to be an ordinary person." Zhuang Xuteng raised his hand and touched his right ear and said: "It's finally asymmetrical... Fortunately, the implant strengthened the ear, otherwise it would hurt me to death. In short, I It’s okay…Brother Dao, Brother Dao!”

"Here he is!" Ge Gongdao frowned and said, "I've already come out, so I don't have to go back."

"No, what we did today was more troublesome than rushing into Nightingale and the hospital combined. Nightingale will send you back. The two of you can come up with a reason and improvise. Find a way to deal with your motorcycle, you see. See if the trunk of the armored ferret can fit in? Don't stay here. I'll give you all the fire in my palms. Take it and burn what you can. Act quickly, we'll leave in three minutes!"

In order to stuff the smashed motorcycle into the armored ferret, Ge Gongdao could only move the unconscious Bumore to the front passenger seat and push down the rear seats to increase the loading space. "I don't want the car anymore. It can't be repaired in this condition. Naike, keep in touch on the phone." Ge Gongdao said to him.

Zhuang Xuteng nodded and said: "Brother Dao, this guy is from the company. He said that he has a higher position than the senior manager of the development department. I don't know if I should tell Sister Lucy about this. Do you think it's just the four of us?" I personally know, is it possible?”

"Let me think about it, I...don't know what to do now." Ge Gongdao sighed, patted Zhuang Xuteng on the shoulder, then cheered up, ducked his feet hard, and said, "Leave it to me. The two of us will work separately. You are responsible for the unconscious one and the dead one, and protect yourself. I will figure out and arrange the other things."

"Okay, let's divide the work like this." Zhuang Xuteng also patted Brother Dao on the shoulder, showing a tacit understanding.

The door of the Armored Weasel was dented in the impact, but the overall frame did not collapse, and the power and transmission system were fortunately still functioning. Zhuang Xuteng thanked the armored ferret for his persistence, and then drove out of the parking lot. When he left, he just passed by the fire truck that came to put out the fire, and the PCPD was following the fire truck.

The flickering fire and billowing black smoke upstairs attracted all the attention, and neither the PCPD nor the fire department knew yet that there was actually murder besides the fire. Zhuang Xuteng drove away as if nothing had happened and quickly disappeared into the traffic. Gogongdao and Nightingale left through another exit, leaving only Yanque still working on the finishing touches near the scene.

"Let go of the surveillance control and get ready to leave!" Yanque took out a bottle of cooling spray from his pocket and used it on his head as if it was free. If she hadn't brought enough cooling agent, her head would be smoking like her sister. "Come on, hurry up, rock bird, hurry up. Before the company's cage flies over..."

Soon, the news that Yanque was safe came from the earphones, which made Zhuang Xuteng let out a long sigh of relief, and finally let go of most of his worries. At this time, he had left Taiping District, choosing to take as many detours as possible without surveillance cameras, and finally returned to Lucy's Music Restaurant.

There is a special transfer warehouse here, and the mezzanine wall of the warehouse can isolate the shadow signal. Zhuang Xuteng originally had the mission of "rescuing foreign aid mercenaries", so he easily applied for the warehouse in this name - at this time, Lucy didn't know that a senior combatant of the company had died.

To be honest, Lucy didn't believe the news when she first heard it, thinking that Ge Gongdao was joking on her. Brother Dao swore and described in detail the condition of Zhuang Xuteng's beating. It was so conclusive that Lucy was half-convinced. She told Ge Gong not to talk nonsense. This kind of thing is not a victory, it will only lead to trouble. It must be stopped when it reaches her, and no more people can know about it. Ge Gongdao choked her back: "It's nonsense, you don't have to say it!"

As soon as she put down the phone, she received a notification from her subordinates that Naike drove into the garage and the car was damaged. Lucy didn't dare to neglect, and asked her subordinates not to say anything, just pretend they didn't see or hear, and then hurried to the garage. On the way, she sent a coded message to Meteor, asking her to be "prepared to hide".

Another word could better describe her order: pack up your belongings and be ready to run away.

Come to the garage and ask all the staff to go out, leaving Naike and her alone. Lucy glanced at the damage to the side door of the armored ferret, and could see at a glance the humanoid dent created by the impact. Then she saw Zhuang Xuteng's appearance, his missing right ear, the ravine on the edge of his eyebrow bone, and the aluminum tube support on his leg. It was the first time she saw Zhuang Xuteng in such a mess, and she finally believed what Brother Dao said.

"You have given me a big problem." Lucy sighed and said bluntly: "If this matter doesn't go well and the company pursues it, we will all be finished."

"So we have to get this thing done." Zhuang Xuteng leaned against the car door and said, "To correct you, it's not that we gave you a problem, it was the mission you gave us that caused the current situation. How exactly it happened, you have to Ask Boomer carefully. He's in the front row, and he hasn't woken up yet. He's not pretending to be asleep, I've already checked."

Bumore's symptoms stem from side effects. Zhuang Xuteng examined and believed that in addition to Bullmore's own excessive nervous pressure, Kaho should have used some means on him. Although you can use necromancy to absorb the side effects of the shadow slaves, which will definitely wake up Boomer, why should you give him such preferential treatment? Let him be unconscious and discuss with Lucy what to do first.

"Come up with me and tell me what's going on."

Zhuang Xuteng shook his head and said, "Let's stay here! I still have to watch Bu Moor. There is a body behind the car - wrapped in an insulating bag, there is no problem for the time being."

"Bring it back? Oh, you are so brave! Why don't you burn it on fire? I remember you have thermite."

"He has an implant. I have a way to deal with it and get back the money." Zhuang Xuteng revealed a secret to increase Lucy's bargaining chip on his side in the balance of interests. "If you choose to sell us to the company, you'd better pray that I will be killed immediately. Because then I will try my best to prove that I am useful to the company, can completely make up for the loss, and then become a member of the company. Once successful , I will come back to settle the accounts with you."

The corners of Lucy's eyes twitched, veins bulged, and she gritted her teeth, but no one could tell through the mask. She controlled her emotions and said: "If I had a company channel that could safely sell you right now, I would consider doing that, but unfortunately I don't. No one can handle this, and we must hide from it. Do you agree?"

"I agree, that's why I asked Brother Dao to go back immediately. He is almost unharmed. If you change his coat, no one can tell." Zhuang Xuteng coughed and said, "Sister Lucy, can we talk about business now?"

"You tell me!" Lucy nodded and said, "You have a quick mind. You must have thought a lot on the way here. I'll listen to you first!"

"The only way to hide away is to act as if nothing happened. The company will definitely investigate. They will not believe everything we say, and they will not believe that the mercenaries who can defeat that guy will be unscathed. As long as our personnel are intact and in good condition , there is a chance to fool them."

Lucy shook her head and said, "I'm afraid it's not enough."

"It will never be enough, we can only do our best." Zhuang Xuteng said: "Boomer can live, but he must not show up, because we don't know whether people in the company have reported his situation. But there is one thing, I can I’m 90% sure that the people in the company didn’t tell anyone about my situation.”

"Where did you get 90% of this?" Even though she was wearing a mask, Lucy's voice could still show some excitement.

"Through the arrogance of the company's employees. When I encounter an unexpectedly difficult opponent, I will ask for help as soon as possible. No matter what the other party says, I will not believe it - the company's employees may not be like this." Yanque said she intercepted All the signals were blocked, and the company employees couldn't jump out of the frequency, which I believe. She also said that after we left, the company's emergency support didn't arrive, which also explains the problem."

"Okay, this is good news." Lucy said: "It's best if you can get away with it. The fewer people who know about it, the better. This Boomer... should we..."

Lucy made a gesture of raising the knife and lowering it. Of course Zhuang Xuteng could understand. "I have thought about this problem and feel that it is too much of a loss. I went to rescue him, and then I killed him after I rescued him. I didn't do that. Now I can only hide him for as long as I can. I have to make this clear to him. . I suggest that you start a mission and recruit him as the core, so that you can hide it legitimately."

"The task is ready: the follow-up of Assassin's security information, but the participants are still you, not Bumore. At the same time, we are looking for a reliable blaster in the middleman network."

"Assassin can easily connect with Camby James, followed closely by Boomer's feint support..." Zhuang Xuteng frowned and thought for a moment, then relaxed his brows and said, "I understand. Let's all agree: no We went to rescue Bullmore, but we don’t know what happened to him next. We are looking for a new blaster, but we feel that Bullmore is not safe and may cause trouble."

Lucy nodded and said: "For now, let's do this, just as you said: act as if nothing happened. However, with your face and the injuries on your body, can you act as if nothing happened?"

"Contact a reliable implant doctor for me, and I will replace the reinforcements in both ears. Instead of repairing one side, I will replace both ears together." Zhuang Xuteng touched the ravine on his head with his fingers and said, "As for this part, pretend What do you think of a synthetic communications antenna?"

"It should be okay. Anyway, you are not handsome to begin with, so it would be nice to be in shape. But what about the other injuries on your body?"

"It can be restored. I still have quick recovery nutrient solution at home - thanks to you searching everywhere." Zhuang Xuteng pointed to the car: "You should also find a way to deal with this. The dismantled parts need to be completely destroyed. It is best to melt them into molten iron. To If you modify it, modify the entire vehicle and never apply patches.”

"I'll make the arrangements and supervise myself." Lucy frowned and said, "Leave the car and Boomer to me, and you take care of yourself. But that body..."

"Find a car to take me home, and I will pack at home. In addition, the implant doctor also went to my house. He has confirmed the implantation of both ears and the buried communication in the skull. These are easy to buy now. Spend more money, I think Enjoy door-to-door service.”

Lucy lowered her head and looked at her watch and said: "Okay. I will arrange to send you back right now, and the implant doctor will be downstairs at your house within an hour and a half. The surgery will be performed on the basis of your previous implant. If everything goes well, it will hopefully be completed within two hours. Do you have any other requirements?"

"If the two sisters come back, ask them to go to my house to find me. When one comes back, I will need their help. After the operation, I need their help." Zhuang Xuteng made a cross-cutting gesture, indicating "dismemberment."

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