Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 394 Chapter 391 You pour yours, I steal mine

When the news came that Director Pace was attacked again, Zhuang Xuteng and his team were preparing for action, and Morgana was among them. Their target was the "Friendly Treasury Asset Investment Company" located in Shangcheng District. Its surface business was to provide guaranteed loans, but its actual business was to launder money and handle some stolen goods for the Canghuo Gang.

The investment company has established a quite complete business network through equity participation, including pawns, mortgages, auctions, leasing and re-guarantees. It uses these channels to carry out a complete set of complex operations, turning the gang's gray and black income into Legal funds recognized by banks are then invested in higher-level financial markets. Part of the funds flowed to Dingxin Magic, the parent company of the Canghuo Gang. While the Canghuo Gang collects protection fees, they also have to pay protection fees. He is indeed not the producer of protection money, just a porter.

Generally speaking, the money laundering industry requires that black money be digested and disposed of as soon as possible after it comes in, and will not be accumulated and stored in large quantities at its headquarters. The same is true for Friendly Treasury. However, after they complete the money laundering, in addition to creating a series of numbers in the banking system, they will also exchange some valuable instruments, such as withdrawal certificates, convertible bonds, bearer certificates of deposit, etc. Because of its special characteristics other than currency, platinum coins will also be hoarded. These are Zhuang Xuteng's goals.

For this operation, Zhuang Xuteng had been investigating next to the Friendly Treasury for three days, changing his identity through disguise each time. He made a plan to do it in the evening when they got off work. After the team members gathered together, they rented two rooms in a hotel two hundred meters away from the Friendly Treasury. They gave a lot of tips and asked the waiter to put the beds into one room and change the other into a card room. They made a gesture of having fun playing cards here and not letting anyone disturb them so that they could carry out operations here.

"Pace is not dead. He was shot four times, all of which missed his vital points. He is at the Second Hospital and has regained consciousness." Morgana put down her phone and told Zhuang Xuteng the news. "He was really lucky, but the quality of his implant was very good, which is why he survived."

"Not dead? What kind of implant did he use?" Ge Gongdao pointed his finger at his chest and said, "I saw the TV picture. He was shot four times in the chest, but all the vital parts were avoided?"

"I don't know the specific model, but I'm sure it's not a civilian armor skin on the market, at least it's military grade." Morgana said, "Now I know that Pace was in a car accident when he was a child, and his entire chest collapsed, and all of them were modified with implants. The functional implant is too heavy for a child and difficult to replace, so his family used an armored implant for him - to put it simply, it is not only strong but also strong."

"It's also his good luck." Zhuang Xuteng frowned slightly, thought about it carefully, and said: "His survival will be of great benefit to the PCPD, especially it proves that the PCPD is indeed fighting bravely against extremely vicious enemies. The Constitutional City Government will increase its efforts to With the investment of the PCPD, this is a good opportunity for Pace himself. Hum, I even think that he might have arranged this shooting himself."

Ge Gongdao shook his head and said: "No, I don't want to. I watched the news footage. The gunman's hands were shaking a little when he was shooting. It couldn't have been arranged by him. If I want to find someone to act in such a play, I will definitely Find someone who can shoot accurately."

"Oh, it turns out there is this detail. I didn't look carefully. It seems that Pace is just lucky." Zhuang Xuteng spread his brows, smiled, and said: "It doesn't matter if you are lucky or unlucky, as long as you are not smart and vicious. Just people will do. Over in Pace, we have the PCPD and gangs to worry about, so let’s just concentrate on the operation!”

Nightingale secretly glanced at Morgana, then nodded and said: "For safety reasons, I would like to go over the plan again, okay?"

Zhuang Xuteng nodded, he understood Nightingale's intentions. Nightingale must have thought that Morgana, who was participating in the mercenary mission for the first time, was a little too nervous. She was worried that this nervousness would cause problems, so she thought that going through the mission a few more times and allowing Morgana to focus on her role could effectively relieve the tension.

But what Morgana showed was not nervousness—at least not the kind of nervousness that worried her about not performing well. Zhuang Xuteng understood Morgana's thoughts and thought that she had suddenly changed from a law enforcement PCPD to a trainee mercenary robber. The change in identity made her excited and anxious, so she seemed very uncomfortable with it.

"It's okay to go through it again." Zhuang Xuteng said: "This mission is divided into three areas. A group of Holy Light Witches will observe the situation in the hall, find an opportunity to meet with today's manager on duty, and finally control him and get his key. Nightingale and Dao Ge are a team, responsible for peripheral security monitoring, intercepting their signals for help, and being ready to respond at any time. Yanque, this time you got your wish, follow me to perform infiltration activities. You are responsible for invading the network from the inside, and I am responsible for cleaning up The way to the vault. After Morgana gets the key, open the vault with us. After that, we will transport out the valuable things inside. Priority is given to platinum coins and various securities."

"It doesn't sound very technical." Morgana sighed and said, "This plan feels like rushing in, smashing the window with a hammer, taking the contents and running away... that is, the PCPD doesn't care about it right now. Well, the Canghuo Gang in this area is also a bit short of manpower, otherwise there would be no chance of success."

"Haha, the plan does sound rough, but it doesn't need to be particularly sophisticated. The more sophisticated the plan, the more interconnected it is, the worse the ability to withstand accidents. More people are more powerful, but many things are complicated. , is also the same truth." Zhuang Xuteng grabbed Morgana's hand and said: "The plan is simple, execution depends on ability. If the ability is strong enough, it will look wonderful in the end; if the ability is not strong, even if it succeeds, it will look like a goal. Quite a steal.”

"Okay, I have no experience in this area, so I'll listen to you." Morgana shook Zhuang Xuteng's hand and told him not to worry about herself.

Seeing this scene, Ge Gongdao pinched his nose and resisted rolling his eyes. What does it mean to be inexperienced? This is not the first time for the Saint of Light to take action. She also infiltrated with them to search for the blue savages, and a battle broke out during the process. Co-author Morgana only remembers Zhuang Xuteng, but forgets me, Brother Dao, and Otter? Alas, you, PCPD, just act like Nightingale and Rock Bird. I don’t know what the use of acting like this is.

Zhuang Xuteng smiled and patted the back of Morgana's hand. Judging from her behavior of saying the wrong thing just now, Morgana is still a little nervous and her brain is a little weak. But it doesn't matter. When the action is going on, everyone is in the communication channel and can relieve the final tension through chatting and cheering and encouragement. As long as we all look out for each other, this can be done.

"Okay, start checking the disguise, take action in an hour!"

The time came to 4:30 in the afternoon, and there was still an hour before the closing time of the Friendly Treasury. Morgana walked in after putting on makeup. She wore mourning clothes and covered her face with black gauze, which could naturally hide her facial information and pave the way for her subsequent actions.

She came here nominally for an account belonging to her husband. This account was opened by Yanque a week ago. It is an investment account, and 30,000 euros were put into it. Some middle-level and above-level gang members will hand over their laundered money to friendly treasury operations and make some long-term investment projects, such as pensions and unemployment deposits. As a new widow, Morgana wanted to withdraw the money from her account, which was one of the options prohibited when the account was set up.

Therefore, she will have some conflicts with the clerk in front of her, and then she will ask to go up, preferably to be invited into the office of the manager on duty today. Zhuang Xuteng and Nightingale have already investigated the information system of the vault. The two of them can solve it. The physical key required to open the vault is always on the duty manager.

When Morgana started to take action, Zhuang Xuteng and Yanque also took action. Their target was the rest area on the fourth floor of the financial company, and they planned to jump in through the window. As long as you enter here, you will be inside it, and then connect to the internal network from here, and then go all the way down to meet Morgana and the key.

Jumping out of a window doesn't sound easy, but it's actually even harder. Youhao Treasury Company has a total of five floors. This height is nothing in Peicheng, but it actually stands out from the crowd. Around the Friendly Vault, at least within a radius of two hundred meters, its height had no rival. Especially the buildings adjacent to it are all small shops and food stores with one or two floors, mainly selling light luxury items and focusing on the atmosphere when purchasing.

These buildings were not designed to allow people to jump into the building's windows - then again, which building would consider this? However, Friendly Treasury has also considered the problem of theft, and has installed anti-theft bars on every window. They are steel bars as thick as a thumb, which are enough for ordinary thieves.

However, having such bars on all windows does not comply with fire safety regulations and must allow for emergency access. This passage is arranged in the form of a hidden lock on the window of the lounge. It faces the parking lot behind the company, making it convenient for fire trucks to set up ladders. This direction is very empty, not close to any building, and the lounge is also a smoking area, so the windows here are always open.

Zhuang Xuteng had to take Yanque to jump from the roof on the side, pass around the corner of the building, climb on the anti-theft railing of the window, then open the secret lock and get in through the window - this was not easy. Normal people can't find the take-off angle at all, and they can't control the impact of the last moment they grab the window railing. But...if you master the levitating technique of changing direction in the air, the difficulty will be greatly reduced.

"Although you are tied up with a tandem skydiving device, you still have to hold on to my shoulders. Well, lie on my back. You can reach around the front to hold your hands, but don't strangle my neck or affect me. Shoulders. If our movements are affected and we cannot grasp the railing, we will be shaken violently when we land, and that will not be a pleasant experience."

The rock bird was lying on Zhuang Xuteng's back, its head resting on his neck, secretly sniffing his scent. When she heard Zhuang Xuteng calling her, she blushed for a moment, and then pretended to be calm and said: "Don't worry, I closed my eyes and stiffened all over, pretending that I didn't know anything."

"It's also a way." Zhuang Xuteng knew that the floating technique was contrary to human common sense of balance and would definitely cause discomfort, so closing his eyes and pretending to be dead was also a way. "Don't be nervous, your heartbeat was not stable just now. I will inform you before taking off, don't be afraid."

"Can you hear my heartbeat?"

"Yes. My senses are relatively sharp. In fact, I can hear not only the heartbeat, but also bowel sounds." Zhuang Xuteng immediately made a gesture of silence, and then used tactical sign language to tell her that there was someone nearby, and be careful not to be exposed.

Yanque's little move was almost discovered by Zhuang Xuteng, and a guilty conscience was an inevitable sign. Fortunately, her professional ability was not bad, and she immediately adjusted her mood and state to cooperate with Zhuang Xuteng's actions. The two of them first hid in the shadow of the building and waited for Zhuang Xuteng to listen to the situation in the lounge.

Every boss wants his employees to work 24 hours a day, and the workload will be arranged to the limit. As employees, the closer we get to get off work, the more nervous we become. Everyone wants to complete the work before the deadline and leave the company on time to avoid being "temporarily assigned tasks" by the boss again. At this time, the lounge of the Friendly Treasury is always empty, which has been repeatedly confirmed in previous investigations. The main thing they need to avoid are passers-by on the other side of the parking lot.

When the opportunity came, Zhuang Xuteng did not forget to inform Yanque, and then began to run, accumulate strength, and take off. With the help of the implant, Zhuang Xuteng took off with weight and could rise about three stories high. This height was enough for him to perform three or four changes of direction using the levitation spell, avoiding as many windows as possible and reaching their target.

Iwajak actually closed her eyes, and she was glad she did. The change in the levitating technique made her feel sick to her stomach, her ears were ringing, and her head felt dizzy. This was a symptom of losing her balance. She hugged Zhuang Xuteng tightly and pressed her nose and mouth against his back, pretending to be covering her mouth and nose and suppressing her voice. In her heart, she had given her life to Zhuang Xuteng and was ready to let him do whatever he wanted. However, these messy thoughts had just burst out, and the flight time was up. Zhuang Xuteng firmly grasped the railing and lay on the wall like a spider.

The distance is not that far in total, and we are not traveling by plane, so there is no time for random thoughts.

Zhuang Xuteng showed his usual professional attitude, using the levitating technique to complete the leap, using super-calculated martial arts to stabilize his body, and the tentacles of the vengeful servant had already reached into the keyhole. The tentacle can deform according to Zhuang Xuteng's will, and coupled with the powerful tactile perception brought by Qishuang, it is like a master key, directly imitating the key teeth.

Generally, the force required to open a lock is very small, and the Wraith Servant can provide it. This kind of lock is no longer difficult for Zhuang Xuteng. However, large physical locks, especially heavy locks like those in vaults that are integrated with the door, are beyond the capabilities of the Wraith Servant. Zhuang Xuteng was always cautious and did not dare to gamble with the vault door, so he still needed the help of the vault key and the manager on duty.

The secret lock set on the window railing was opened by the resentful spirit servant. Zhuang Xuteng then wrapped the railing with resentful spirit jelly and pulled it open. It is rarely opened and exposed to rain and sun, so it is expected that it may make squeaking noises when moving. Wraith Jelly uses the vibration of the railing as an attack force to resolve it, which can play a role in sound insulation.

"Buzz..." The final sound was slightly louder than the mosquito's harassment. The two people got in through the railing, restored the railing, and then got into the tea room. Zhuang Xuteng took shelter here temporarily and listened to the communication, while the rock bird had opened its head shell and began to search for surrounding intranet signals.

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