Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 364 Chapter 361 Fenrun

As Nightingale got into the car, the team members gathered together again, and all the intelligence information about the mission was gathered. Since this operation not only involves rescuing the Seven, but also guiding Lucy to attack the Cemetery Gang's training base and trap masters, the two sisters are each responsible for one aspect: Rockbird ensures battlefield communications, and Nightingale establishes a tactical command center.

"After you evacuate, the attack has already begun - Brother Dao, don't drive so fast, let them fight by themselves for a while." Nightingale reached out to touch her sister's cheek, her eyes full of endearment. When she took back her hand and looked at Zhuang Xuteng, her expression became serious again. "There are a lot of middlemen here this time, and they don't want the Cemetery Gang to train trap masters."

"Other middlemen are here too? I thought they were Lucy's other mercenaries!" Zhuang Xuteng scratched his head and said: "Although eliminating the trap master is what everyone wants to do, this common interest is not enough As for letting others show their true abilities. Has Lucy spent money outside?"

Nightingale shrugged, spread her hands, and said, "I don't know about that."

"I can guess a little bit." Gogongdao said: "As long as Lucy can prove that there are trappers in the Cemetery Gang's base, and there are many guys who threaten the middleman-mercenary industry, then she can initiate a split Operation Corpse. Anyone who comes here will steal what they own. Lucy only needs to provide guarantee and intelligence support."

"Dismemberment? I like this name - it's best to completely dismember the Cemetery Gang, even if this is just my fantasy." Zhuang Xuteng sighed and said: "Brother Dao, this dismemberment operation is guaranteed by Sister Lucy Yes, she is the initiator. Has the Cemetery Gang found out this information?"

"I participated in a dismemberment operation, which was against the custody warehouse of Tuoxin Trust. From the perspective of the participants, we don't know who the mastermind is at all. We can only know that at most six middlemen provide support for the operation. We are the vanguard. The troops know more, but this is also part of the guarantee. People who enter later will not know."

"Oh, then I feel more relieved." Zhuang Xuteng breathed a sigh of relief. He is willing to cause some trouble for the Cemetery Gang, but does not like to be troubled by the Cemetery Gang. This selfish emotion is shared by everyone. As long as Lucy's secret as the mastermind can be hidden, the initiative in the matter has not been lost. "Brother Dao, what is the purpose of the dismemberment operation you mentioned?"

"It is said that a piece of data on the true identity of the mercenaries was obtained by the people of Tuoxin Trust, and it must be snatched back or destroyed - I don't know how the list leaked out, and I don't know that the people of Tuoxin Trust did it on purpose. It was unintentional. In short, hundreds of people attacked his safekeeping warehouse and looted everything before the riot squad arrived."

"Yes, the riot control unit..." Zhuang Xuteng thought for a while and asked, "Nightingale, where is the riot unit and when will it arrive? Where are the reinforcements from the Cemetery Gang?"

"You don't have to ask Nightingale!" Brother Dao smiled and waved his hand and said, "If your territory is attacked, go to the riot squad. Do you want the Cemetery Gang to hang out? No matter how the fight ends, the Cemetery Gang will not They will call the police! By the way, even if they call the PCPD or the riot squad, those guys would like the mercenaries and the gangs to fight more fiercely, and they will not come out if they drag their feet. This gang cannot compete with financial institutions. I understand. ?"

Zhuang Xuteng slapped his head and said, "I'm so stupid. Why don't I understand this simple truth?"

"Because you are not in the task state." Nightingale snapped her fingers and said, "Oh, I almost forgot about it when I cleared the memory just after handing over the work. Sister, use the PE protocol to connect to Jump 3B channel, Operation Dismemberment can take over the mission there.”

"Why let me do it? Aren't you more skilled?"

"I just came out from there. I don't want to be recognized." Nightingale poked her sister's forehead with her finger and said, "Don't be lazy, hurry up!"

Now that a collective task has been completed, it involves division of labor and coordination, and mercenaries cannot be allowed to go to war with each other. Through the explanations of Nightingale and Ge Gongdao, the specific implementation method of the dismemberment operation became clear. There are two ways to obtain rewards.

One is the assignment of tasks that must be completed, which is conducted in the form of drawing lots. Which area or what kind of task is drawn depends on luck. This kind of assigned task first gets a fixed commission, and then you can also get a part of the additional compensation from the total income, which is called "performance". This part of the mission is set up to ensure that the target base is surrounded, and its reward pool is provided by several middlemen. In practice, Lucy actually assumed most of the capital pool in the form of a personal guarantee.

There is a rule in the business of mercenaries and middlemen: the more you bear, the more dividends you get. If the mission is successful, Lucy can also get a big share of the profits during post-processing of loot, sale of stolen goods, money laundering and other operations. This includes spread income, fee income and more sinister "corruption" income. If the mission fails or the threats Lucy claims are not discovered, then she will have to bear the costs alone, as well as the risks that may follow.

The second task of the mercenaries is to play freely. The better they do and the more they find, the greater the loot will be. If the Cemetery Gang's warehouse can be discovered, whoever arrives first will put the seal on it. Those who arrive later do not have a share, but they have to provide protection, transportation, hiding and other help, and then they have the right to share the dividends.

In order to avoid embezzlement and mutual conflagration, there is usually a registration service in the dismemberment mission. The mercenary who discovered something good immediately reported it to the mission center through the communication system, which was regarded as "taking advantage of the trap". If subsequent people want to rob, they will be jointly wanted by the middlemen. Providers of services such as protection, transportation, and concealment who want to receive dividends must also register with the mission center, otherwise the owner of the loot may not recognize it. This situation of "taking advantage of the pit" will be broadcast on the mission channel so that the mercenaries can have a choice and better keep the loot.

On the other hand, if you want to keep something for yourself without reporting it, you have to rely on your own ability to protect it. If other mercenaries also see this good thing and check that there is no record of "taking advantage of it", then I'm sorry. Whether an accident occurs next depends on the moral level, and the mercenary relationship code will not provide protection. .

Generally speaking, everyone still likes to occupy pits, unless it is something that is easy to carry and hide, and is of great value. A house full of gold must be reported and accounted for, but a bag of diamonds may not be. Especially mercenaries who have their own cheap channels for selling stolen goods can make more money this way. But the risks brought by selling stolen goods must be borne by the mercenaries themselves.

This mercenary-middleman industry has developed to today's scale and has formed many effective systems and rules. To put it bluntly, these are all summed up after countless people died, countless things were broken, and countless money was lost. It is definitely not perfect, but it is good enough.

"We are late. The cemetery gang's big house has been divided, and the surrounding land has been scraped. The only fixed tasks left are reconnaissance and blocking of reinforcements." Yanque connected to the radio station with a communication tentacle, searched for information in the encrypted channel, and registered Position. "The fixed mission must be accepted. We have been assigned to a defense area, which is at XXX. Brother Dao, we will get off the highway in a moment. We have to turn southeast - I will show you the way."

"Okay, it's all a trivial matter." Ge Gongdao looked at the fuel tank. The car was full of fuel and could still run a long way and a long time. "After leaving the highway, you need to go off-road. It will be very bumpy. You all should sit tight and fasten your seat belts!"

The work of detecting and intercepting reinforcements is not very profitable, and can be said to be the most marginal work. Most of the mercenaries who receive this job will only complete the first one, which is investigation. As for intercepting reinforcements? The reinforcements that can come are to deal with the trouble at the training base, and their strength will not be weak. How can ordinary mercenaries risk their lives to intercept them here?

A few of them thought so at first. Arrive at the designated location, report to the mission center, and then wait and rest in the wilderness, waiting for the action team at the mansion to complete the mission. Zhuang Xuteng and others came here mainly to make some money. Those with high risks will get more money, and those with low risks will get less money. There is essentially no difference. But just when a few people thought that the night would pass easily, the roar of a helicopter came towards them from far away.

The first person to hear and identify the sound of the helicopter was Ge Gongdao. He confirmed that it was a Karachi-52c high-speed business helicopter flying alone. The propeller sound of this kind of aircraft is very unique. It is probably a regular mixture of "swish-buzz-buzz" sounds, so it is easy to identify. It has strong level flight capabilities and fairly average climbing capabilities, making it more suitable for quick commuting between two locations. There are some short-distance business helicopter flights in Peicheng and neighboring cities, and there are also some celebrities, dignitaries or business people who like this high-speed helicopter.

He quickly reported to the mission center to confirm that the helicopter was not his own. The mission center then inquired about the information network in Peicheng - this part of the information was collected by the intelligence officers of various intermediaries - they were 90% sure that the helicopter belonged to the Cemetery Gang and was probably coming to pick up important people.

So a new mission was released: shoot down or track helicopters and find important people. Zhuang Xuteng saw that Yanque was on the phone with the mission center and couldn't be separated, so he asked Nightingale to find another line to contact Lucy, or to contact Meteor.


"Has the trapper been found?"

If it were anyone else, Lucy would not pay attention at all, let alone provide this important information, but Zhuang Xuteng and his team knew the inside story of the operation, after all, it was different. News came back that the trapper had been captured and trapped, and there was a good chance of being captured alive. However, during the operation, they learned that there were two eight-headed elders from the Cemetery Gang in the mansion, who had been hiding and have not been found yet. These two eight-headed elders probably knew about it and even carried high-value items. Everyone was rummaging through boxes and cabinets to find clues about them.

Tracking the helicopter would most likely lead them to the Eight-Headed Elder, but a group of four people plus the White Beast armored vehicle would definitely not be able to avoid the observation of the helicopter. After discovering them, will the Cemetery Gang still go to pick up the Eight-Head Elder as originally planned? Zhuang Xuteng thinks this possibility is very low. After thinking briefly, he immediately asked Gogongdao to drive as close to the helicopter as possible while he went to the roof of the car to prepare to bring down the helicopter.

"No problem!" Ge Gongdao turned his head, listened to the sound to identify the location, recalled the helicopter's flying speed, and then drove to "intercept". He was curious about how Zhuang Xuteng attacked the aircraft. He guessed that he might have thrown grenades or palm fire, and used the implant to charge up and jump to close the distance. Shadow guns are ineffective against helicopters unless they can penetrate the cockpit glass and hit the pilot.

"Generally, aircraft do not use armored glass, but not necessarily the Cemetery Gang. It is very likely that its entire fuselage is armored!" Ge Gongdao was driving while talking about the situation of the helicopter on the communication channel. "The aiming point is pointed with the nose of the aircraft, and the main driving position is on the right side. There is an observation glass under the pilot, and you can attack from the bottom up."

"The two of us can try to interfere with the aircraft's electronic system, but we have to wait until it gets close, so the time and effect are limited." The two sisters, Nightingale and Yanque, joined hands. They both opened their heads and stretched out their probing tentacles. They were face to face, with several tentacles entangled together, and other tentacles stretched out from the car window, pointing to the sky and the direction where the helicopter might come.

Zhuang Xuteng also showed his true skills, clasped his hands together and began to accumulate mana. After shooting through the black gel man with one shot, Zhuang Xuteng verified the armor-piercing ability of the bone spear technique at its maximum power. This power is not without combat effectiveness when facing helicopters. And the person he wants to target is not the pilot - whether it is the armored glass that is likely to exist or the potential co-pilot, it will affect the results of his shooting. If you really want to attack, and you only have one shot, then attack the enemy's vital points.

Helicopter rotor.

The sound of "whoosh, buzz, buzz, buzz" gradually got closer and louder, but the sky was dark and there was no trace of the helicopter. Obviously, the helicopter turned off its direction lights and would not use flashing red, green and white signal lights to mark its position and attitude. If it has such preparations, it is more likely to prepare armor protection in advance. However, no matter how much armor is added to the helicopter, the movable parts where the rotor and the fuselage are connected cannot be armored anyway.

"Don't be nervous. The cockpit can't be dark. The pilot always looks at the instrument panel." Ge Gongdao turned off the car lights and stopped the car to give Zhuang Xuteng a quieter and darker environment. "Close your eyes first, then open them, and get used to the darkness."

The starry sky is bright tonight, and the helicopter is coming from Peicheng. The skyline over there is illuminated by the city line. Neon lights and spotlights directed high into the sky are pollution. Zhuang Xuteng took a closer look over there, closed his eyes, and then opened them again. Not only did he adjust the condition of his pupils, he also compared the new picture with the old picture just now...

He found the slight change, and then stared intently to find the cockpit light floating in the sky. The Karachi-52c habitually did not fly too high, only fifty meters above the ground. It's really fast, and it's almost impossible to chase it by car.

"Here we come." Zhuang Xuteng gathered the mana between his fingers and charged the implant at the same time. He uses super-computing martial arts to predict the time and location of the helicopter's arrival, just like calculating the high-speed fists of the enemy. Suddenly, he released the power of his legs, kicked off the roof of the armored vehicle, and jumped into the air with a whoosh.

The white beast's whole body shook, and the springs continued to expand and contract, consuming the impact force. Ge Gongdao stuck his head out of the car window and looked up. He saw Naike reaching a height of about seven or eight floors, clasping his hands and stretching them forward.

A gray light flew out from his fingertips, pulling out a gray light trail. It drew an arc in the air, chasing the direction of the helicopter's sharp turn.

Accurately hits the root of the rotor, penetrates and crushes it. Ge Gongdao was extremely excited. He knew that such destruction would be absolutely fatal.

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